Chapter one: So much for a peaceful morning run (Part III)

Chapter one: So much for a peaceful morning run (Part III)

A Chapter by Melly moo

Welcome to my life -oh please its not that bad!


     “Mmm hey sexy” Vance teased. I turned around, prepared to punch him in the face but before I could, I was blinded by a paper airplane that somehow poked me straight in the eye even though he was like 3 ft away from me.          
     “You’re a dick” I said catching the paper plane before it hit the ground, I then scrunched it up into a ball and pegged it at his face. It bounced straight off and I rolled my eyes at his sarcastic stunned look.                                                              
     “I totally saw that coming, what have I told you? I’m bloody psychic baby” he said smug as he approached me. I just laughed, punched him in the gut and walked away.                  
     “You coming boy?” I said in my best gangster voice. He smiled and followed obediently, it’s quite tragic how I have him wrapped around me finger. Vance is one hell of a guy, super hot, stud, player whatever want to call him he is all of them, though I’m probably the only girl who isn’t drooling over him and I’m planning on keeping it that way. He is a total man w***e and I don’t want to ever get involved, though it does make me the only girl in history that has had a sustainable relationship with Vance Xavier "I guess I should be proud. Though I honestly couldn’t care less, the only reason I talk to him is to keep myself amused I mean come on we barley know each other and never see each other outside of school so I can hardly consider us friends "we’re more like acquaintances Vance and I.                             
     “Hmm the principle beckons” Vance states when the principle announced that Greg Salmon had to report to the office, at first I wondered why he left knowing that’s nowhere close to his name but then I saw my three best friends approaching from down the hall and I understood. You see not many people know we even talk at all, and I’d like to keep it that way for the last thing I need is his fan girls sneaking in my room at two in the morning wanting to stab me to death. Though they have nothing to worry about, again I make the history books for being the only girl who regularly makes conversation with Vance and has never once laid a hand on him "it sickens me to think of all the girls he’s probably only said a few seductive words to and next minute she’s naked. But I am glad for one that his pick up lines have no affect on me whatsoever, but not too glad that I have friends who are like Justin Bieber fans when it comes to Vance.                                                          
      “Talkin’ ‘bout science?” Kelly said with an 'I saw you to earlier' smirk on her face, still not convinced that we are anything more then lab partners. Kelly’s the newest to my little crazy bunch of friends she’s from Australia and we have nicknamed her Kath, since none of us know much about Australia besides sexy actors like Hugh Jackman, Heath ledger oh and that mentalist guy that I can never remember his actual name. Not to mention the huge Kath and Kim DVD collection Kelly’s mum seems to have in her room. So from then on she was Kath. Though Kelly is way prettier then that Kath chick from the show, her light brown hair, tanned skin and bright blue eyes are to die for. She is probably one of the tallest girls in our year and the absolute coolest, that’s probably just because she’s Australian.                                                               
“I hate you” Liz chimes in after Kath with her southern twang that came out of what seemed like nowhere, for she isn’t southern at all. No one not even her parents have any clue how she got it but it’s cute and we adore her. Liz is Elizabeth for short and she is like her namesake, Elizabeth Bennett. Though I think her parents might have got the characters mixed around for Liz looks more like Jane Bennett then Elizabeth; nothing in her life seemed to make much sense, she is the funniest one of us all and most Vance obsessed.                                                      
“He so wants me” Icy quotes staring past me at what I could only imagine to be Vance’s a*s. Icy’s parents are scientists, her mums an astronomer and her dad’s a biologist. Icy is short for isotope, I guess you can see where that came from. Icy has to be the sassiest one of us all, she is a huge fashion queen and has recently sucked Kath into it as well, and they always seem to be on the phone to each other discussing the latest episode of fashion police. Icy is, well one of those girls who tries too hard to be different even though she is unique all on her own. She has the greenest eyes, her hair is a mixture of both green and black and wears glasses just for the sake of it "oh and she is a complete short a*s. I laugh and Liz just shakes her head, while Kath Laughs along with me.                                   
“Oh Icy, what are we to do with you?” I say waving my hand in front of her face to get her attention.                                            
“I don’t know about you, but I know what he should do with me” she says taking one last look before her attention turns back on us.                                               
 “Oh god” Kath says seriously worried about Icy’s health and her reputation. My icy she is no s**t and doesn’t even want a boyfriend she believe they’re a waste of time, just like me and I guess she’s like me also in the sense that we involve ourselves with Vance for the pure reason of an amusement. I sometimes think what my life would be like if I wasn’t a she-wolf, I came to the conclusion one day that my life would be pretty boring if I wasn’t.                    
“God look at Beth, she’s such a desperate w***e” Liz says and I look at her in shock, for Liz like her namesake is quite the little lady.                                              
“Excuse me?” I said gobsmack; did I just hear her right? We continue walking through the cafeteria but I’m surprised I didn’t just fall over at her language.  
“I think she means she’s a try hard” Kath responds, trying to clean up Liz’s dirty words. Kath and I both stare at Liz now as she looks between Beth who is trying so hard to make her lap dance with her friend look innocent, and Vance who sits there and gawks at the lesbian attention. Beth knows he’s watching and Vance knows she wants him; I could imagine his excuse now ‘you got to give a woman what she wants’. Kath and I shake our heads as we watch the scene in front of us, we both looked at each other and back to Liz.                               
     “What?” Liz says flustered. “...She is” she continues in the bitchiest way Liz can as she sits down, it’s kind of funny watching Liz trying to be a b***h. Kath looks at me, her head tilted slightly to the side, confused at Liz’s behaviour. I just shrug like I know as much as her, I want Kath to feel comfortable here I mean all us girls are so close and I want her to feel like she isn’t on the outer, which she isn’t. I take a seat next to Icy and Kath sits opposite my next to Liz. As we eat our lunch and talk, I remember the first time I met all these girls, wild and unstoppable Icy, delicate and love obsessed Liz and Easy going sporty Kath. We were all different and became friends by chance, we all had our little groups but we never felt like we fitted in with them. Icy used to hang out with the science geeks for she was just as nerdy as them even if she wasn’t an A class student but they didn’t share her wild fun loving spirit, Liz hung out with the cheerleaders for she had all the gymnastic ability though she didn’t approve of the short skirts and drunken rave parties.  Kath well she is beautiful and was amazing at what seemed like everything, though wasn’t too used to the American cliques, she felt like she didn’t fit in anywhere, like me. I used to eat by myself and keep to myself for I was so scared that if I did make friend they would find out what I was, though the truth is still to this day I have keep my identity hidden. Vance was the first person who actually took interest in me; we were partners for a chemistry assignment. I think he was shocked after we got to know each other that I was actually outgoing and normal, though shy for me worked back then, it was easier I guess. Though slowly I started talking to the other girls in my class who sat next to me and it was kind of lucky how it all turned out, though kind of sad, we were one huge group of misfits all coming together. We were the best of friends no matter how different we may seem. When Kath transferred in I took her immediately under my wing once I saw how lost she looked though I was afraid the others wouldn’t accept her but to my surprise she fitted right in and our group was complete.
      I looked over at Vance and his ‘crew’; they were more like the rebels of the school and stood up to the jocks and got under the skin and the skirts of the cheerleaders. They weren’t the most popular guys around but secretly everyone wanted them or wanted to be them. Vance was still checking out Beth and her lesbian act which never really made sense to me; why do guys like it when girls act lesbian? It’s quite gross that they are attracted to that sort of thing "actually I’ll rephrase that, guys are just gross in general.

© 2012 Melly moo

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Added on October 27, 2012
Last Updated on December 21, 2012
Tags: romance, teen, young adult, fantasy, supernatual, suspense


Melly moo
Melly moo


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