Big Secret, Little Lie

Big Secret, Little Lie

A Story by Mercy

Only the lie of the beholder can know the truth, but will cover up as much as they can. Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth; only your imagination can keep you intact, the silent whistle making you insane, and the silent whisper drawing you out. What can you do?
    The leaves passing through and onto the slim river, the crackles of the leaves talking in your ears, silently when they gently hit each other; the kind cold wind against the skin, along with the grass dancing with it as if it’s having a competition, so blissfully sweet, that it makes your heart beat steadily.
    The heart beats as if it’s a slight ponder against the drum. Carefully and soft, then boom, the beat speeds up, it rushes higher and faster than ever before. Your mind is somewhere else, not understanding to know where you’re going, or rather the purpose. A strong faint sound triggered it, but you don’t know what it was. I didn't know what it was either until the agonizing pain I felt in my shoulder, which swiftly knocked me down onto the cold, hard dirt. With all my will and power I tried to at least crawl away, but the pain was too strong. The swift cold silence took over.
    The movements I feel against the ground, every rock and stick, I feel beneath my body. I can’t move, but I can feel the horrible, needle pricking pain at all measures of it. I see the sky above me, crystal blue, not a ball of white anywhere. I have not yet to have a reaction to any of this. As the drag goes longer, my hiraeth grows deeper. My emotions and fear have not appeared at all. Maybe this will be my metanoia, but we will see… I’m not thinking of what might happen to my being, but most people would be panicking at this point. It’s as ironic as drawing a tree on paper. Maybe it’s from already seeing it happen, or rather the lack of care and fear I behold…
     My mind continues off with all of my imaginations and thoughts, I feel my body finally stop. The drag is over, but the complications have only begun. A growl of talking amongst people started to occur, but I can’t see who it is. There’s ringing in my ears, then I hear the cracks of the leaves coming towards me. Hysterical laughter getting louder and louder, all of a sudden a woman appears above my face. Her breath reeked of liquor and cigarettes, her teeth showing from an awful huge smile, covered in yellow and grey, as if she’s never touched a toothbrush in her life. She’s at least sixty or at least looks of it. She begins to touch my face, as if she’s examining it. She puts her fingers in my mouth to see my teeth, her fingers tasted of dirt and iron. The woman begins to talk, her voice doesn't match her appearance, her tone is of a sweet old lady, but does not look like one. She tells someone in the distance “After I’m done, take her down to the shack with the other one, good job my son” and continues to examine me. She starts to trace her hands down my body, I start to mumble, trying to speak and ask what does she want from me, but sadly I couldn't get anything out.
    The woman rubs my thighs, very gently getting closer to the inner part. I attempt to move, but no use. Her hands go upwards and lift my shirt, covering my face and she’s tracing against my stomach, and above to my chest. She laughs again and speaks loudly, “She’s perfect. All the right pieces in all the right places, now take her son”. I attempt to speak again, to try at least get a sound out. She looks into my eyes and smiles. I try to scream, but not even a sound is able to get released. A big broad man came above me, and covered my mouth and says “Shhh. Don’t make momma angry” then a swift hit and I’m out.
    The throbbing against my head only hammers against my skull. I begin groaning and I began to move my head around slowly. I attempt to touch my eyes, but they’re bounded with cuffs against the wall. The dull black paint leaves a faint mark against my wrists, but if I only would struggle would it make it bruise. So I just stay here waiting and be stuck with my thoughts. I hear a faint “Hey” in the distance, but it’s too dark to come across who it is, but it sounded like my old best friend from high school, but she disappeared without a trace in sophomore year…no bye’s, no anything, just gone. Not even the police could find her. Then again, our police system was pretty bad, considering we only had five people on the force. Even the sheriff was having an affair with my mother; everyone knew it, but his wife. Quite funny actually, because my best friend was his daughter, we were the forbidden sisters of an unexpected family hidden in the deep.
    I began to chuckle at the little jokes we’d would make in class about how much our parents saw each other, and how clueless Alexis’s mom was; we didn't exactly care about our parents, but as long as they were happy and we were as well, that’s all that mattered. Alexis and I almost had every class with each other, except for out eighth period, she had Prep Squad and I had AP history. She was always my serendipity; she was my miracle to my life. As well I to hers, until she disappeared, I fell apart, dropped out of school even. Under all the stress of trying to find her, the only one in fact actually trying, I gave up everything, because it wasn't like her to just disappear and not say bye. Something happened and now look what happened. I’m chained to a wall, maybe my last day on this planet and I still haven’t found her…but it did show who actually cared about her and who didn't, even though I was the only one that didn't give up.
    Tears begin to run down my face, and I start to weep even more in remembrance of Alexis. I speak in a low tine, “I miss her…” and I lay my head against my chest. I hear the girl again still saying “hello” and I ask her nicely not to speak anymore because she reminds me of someone I love and miss. Then the girl says “You haven’t forgotten about me yet, have you? I missed you too”. I look up in shock
“Don’t play with me” I say
“I’m not playing with you. It’s me. Alexis” Says the girl
“No. it can’t be.”
“Ask me any question you want then.”
I had to think of something that only Alexis would know. Something that was only between her and I. I begin to growl and looked in the distance of where the voice comes from.
“What is my deepest darkest secret?”
“You told me on the top of your pickup truck, we were looking up at the stars and you randomly brought it up. Your deepest darkest secret is what you did last summer…”
I laugh softly, “Nice cheesy title line”
“I know, but seriously it’s what you did in the summer of freshman year.”
“Explain what I did then…”
“You told me that the last day we were let out from school that you were going to go to your boyfriend’s house. I told you to be careful and I said I had a bad feeling about it. I hugged you and you took off with a huge smile on your face. Later on in the night you called me. I came to pick you up and you were down the road, crying your eyes out. I get out of my car and I go to you, hugging you as tight as I could. You told me that you and him were sitting, smiling and laughing with each other. Cuddling next to the AC. He was kissing your neck and you felt his warm breath against your neck. Then he asked you the question.”
“What question…?”
“If he could have your virginity, Genesis.”
My eyes begin to water "How'd you know my name...?"
"Because I'm Alexis."
The sense of pain and desolation filled my entire body, questioning my very existence. Am I dreaming or am I just imaginating everything? Could it be her or am I just in bed or even at a crazy house and the nurse is going to wake me up any moment? Could this actually be my stop of my journey and I succeeded in my conquest?
    As the topple of words pile inside my mind, my physical self is quiet, and Alexis begins to speak again
”Genesis, are you okay?”
I slowly begin to speak “Yeah…a little astonished is all…”
”Well, I haven’t seen you in how long? Four years? I thought you were dead, you just randomly disappeared. I've been looking for you for four years and you ask why?!”
Silence is all I received, the anger that filled my whole body at the question. After a while, Alexis answered in a unsteady voice
”Like you said, four years. I've been locked in the hell hole for four damn years, Genesis. No connections, no way to get out, therefore no hope to be lifted. You can’t get mad at me, I didn't decide to leave. I was forced to.”
My anger steadily started to ease down at the sound of the unsteadiness of her voice, “I’m not mad, I was a little upset, but I never gave up hope. I knew you were out in the world somewhere, because I know it’s not like you to just get up and leave, especially without telling me.”
”Well, we’re stuck here now. It’s time to give up.”
”I won’t ever give up, especially now that I have found you.”
”Well, how are we suppose to get out? We have nothing to pick these chains with.”
”You don’t know what I’m capable of now. I learned a few things on my way.”
”What do you mean?” asked Alexis in a curious voice
”You’ll see.” I chuckle slightly
I began to struggle to get to my hair, feeling the dried blood, grainy dirt and crumpled leaves in my hair, searching for a bobby pin. I gently tug against my lip, focusing more in the matted jungle upon my scalp, as finally coming across the metal stick, I look up and find the key hole. In a few seconds I’m free from unlocking the tumblers. The excitement fills my veins and I drop to the floor. I head over to Alexis and the view of her face is amazement to my eyes. Her hair is as long as the floor, her skin as dark as dirt from not being bathed for who knows how long. I kiss her on the cheek and I say “We’re gonna get you out of here. I promise, even if it means risking my life.” She looks at me with tear filled eyes and smiles. I tippy-toe to my best ability and pick the locks on her chains. She falls to the floor onto her knees and feels the ground, then looks up at me. I help pick her up and we hug, the feeling of her in my arms, my sister. She’s back, finally after all these years. I grab her hands and begin to pull her with me, she rejects and I turn to her
”Why aren't you coming?”
”Genesis, I’m scared. I haven’t left this room for four years.”
I hug her and I say “Well, it’s time to live on the wild side.” I look in her brownish green eyes and kiss her forehead, grabbing her hands tightly, “You need to come, I've missed you so much, everyone misses you.” Alexis nods and grabs my hands just as tight, we head for the door and I listen against the chipped wood that looks like it’s been hit quite a few times. My heart beat is beginning to fasten, only to reveal the realization that my adrenaline is rising. I rest my ear gently against the wooden door and listen. I hear wheezing and the woman's voice, but I can’t hear what she’s saying. Alexis whispers to me “Do you hear anything?” I nod my head in response and put my finger against my lips. I look at her and think of a plan. I softly speak “Are you ready?”

© 2014 Mercy

Author's Note

It's not yet finished, as you can tell, but I need constructive criticism for this first part.

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Added on February 8, 2014
Last Updated on February 8, 2014



San Antonio, TX

I like to think that there's people out there that can take constructive criticism and take peoples opinions without getting offended and causing more chaos in the world that is not needed. The mind, .. more..

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