You're Worth It.A Story by MetBySunlight
Being a teenager is hard; there is no doubt about it. It's when we realise our hearts can break into multiple pieces, over and over again. It's when we feel pressured into finding that special someone and rush into things, heading straight for heart break and there is no going back. We come to the conclusion that fairytales missed the important details, like how I feel, and even how you are feeling right this second. Though for now we'll continue to tell our children lies, but only until they grow up and realise for themselves that true love only exists in fairytales. So why have I found that I just want to make you smile? Please tell me, what will make you smile? Lord God, let it be... Let it be... Let it be... You let me scratch the surface of what love on Earth is and now I don't want it to end. Let it be... Let it be... Let it be. I think I've found my boy, my own Prince Charming. Eyes so blue I could get lost in those plumes of colour that, from where I stood, appeared to be waves. I can hear the ocean. Or is that our heartbeat? Sail to the island where there are no trolls to try and break us apart. There's just love here. Love, love, love, oh sweet love. Let it be... Let it be... Let it be... They say that no boy can rip your heart in two if you act as if you do not have one. Well my bad, I already gave my heart away. My heart belongs to my Prince Charming, my boy. I hope it's mutual. Yeah, I really hope he feels the same way too. Let it be... Let it be... Let it be... She only wanted you to think she looked nice, only wanted you to glance her way and actually see, not look passed her. She covered up to hide scars that were so plainly obvious to her eyes, but so invisible to those around her. They were oblivious. That hood was used to hide her tears when she saw him walk straight passed her and look through her, only to hug that s**t, instead of noticing the one who seems to always smile at him no matter what mood was set. He hadn't even realised the beauty that radiated off her. He didn't even know she existed. She knew this, but was in the process of convincing herself he was worth the wait. She could wait for him. Forever, if she must. Then maybe she too could wander too far in the forests he seemed to hold in those eyes. You see that girl? She hadn't looked at you as you two passed each other, not because she did not notice you. It was because she was too afraid of being caught watching you. She was afraid what you may have thought, but too many thoughts were already running through your head that it wouldn't have mattered either way. But her scent, yeah it caught you off guard. Her beauty was like perfume, the strongest but most pleasant perfume you would ever smell. If only she'd look up. Yeah, you met the one, but she seemed to fade before your eyes. She was afraid... Afraid to look up and meet your eyes, afraid that you would be looking the other way... She was afraid to hold hands, to open up, to commit, to love... She was afraid. She'd been hurt too many times to recall, seemed to go out with boys she thought she loved, and fought passed the pain that enveloped her inside, she built walls and painted smiley faces for all to see. They thought she was happy... Happy... If only... She cried, "If only! But they do not see! They are blind or maybe these walls really are visible! Maybe this smile I've glued to my face really was the perfect fit after all!" But darling, let me tell you. No smile is perfect unless it's true. You're beautiful, why can't you see? We all think you are beautiful! You see those girls over there? Yeah they wish they were as pretty as you! While you wished you were as pretty as them... True love exists, in fairytales and even in your life. You just haven't found it yet. Don't worry, there is time. So just take your time because life is too short to rush into things. We all make mistakes, you are not alone. Just promise me on this; do not make a promise you cannot ground, and if you do not love someone, then don't pretend you do! Pinky promise me on that darling, please, just prove to her or him that you're different from what they've experienced in the past. Just appreciate what you have now instead of what you've had. Life's too short to rush into things, but everyone makes mistakes. I make mistakes. You make mistakes. We all make mistakes. Would it make sense if I say that it's normal to be different? It's normal to feel a little jealousy when your boyfriend or girlfriend hugs another person, talks to another person. It's normal to find it hard to act yourself around certain people you do not feel comfortable with. It's normal to have days where you two can't seem to talk so you just sit in silence... It's completely fine to say no and turn your head. Don't feel pressured. Don't ever allow them to think you're not worth it. There will be someone... soon... you will have someone... Because true love exists; in fairytales and in your life. A Knight may not save you from the dragon, nor will an old lady give you a poisoned apple, and you will not be invited to a Prince's ball. But you will find the right boy... You will find the right girl... Just be patient. Do not rush into things, because seventy years may seem like a long time and a good age to die, but when it comes down to it, the years just pass you by. Let them know you for who you are, not for who you're trying to be. Act yourself and if people look in disgust, they are not worth your time. Focus on the people who still remain when you're at your worst. They're worth it. You are worth it.
MetBySunlight. (:
© 2012 MetBySunlightAuthor's Note
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