Chapter 12: Holly (Part II)
A Chapter by Melly moo
I took it upon myself to leave without
telling anyone. One because I barely knew anyone and whether my message would
turn into Chinese whispers from: going somewhere for the day to running away
forever. I tossed up whether to write a note but I didn’t know whether he could
read English; he spoke with a strong accent and fumbled on words a bit so I
decided not to risk it just in case it to was misinterpreted. I found the
glowing beast that brought me here and galloped off in the direction I had come;
pass the village with dancing children and the past the tall domes of vibrant
colour. That was before I realised that the place where I am most likely to
find what I was looking for was the same place I had just rode passed. Laughing
to myself I rode back towards the city with its immaculate buildings flooded
with people just as vibrant as their surroundings. It sure was busy and I felt
like such an awkward foreigner trying to fit in. I towered over everyone but
the vantage point being on horseback gave me a clear view of the horizon. I
tried to ask people if they knew where I could find what I was looking for but
no one seemed to understand me. I decided to try a different approach as a
natural lover of all things on four legs I took her back to camp, realising I’m
probably better off on foot. The city was so much more threatening for my
height, just below average or maybe Russians are just naturally tall. While
getting side tracked and a bead store in the local markets piles upon piles of
paper caught my eye. I was so excited I almost walked off with the bracelet
still on my wrist I stopped myself and thanked the woman whether she understood
or not. I was in awe at the antique state of the hardbacks and the wrinkled
covers of the paperback, books second hand and dearly loved. I was afraid of
opening one from fear of damaging their withered perfection. As I took in every
edge of every book on the table I tried to conjure up a way of asking in a way the
salesman could understand.
© 2012 Melly moo
Melly moo Australia
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