Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by Mell

           It was such a cold November night. I was sitting at work watching the snow fall. Oh the drive home at midnight should be fun. I think the news said potential blizzard. I was about to send everyone home, I prefer working alone. As I sit in my office daydreaming about a hot summer day the smell of burning food and coffee brings me back to reality. I was on my way out to the floor to send the new teenage boy I just hired home when my phone starting going off. It was a new message request from some social media website. I decided to check it before sending the boy home.
       "Hi Noel. I'm not sure if you know of me and I'm pretty sure that you would not remember me. I'm your uncle Adam. You were about 3 years old the last time we saw each other. I was playing with you on the living room floor of your mother's apartment in Salem, NH. I found you on here about a year ago. I've been trying to find the right words to reintroduce myself to you. I've come to the conclusion that there are no "right" words. So I am simply reaching out to you in the hopes that you will respond. I hope that by me contacting you it does not upset you. That is not my intention. Love, uncle Adam"
        What the hell, I thought to myself. Is this someone's idea of a sick joke?! I quickly exit out of the messaging app and go back to my office. I get out my laptop and go on the website straight to messages. I have to figure this out. I click on his profile. He looks familiar in a I might of seen him in the grocery store once kind of way. Maybe some creepy perv was just trying to spook me. As I looked closer at his pictures I couldn't help but notice we had the same dimple on the right side of our cheeks. Odd. We also have the same almond shaped eyes and same exact eye color of sky blue. As well as the same ear shape, more rounded at the end. I decided to call my mother. I didn't know what else to do.
        "Hello Bud" my mother says.
        "Hey mum. How are you?"
        "Oh I'm good hun. Everything ok? You sound off tonight. Have you been sleeping?"
        I have such difficulty sleeping. I was actually diagnosed with insomnia a few years back. "Yes mum everything is ok. I just have an odd question. Do I have an uncle Adam?"
        She was silent for so long I checked my phone to make sure she didn't hang up on me.
       "Yes you do." She says after a minute. She sounds so distant and angry. "Why do you ask Noel?"
       I couldn't decide if I want to tell her or not. Well she is currently 1400 miles away in Florida. Not like she could do anything just over a question. "Well mum some guy named Adam messaged me claiming to be my uncle and he  looks a little familiar. I just needed to know if it's real or someone playing a joke on me."
        As we're on the phone she goes to her computer and together we look at his profile. Wasn't long before she said "Yep bud that's your uncle. He is your biological fathers brother."
        I could hear the shock in her voice. So I deiced to just end the conversation right there. What was I thinking?! I'm at work. This can be dealt with at a later time. "Okay mum. I was just curious. I have to get back to work but I'll call you soon. I love you."
       "I love you too bud. Always." And that was the end of our conversation.
         I decided to just ignore the message for now. I have work to do. It was getting late and I wanted to be out at a decent time. I start to clean all the appliances and watch the boy take care of customers. My mind is just too distracted to be here alone doing everything. So I'm having him help me close tonight. I can't stop thinking of the message and what he wants. After all this time. 18 years to be exact. Why now? I simply can not ignore it any longer.
         "We're going to close up early. There are no customers and we'll lose money by staying open."
          "Whatever you say boss." The boy says. I really should stop thinking of him as a boy. He's 17. And a nice enough guy. I mentally put a note in my head to refer to him by his name.
          It takes us only 15 minutes to close up. And about half an hour later I'm home. I go straight into my daughters room and look at her sleeping peacefully in her bed. I think to myself how any parent could give up their child. I walk out and go sit on my couch with my phone. I go straight to the message and decide I should respond. He can see that I read it and it's the polite thing to do to at least respond.
         "Hello Adam. You look familiar to be honest. I remember living in NH. You found me a year ago? Should of just messaged me then. No it does not upset me that you contacted me."
          Left it short and answered his few questions. I've never really been good with words. I look at the clock 1:23am. I should really go to sleep. I decide to put my phone on the charger and crawl into bed with my husband. As I lay down I feel his legs becoming tangled with mine as his arm rests across my stomach. Yes, this is home to me. I was drifting off to sleep when I hear an alarm go off. I know it's my phone but I am just too tired to deal with it. I'd rather cuddle with my husband. I can deal with whoever is bothering me this late at night in the morning.

© 2016 Mell

Author's Note

Excuse any grammar errors. This is the first time I have started a book. So wasn't sure how to start or end a chapter. Any feedback is welcome.

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Featured Review

nice start Melanie....a very good start and the story already caught my eye... as i always love reading stories which gives me a little description about the setting.... you did a very good job to maintain the interest of the reader.... the characters talked me and they seemed quite alive.... im eagerly waiting to know what happens next.... clappings!!! full ratings for the first chapter....

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Years Ago

Why thank you. Probably start the next chapter by the end of the week!
Inject Positivity

8 Years Ago

i will be waiting to see what's coming next....


nice start Melanie....a very good start and the story already caught my eye... as i always love reading stories which gives me a little description about the setting.... you did a very good job to maintain the interest of the reader.... the characters talked me and they seemed quite alive.... im eagerly waiting to know what happens next.... clappings!!! full ratings for the first chapter....

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Years Ago

Why thank you. Probably start the next chapter by the end of the week!
Inject Positivity

8 Years Ago

i will be waiting to see what's coming next....

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1 Review
Added on March 8, 2016
Last Updated on March 9, 2016



Acton, MA

My name is Melanie. I've always enjoyed writing but having such a tough time recently finding stuff to write about. Looking for some inspiration. more..

Chapter 2 Chapter 2

A Chapter by Mell

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