Tough Love

Tough Love

A Story by Lilith

             Farren stood in front of Shane, with her long brown hair covering her face as a stream of tears rolled down her cheeks. Then she mumbled. “You’re moving? But.. But why?” Shane whipped the tears off of her face; he started to cry as he gazed into her crystal blue eyes. “My parents are getting a divorce, and no one else but my mom will take me in.” He held Farren tightly trying to comfort her; she looked into his emerald-green eyes as she did her best to understand.

            Farren’s life was already hard enough; this didn’t make it any better. Everything around her seemed to be falling apart and there was absolutely nothing she could do about it. Shane was Farren’s whole world, she loved him with every fiber of her being, but now he was being taken away from her. What is there for her to do? There was just no way she could simply just give up and move on, but a long distance relationship would be extremely difficult. She was in a no win situation.

            “Isn’t there anyone you can stay with? Your grandparents, your older brother?” She cried. “I’m afraid not. I haven’t seen my dad in years, my grandparents don’t want to take anyone in and when Garret left he made it clear that he didn’t want to see any of us again.” Farren buried her face in Shane’s chest; the sun was setting as the wind blew through Shane’s jet black hair. Farren looked up with tears streaming down her face.”Why are they trying to take you from me? Can’t they see how happy we are?” Shane pulled her closer to him. “I guess not, they’re so god damn worried about themselves they can’t see how this is affecting us…” She looked down. “I just wish that this wasn’t happening. Please promise me that you won’t leave me for anyone else, that even though we will be apart for awhile we will still try to make it work.” He placed his hand on her chin and softly kissed her lips. “I promise, you know I will always love you and-“. Shane was interrupted by a ringing from his pocket. “Damn it!” He growled as he reached into his pocket and took out his cell phone. “What?!” He asked in an angered tone. There was a silence on the other end of the phone, followed by. “Don’t get an attitude with me Shane! You were supposed to be home half an hour ago! Now take your girlfriend home and get back here so you can finish packing!” The call ended and Shane angrily closed the phone. Farren held him, trying to make him feel better. “Who was it? “ He reluctantly replied. “My mother, she wants me home…”

Shane sighed heavily. “Before we go there is something I want to ask you.” He got down on one knee as he pulled out a small black box from his jacket pocket; he took Farren’s hand, and then said. “Farren, I love you with all of my heart, you brighten my day and when I even so much as hear your name I smile. You’re my whole world, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Farren Jade Howards, will you marry me?” He opened the box that reveled a 14 karat diamond ring. Farren quickly hugged him. “Yes, yes! Of course I’ll marry you!”  He put the ring on her finger. Farren paused. “But wait, how can we be together when you’re moving all the way to Colorado?” He stood up and hugged her. “Because I’m going to finish high school, go into the military and so that when I come back I’ll be able to take care of you and make my wife.” The moon’s glow lit up the night sky as the freshly fallen leaves danced in the wind. Farren and Shane held each other tightly, as if nothing else in the world existed.

Farren got home around midnight to find her dad(Jim) sitting in the living room with a cold look on his face. He was about 6ft 3 with bald head and a big round beer belly to match. She took a deep breath as she tried to think of an excuse for being home so late. “Hey dad.. I uhh.. Didn’t think that you’d still be up…” He glared at her. “You want to try and explain to me why it’s midnight and you are just now getting home? Or why when I called your friend’s house, where you were supposed to be, her mother told me that you weren’t there and that she wasn’t told anything about you staying over there today?” Farren became nervous as she tried to think of a way out, then her father continued to talk. “You lied to me, you made your friend lie to her parents and you were out way passed your curfew. YOU’RE GROUNDED! No friends, no phone, no T.V. and NO SHANE!!”

Farren finally snapped, it was time for her to fight back. “I am 17, you can’t tell me what to do! And you can’t keep me from Shane!” She held out her hand to show him the ring. “Do you see this? Once he gets out of the Marines we’re going to get married, and you can’t stop us!” She turned, stomped up the stairs to her room and slammed the door. Her eyes swelled up with tears as she fell onto her bed. “They won’t keep us apart, I won’t let it happen!”              

Meanwhile at Shane’s house, things weren’t much better. “We are moving and that’s final! You have your entire life ahead of you Shane, you will find someone else!” His mom yelled. Her long, dull, brown hair strung over her face, her normally blue eyes turned a deep grey. “No I won’t, she is the only one I will be with! And even if I do move, I will come back for her!” Shane protested. Shane was furious with the way his mom was acting; she never really liked Farren in the first place no matter how happy she made her son. She always tried to tell him to find someone better, however it was no use. Shane was completely infatuated with Farren. Even his three sisters, Cassie, Sophie and Jeannette, liked her. His mom was the only one that didn’t approve of her, and she never even gave a reason as to why.

Shane and his mom continued to argue, still convinced that the other was wrong. His sisters couldn’t do anything , they had no choice but stand back and watch as the sparks fly. “She isn’t right for you, I don’t know what you see in her!” His mom screamed. “She’s perfect for me, you’re the one with the problem! You are the only one that doesn’t like her, and she hasn’t done a single damn thing to you! In fact, she’s been trying her best to get your approval, but you’re just too stupid to see how hard she has been trying. And, you can’t even get over yourself enough to see how happy she makes me!” His mom looked offended. “Why you inconsiderate brat! Are you really choosing that s**t over your own mother? She is just another girl that will break your heart and leave you for someone younger! You’re just too blind to see that I’m trying to do what’s best for you!” Shane still didn’t back down from his mother. “You’re not doing what’s best for me; you’re doing what’s best for you! You know just because that was what dad did to you, doesn’t mean that Farren will do that to me!” Everyone was shocked, bringing up what Shane’s dad did was a harsh subject for his mother, no matter how mad his mom ever made him; he’d never brought that up before. Shane’s mom was stunned; she was completely silent for about a minute or so. The two of them just sat there in silence staring each other down, the tension in the room was tremendous. His mom’s face was blood red as tears began to fall from her cheeks. Shane showed neither regret nor hesitation, he knew he had to stand up to her. “Just because you can’t be happy doesn’t mean you drag me into it. I’m finally happy for once in my life, and you will not take that from me!” His mom was about to scream at him, but there was a knock at the front door. Cassie and Sophie left to go and see who it was.

         It was Nichole, Karen’s friend, she was tall with shining blue eyes and gorgeous long blonde hair. She was friends with Shane’s mother in collage but unlike her, Nichole grew up in a rich family and wears only the finest outfits. Along with her, was her stuck up son Devon he had short brown hair and bright green eyes. He was one of those Hollister wearing brats that think they’re better than everyone else, and even though he’s never been in a fight before, he acted like he could take down anyone. “Mom your friend is here!” Shane’s younger sister Cassie shouted from the other side of the house. Cassie was one of two 8 year old twins; she had short brown hair and honey brown eyes. She was more of the kindhearted one, she was quiet and preferred staying to herself; so pink was the normal color for her cloths.  “And she brought her cute son!” The other younger sister Sophie quickly added. She was more mischievous than her sister, she like getting other people in trouble; as most would expect her color was black. She had long brown hair and dull brown eyes. Shane rolled his eyes and groaned in aggravation. “Great, the prick is here.” His mom glared at him. “Behave!” As she walked away Shane’s older sister Jeannette walked over to him. “I swear she has eyes that can pierce right through you.” He said lowly.  “Isn’t that the truth, look, just calm down. The more you argue, the worse it will be on you, just try to get on mom’s good side and this whole thing will just blow over.” She explained. Although she didn’t like being around her family much, Jeannette had a habit of helping her little brother stay out of trouble, plus she gave hell of some good advice. She was only a few inches shorter than her younger brother (who was about 6ft 5), she had long dull brown hair and dull green eyes. Shane sighed. “Fine…” Jeannette walked off, leaving Shane with only his thoughts. “I wonder if she even has a good side…” He mumbled.

A few minutes passed and Shane started to set up the pool table in the game room. “I’ll just play some pool to calm my nerves.” Devon walked in with the same smirk he always has. “What’s up Shane? Having fun by yourself?” Shane exhaled. “I was, but then an annoying little prick walked into the room.” Devon growled. “You’ve got some nerve you gothic freak! I bet I could kick your a*s in less than five seconds!” Shane laughed. “You know what? You’re not even worth it. I’ve got enough problems, I don’t need to add going to jail for beating the s**t out of you.”  Devon began agg him on. “Oh yeah? Do you really think that?” Shane continued to shoot the cue ball. “Yes I do, now leave I’m trying to play pool.” Devon scoffed at him. “Ha is that the same thing you tell your skank of a girlfriend?”  Shane stopped and looked back at Devon with eyes burning full of rage. “What in the hell did you just say?” Devon got a dumb look on his face. “What? The fact that you’re a total wimp? Or that your girlfriend is an ugly skank?” Devon knew that would set him off.

Shane has always been protective over Farren, even before they were dating. No matter who was picking on her, Shane always stood up to them. And his refusal to give up was what won every single fight that he was involved in. Many people found out the hard way that you do not trash talk Farren while Shane is around, he would take a bullet for her, a few a******s were not going to be a problem for him. And Devon was about to find out this lesson the hard way…

Shane grabbed Devon by his shirt and slammed him onto the pool table. “Take it back you little b***h before I break your f*****g neck!” Devon smiled and shouted, making sure that everyone in the house could hear him. “Ow Shane let go of me! Ow it hurts!” Shane slammed him against the table again. “You piece of s**t, I’ll give you a reason to say ow!” Everyone ran into the game room the instant Shane began punching Devon in the face. Nichole screamed. “Oh my god, Devon!” Shane’s little sisters began cheering. “Go Shane!” “Kick his a*s!” Jeannette added. Shane continued to pound into Devon’s face. Shane’s mom yelled. “Shane get off of him immediately!” Shane shouted back. “I will when he takes back what he said!” Devon’s face was covered in blood; he started to beg for mercy. “Okay, okay you win I take it back! Please stop!” Shane dropped him; he fell back onto the pool table. Devon slowly sat up and coughed up blood, he started crying as his mom ran over to him. “Are you okay?” His mom panicked, she stood between him and Shane trying to make a wall between them. Shane’s little sisters gave him a high five as he walked up to his room. Jeannette patted his back. “Nice job!”

Once Shane was in his room, Nichole looked at Shane’s mom. “You need to control that animal you call a son!” Jeannette snapped at her. “You b***h! Don’t you dare talk about my little brother that way!” Nichole was astounded by what Jeannette said. “My god! What is wrong with these kids of yours Karen?” Karen started scolding her. “My kids may not be perfect but they are better than your brat of child! Now get out of my house before you look as bloody as your son does! And don’t let the door hit your fat a*s on the way out!” She slammed the door. Jeannette laughed. “Go mom!”The twins giggled. "Yeah you told her!”

Meanwhile upstairs, Shane was filling a duffel bag full of cloths and other necessities, but paused when he heard a knock on his door. Shane opened his bedroom door to find Jeannette standing there with a big smile on her face. “You kicked a*s little bro, I didn’t think you had it in ya!”  She paused and looked over at the army green bag that rested on his bed.

“Where are you going?” Shane continued packing. “Out…” Jeannette started acting smart. “Okay mom might have stuck up for you but that doesn’t mean she’s going to let you go and drive off at 2:00 in the morning.” Shane continued. “I just need to be away for a few days, I need to see Farren.” Jeannette exhaled lowly. “Okay look I understand how you feel.” She paused. “And that’s why I’m going to cover for you, but only for tonight. Once the sun comes up you’re on your own, okay?” Shane smiled. “Thanks sis. Just keep everybody out of my room and the garaged so that they don’t see that the car is gone.” Jeannette nodded. “Alright, well hurry up, the sooner you get there the more time you spend with her.” Shane hugged her then climbed out the window. It was about 2:15a.m. when Shane arrived at Farren’s house, there was a cool breeze that blew right through him. He sighed as he looked up at the high tree he was going to have to climb to get up to Farren’s window. “I might as well get going.” He started climbing.

Farren was asleep in her room, exhausted from the hour lecture she had received from her dad. Once Shane had reached Farren’s window he started to knock on the glass, waking Farren from her slumber. “What was that?” She questioned herself as she went over to open the window. Her eyes widened when she opened the window to find Shane sitting in the tree. “S-Shane? W-what are you doing here?” She said lowly so her dad wouldn’t hear. “I came to see you, may I come in?” Farren had a blank look on her face.”Uhh.. S-Sure, b-but my dad can’t know you’re here.” Shane came in. “Don’t worry, he won’t know…” He wrapped his arms around her. “I’m sorry, I know that I shouldn’t have come but I just had to see you…” Farren hugged him back. “It’s okay, I’m glad you came.” Shane kissed her softly then paused. Farren looked up at him confused. “What’s wrong baby?” He stared at her with a serious look in his eyes. “Run away with me… Just pack your bags, we’ll load it into my car then we’ll just go, we’ll keep driving and never look back.” She didn’t know what to say. “B-But what about your plans and your family? Shane quickly responded. “Forget the plans, I’ll find a way to make things work! And f**k family, they don’t give a damn about me! Why do you think my brother left?” Farren stood there quietly, she tried to speak but was unable to squeeze out even a single word. Shane continued. “Well? What do you think?”

By that time, Farren’s dad noticed Shane’s car in their driveway and was on his way upstairs to Farren’s room. Farren tried to speak but before she could make out any words, she was interrupted by her dad pounding on the door. “Farren I know he’s in there, unlock the door now!” He continued trying to open the door. Farren quickly looked up at Shane. “It’s my dad! Y-you got to get out of here!” He replied. “Not without you!” Farren’s dad banged on the door harder as Farren pushed Shane over toward the window. “There’s no time for that just go now!” He tried to convince her. “Baby please…” Jim shouted. “Let me in!” Farren panicked and tried to rush Shane out the window. “Hurry!” Shane sighed and climbed out the window.

Once Jim managed to bust down the door, Shane was already pulling out of the driveway. With her boyfriend gone and no one else to take his rage out on, he began to beat his own daughter. He started with a single punch to the face sending Farren crashing onto the wooden floor, she slowly started lifting herself up off the floor. “Come on, get up you fat w***e!” Her father shouted, followed by a heavy kick to the stomach. Jim’s thick steel-toed boot lifted and flipped Farren onto her back, then, he stomped his size 15 foot on top of her chest. She screamed in pain as she tried to get him off. In a desperate attempt to move him, she pulled Jim’s foot up and in the opposite direction from where he was. Her plan worked, Farren’s overweight father lost his balance and fell flat on his back. Seeing the opportunity to escape, she quickly jumped to her feet to run away, but she wasn’t fast enough. Jim grabbed her by the ankle and pulled her to the ground. “Get back here!” He yelled as he drug her across the floor. Farren was frantic, she began to dig her nails into the floor and when that didn’t work she tried swatting at his hand, but she couldn’t free herself from his vice-like grip. “Let go of me!” She screamed. Her father then got on top of her and used his massive bodyweight to hold her down while he started choking her. Farren was starting to turn blue in the face; then she summed up all of her strength and flipped her dad onto the floor. She stood up and backed up into a wall; she was breathing heavily trying to keep calm.  Her enraged father stood up and slammed her up against the wall with his hand wrapped around her throat. “Now it’s time for you to feel some real pain!”

It was over an hour later when Jim was finally done with her, his knuckles were dripping with blood. “You’re a f*****g disgrace, I’m just glad that your mother is dead so she can’t see the piece of trash that her daughter turned into! The day that you die is the day that mine and your sister’s lives become better!” He was red in the face. Farren snapped. “And you’re a f*****g joke! You take advantage of your size and pick fights with people smaller and way younger than you, if you were a real man you would pick a fight with someone your own size!” That was the last straw. Jim snapped, he grabbed Farren by her hair and threw her into a closet. “You can stay in there for the rest of the night, now maybe you’ll learn to keep your mouth shut!” He locked the closet door and laughed as he walked away.

Later when Jim was asleep and her 11 year old sister, Letty, opened the closet door. She had long brown hair and dull brown eyes, as fitting for her, she dressed like a tomboy. “Come on, we’re getting you out of here!” She began pulling on Farren’s arm until she pulled back. “No Letty, if I leave than he’ll know that you let me out and he’ll hurt you!”

*I'll write more later*

© 2012 Lilith

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it's been so long since I even read this thing.. I forgot how amatuer it was...

Posted 13 Years Ago

I am a little confused with the details concerning the clothes? I think more description is always great, but I feel like adding details like yours make me think you are more concerned with what the characters are wearing than their actions and words.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on December 28, 2011
Last Updated on January 1, 2012



Hitchcock, TX

Heh, I'm 17 amd not the most social person, but I do try to get along with others and I LOVE writing. Cool - custom homepage more..

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