A love letter written by the supposedly 5 year old me
Dearest boy who shall be my prince charming,
I am writing to you though I have not seen you,
But I am sure that one day we will meet,
You will be the prince who saves me from the witch,
The one to break the spells bound unto me,
And the one I will live happily ever after with,
Because, it is love will grow between us...
I know that you are somewhere in this world,
And I want you to know that I am too,
By the time we meet,
We will be adults called Ladies and Gentlemen,
Oh... Do you have milk moustache like mine?
Are you wondering about me like I am about you?
Dear boy,
I just want you to know that...
I am trying to picture you,
Because only you will win my love,
And you must be very beautiful and special to me,
Who are you?
Are you Edward who sits next to me in class?
Or are you Siva who walks to school with me?
Perhaps the chinese boy in the bus who gives me his stickers?
Could you be that boy who helped me when I fell?
Well maybe you are airplanes and ships away...
So who would you be?
Whoever you are...
I know I will love you,
Like the fairy tales on t.v.
So dear boy, you will love me back won't you?
Will you be gentle and tender with my heart?
I believe you will.
You will also be the most special and beautiful person I'll ever meet,
And I know that you will be very nice and kind to me,
I believe in you...
Though I don't know who you are...
Because, they say love is beautiful and special,
So are you.
"I am writing to you though I have not seen you,
But I am sure that one day we will meet,
You will be the prince who saves me from the witch,
The one to break the spells bound unto me,
And the one I will live happily ever after with,
Because, it is love will grow between us..."
A lot of girls can relate. Every girl at least dreams of that once in their life time.
It runs smoothly, your words tend to flow very well. Thank you. Don't give up on writing. You have very good writing skills.
I enjoyed reading this poem, and also agree with the comments made in Jennifer's review. Weaknesses? Well, it did some rather mature, in view of the fact that this is supposed to represent a 5 year old child's perception of love and the world? Having said that, the references to fairytales, TV and wording such as "gentle", did remind me of childhood. Looking forward to more, my fellow artist!
"I am writing to you though I have not seen you,
But I am sure that one day we will meet,
You will be the prince who saves me from the witch,
The one to break the spells bound unto me,
And the one I will live happily ever after with,
Because, it is love will grow between us..."
A lot of girls can relate. Every girl at least dreams of that once in their life time.
It runs smoothly, your words tend to flow very well. Thank you. Don't give up on writing. You have very good writing skills.
An individual who dwells in a random state of mind with a complexity of colourful emotions. Indulges in personalisation and is naturally inclined to short attention span. more..