![]() 2. RehabilitationA Chapter by MedicalNightmare![]() Aaron and June both continue to struggle through every day. There's no one they can talk to... except for each other. WARNING: Very dark topics![]() Aaron absolutely hated waking up.
Not because he had difficulty motivating himself to leave his bed, like many;
rather, he couldn’t stand the first few seconds of the brain waking up. The
confusion, memory loss, poor perception, and disorientation had always plagued
him heavily and summed up to a loss of control. Aaron was not a man who
appreciated any loss of control, and since being possessed such things bothered
him much more, though this was only the third night he had managed to
accomplish something like sleeping after a week of insomnia. He had awoken in a
panic 7 times during this particular night and endured the normal confusion and
disorientation in addition to the cold sweats, racing heartbeat and
hyperventilating that came with his nightmares. It still took him a few minutes
every time to remember that he was once again in control of his own body and
could move at will. To his disdain, the realization always came with a sense of
being uncomfortably alone. June, however, despised getting out
of bed because she liked sleeping much more than mornings. She had embraced
sleep while she was captive. It was her relief in the demon’s absence, and was
always much welcomed by her then battered and exhausted body. Since the
exorcism, she seemed to have developed a cycle of 2 days of insomnia, riddled
with panic attacks and paranoia, until her mind would give into the exhaustion
and shut down into sleep for more than half a day. This time she woke up nearly
18 hours after collapsing on the couch in the aftermath of a bout of terrible
flashbacks. Oddly, her first thought was of Aaron. Not Gelert, the man from
hell, and not the bizarrely mangled bodies he left behind, but Aaron the
ex-tuba player; the Black & Mild smoker. She thought of the small
differences she had already noticed. Aaron habitually ran his hand through his
hair, which Gelert had rarely touched, and while his voice was still deep, he
didn’t force the same booming, intimidating sound out of it. She wondered if
she could begin to see him as a different person than the monster who wore his
face. Allowing his vision to clear, Aaron
took a breath and sat up. His head ached, the skin of his whole body was sticky
with sweat, and the blankets and sheets of his bed were thrown aside from his
erratic movements over the night. He reached for his phone and sent June a text
" “Are you alright?” He couldn’t quite get a read on how the day before had
gone. He had no idea what had set off the bad memories for her, especially when
things were going so well. Maybe it would be better for him to leave her alone,
he considered as he brought himself to his feet and walked to the shower. When
he was finished, he came back to a simple reply of “Yeah” to his previous text.
He let out a long breath and ran his hand through his now wet hair. He texted
her again. “Did I do something wrong?” Nearly 40 minutes passed, which
Aaron filled with coffee and the cooking channel. He’d learned within a few
days not to watch or read the news. Gelert was responsible for about a third of
the missing persons reports and about half of the unsolved murders in the
current news. Aaron feared to think what would happen if his fingerprints or
DNA were ever identified. He could remember, in gruesomely vivid detail,
exactly what had happened to each of the faces in the newspaper pictures. 40
minutes after his last text, his phone rang. For more than a few seconds he was
at a loss; the last thing he had expected from June right now was a phone call. “Hello?” Her voice was small. “Aaron?” “Yeah? Are you okay?” She didn’t respond. After a moment,
he heard what sounded like a choked sob. “June, where’s Cory?” “He’s busy,” she replied weakly.
“There’s nobody here. I’m all by myself. I think the walls are getting closer
to me…” He cursed under his breath. “Where
are you?” “Do you remember the one that was
pregnant?” His breath hitched in his throat.
Of course he remembered. “Where are you, June?” “Cory’s. S**t, it’s so quiet I
swear my head is going to explode.” “I’m coming.” He was out the door
in seconds. When he
arrived, she let him in then laid curled up under a blanket on the couch,
taking up only one of its cushions. He moved cautiously and took the liberty of
sitting on the other end of the couch with her. “You remember her, right?” June
mumbled with a dead expression. “Do you remember killing her?” “Yes, I remember all of it,” Aaron
answered uncomfortably. “What happened yesterday? It came out of nowhere.” She sighed. “I don’t know. The
stupidest things were setting me off around you. You would say a string of
words he happened to have said and suddenly it was happening all over again.”
Her eyes squeezed shut. “She was pregnant.” He wished she would stop reminding
him. “I know.” “It didn’t make a lick of
difference to him.” “No, it didn’t.” She sank further into the couch.
“How do you deal with this?” “I’m not sure I am,” he replied
honestly. June remembered immediately after the exorcism, when Aaron was
finally himself, how he had weakly, desperately repeated “I’m sorry” until he
lost consciousness. There was a heavy silence for a few
minutes, until she nearly whispered, “I don’t know why I called you.” “Do you want me to leave?” She considered this for a moment.
“…No.” That had to be good, right? He
didn’t want her to fear him anymore, but his stomach flipped when he imagined
her perspective; sitting on a couch next to a man twice her size who had
already beaten and violated her repeatedly, and who she’d watched literally
tear people to shreds. It really didn’t look good from any angle, as he was
realizing more and more. He looked at her, and noticed she had turned her head
so that part of her collar folded out just enough to expose some of the deeper,
longer cuts below her collarbone. He felt bile rise in his throat as the
memories came flooding back. “What,
that’s it?” She had gone limp the second he had forced his way into what he
wanted. “No fight left in you, after two weeks of this?” She
didn’t answer. She lay fully exposed, this time on the floor, and stared at the
wall. “No,
that won’t do,” he growled. He stood and moved across the room to his jacket
and fished inside an inner pocket. Aaron, aware but out of control, panicked
when he felt his fingers run over the blade of a knife and wrap around the
handle, but he was helpless. “Get up,” his own voice demanded as he pulled out
the knife and moved back across the room. She still lay on the carpet in the
same position. “I SAID GET UP!” He boomed, grabbing her by the hair and yanking
her to her feet. With her hair in one fist and the knife held to her throat in
the other, he guided her to the metal chair by the window. When he turned her
around and threw her down, the jagged blade caught her eyes and she realized he
intended to use it for more than a threat this time. She panicked and tried to
jump out of the chair, but he forced her back down effortlessly with one hand
and secured her wrists behind her. He looked at his naked canvas, colored with
black and purple bruises in various places, and licked his lips. To Aaron’s
invisible terror, he brought the blade down onto her breast and began long,
intricate strokes deep into the tender flesh there. June cried out as the blade
turned and his lashes wove around each other, carving a madman’s work of art. She had noticed him eyeing those
particular marks with a pained expression. “It helps not to look,” she told
him, snapping him out of his deep thought. “What?” “Just what I said. It helps not to
look at all of it. I took all the mirrors down.” She gestured to a few places
around the room, and one visible from the kitchen, where nails or fixtures
accompanied empty wall space that had clearly not been empty before. “Oh.” His spirits sank a bit
further at the pain he had caused her. “Do you like musicals?” She asked
suddenly. The change in mood disoriented him
for a moment. “Uh, yeah, in general. I’ve been on the filming for a couple.” Her eyes lit up. “Come here. I’ve
got a bunch I could show you. Independent ones, too.” She threw off the blanket
that had been wrapped around her even when she had answered the door and made
her way to a tall DVD rack. Aaron caught himself smiling slightly as he joined
her. Maybe he really could ease some of the pain he had caused. © 2017 MedicalNightmareAuthor's Note
Featured Review
3 Reviews Added on January 12, 2017 Last Updated on January 12, 2017 Tags: hurt/comfort, romance, supernatural, possession Author
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