Words from the heart.

Words from the heart.

A Poem by Maria

Just poured out what was in mind and in my heart, and you are welcomed to read and enjoy.

Am not into jewelry or make up,
and will not die without them.
I do take showers, at least
twice a day, if not more,
whenever I can.
Used to hate dresses, but now
I actually wear a few.
Cannot wear high heels,
and do not care to do so.
Am not refined, as others are,
but do my best to look, ok.
Like pants and shorts,
alongside t shirts.
Love wearing sandals
and tennis shoes,
unless I want to be bare foot. 
Am good at blending colors,
and hate fancy places.
Prefer eating at McDonald,
verses going to expensive places.
Do not fuss over Valentines Day,
and do not care for a box
of chocolates; as for Roses,
maybe one or two but not the 
Scary movies are not my thing,
prefer, adventure and a tiny
bit of suspense, other wise,
am a Fast and Furious Chic.
Am ok with small, living places,
do not care, for big, wide spaces.
As long as it offers, the warmth
of a home, that would be 
enough for me.
Gap and Old Navy,
are great brands,
but my budget is too low,
so I go to Walmart or even Target,
and any other random places.
Love to read tons of books,
from Fiction, to Romance,
mixed with murder and 
unsolved cases.
Never been on a date, and 
in the end, prefer simple things.
Love to write, from my heart,
yet some days, my mind 
does not work.
Not perfect at writing,
prose, but in the end,
I do not really care.
If you hate, seeing 
grammatical errors,
and or missing punctuation marks,
than, I must ask your 
humbled pardon,
as this keyboard is not truly my own.
So I do my best for now, in hopes
to share, my inner most thoughts,
that come from my heart.
A drive to the country side, 
is something I would enjoy,
the scenery brings me peace.
The Ocean tends to call to me,
as much as the shifting sands.
My life is constantly changing,
and my journey has not ended
Friendships I do value, those that
truly take the time of day,
to check up on you, from time to time,
tend to bring a smile, upon my face.
Trials we face, each new day,
yet if in the end, you still remain,
know that you are not alone.
I am not holy nor a saint,
but God has kept me, as I am.
May never meet society's standard,
in regards to how I should look and or dress,
but I care not, to seek its approval,
if you choose to Love me,
or not, I will always await,
with an open heart to welcome those,
that in truth seek a Loving friend.

© 2017 Maria

My Review

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I believe you are a wonderful woman.
"if you choose to Love me,
or not, I will always await,
with an open heart to welcome those,
that in truth seek a Loving friend."
The above lines. Need and want of the all of us. Thank you Maria for sharing the amazing poetry.

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Good introduction to all your intricacies & interests & beliefs. I did not relate as much to the early parts where you describe yourself in terms of the outer stuff of life -- to me, this does not really draw a personalized portrait of a knowable touchable human being. I don't care about shopping or chores or whatever, so I don't want to be defined by such things. I realize I'm different this way. I see on Facebook that many people love to share these kinds of everyday details about boring life stuff. But to me, your poem becomes much more interesting when you get a little deeper into showing us yourself, starting with: "Never been on a date" and going on until the end. This is the best strongest most relatable part of your introduction. And I'm always interested in getting to know more about you, so thanks for sharing.

Posted 7 Years Ago

Probably my favourite poem of yours. I love the clear and direct approach and forthright tone.

"As long as it offers the warmth of a home, that would be enough for me"

That's a really beautiful line, thank you for sharing this, keep it up :)

Posted 7 Years Ago

And you've found so many here! Maria, your self-description is accurate, and although you say you're okay with small living spaces, I don't see how they can contain that huge heart you have. You are a "catch", Maria, and as Etta James sang, so will you: "At last, my man has come along..."

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I believe you are a wonderful woman.
"if you choose to Love me,
or not, I will always await,
with an open heart to welcome those,
that in truth seek a Loving friend."
The above lines. Need and want of the all of us. Thank you Maria for sharing the amazing poetry.

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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4 Reviews
Added on July 17, 2017
Last Updated on July 17, 2017
Tags: friendship, loyalty, likes, dislikes, self worth, society



Fairfax, VA

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