Chapter one of 666 - A search for life-

Chapter one of 666 - A search for life-

A Chapter by RoseTheWolfie

In a world over taken by "The disease" Kirana, a grey cat who's family was killed by the infected animals, Tries to make her way to a abandon town named Rascaan in search of a city of domestics.

kirana ran as fast as she could.  "What was that thing!?"  she thought as she ran.
Last night was a nightmare on earth.  She knew only two things now.
Her family was gone, and that she needed to get far away from that place she once called home.  Her tail was bloody, and one of her claws had been ripped out.  blood slipped from the pocket were her claw used to retract.

She suddenly stopped at the sight of a large brown wolf.  "h-hello?" she said, as her fur ruffled.  "D-Do you know the way to Rascaan?"  The wolf began to growl, and foam began to drip from his mouth.  "Are you alright?"  Kirana said putting her ear forward and arching her back.  The wolf did nothing but growl and lick the foam from it's mouth. 
Suddenly the wolf looked up.  it's eyes were red and dripping with blood.  "You look like-" Kiana didn't get to finish, for the wolf lunged at her.  she jumped out of the way just in time.  The wolf fell to the ground after it missed Kirana.  it layed there twitching before it went limp, foam still streaming out of its mouth. 

Kirana stared at the wolf before running.  "I had about enough of this. I just have to get to Rascaan." she said as she ran.

© 2014 RoseTheWolfie

My Review

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An interesting premise for a story.

Considering how short this is, there’s little room to get invested, and many questions? Where is Rascann? Why is she headed there? What is the reason for her journey? You mention this information in your author’s note, but it should be laced inside the story as well. What happened to the Wolf? It lunged at her, missed, and then just collapsed?

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thank you for your suggestions.
With your help, I will make the story much better.
I KNOW the chapters will be short.

Posted 9 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on November 2, 2014
Last Updated on November 2, 2014




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