Feb 5, 2006

Feb 5, 2006

A Chapter by Meboe

I realize I have gone out on a limb on this one, but I would really like some feedback, whether good or bad, all is welcome, as long as youre honest.  This blog has been cut into 2 parts because it is rather too long to put as one... and I was tired while I wrote it. :)

Anyone who has read anything in the bible… preferably the New Testament has more than likely read at least something about Jesus.  It is said he taught in parables.  A teaching in such a way, so that we can relate his teachings to us by His use of relating physical matter on this world.  I would like to use a parable of my own, at least to a certain extent… just use your imagination a little.


            I like to think the human body is made up of three important parts.  Two are physical and one is spiritual.  Our body, also known as the flesh, is the most obvious and the most dominant with physical features and presence.  I often like to refer to our flesh as a monstrous ogre on a battle field.  A brute in many ways, chauvinistic in limited ways… but only limited with its massive potential destruction as we allow it.  With a giant club drawn, depending on the “brains” of this flesh, it cannot only inflict damage upon its enemy, but upon itself and its closest allies.  The brain of it, I would like to completely separate it from its body, only following close behind it and can only influence the actions of such a beast.  The body, which is measured with strength compared to the brain, which is measured with intelligence and is the dominator of the body.  With a righteous brain �"which I will also refer to as the mind- the physical body can do good… what is right.  A corrupt mind, infected and manipulated by sin, can do nothing but harm.  This is where the Law of Human Nature I believe is a huge impact on our minds, more like the foundation of mankind.  It is what our parents have taught us, at least I would hope so… it is what our grandparents taught our parents.  Moral decencies that seem to follow from generation to generation, but there are some of these laws or teachings that apparently get lost along the way.  To believe these laws were derived from humans I undoubtedly think is asinine.  Although I have heard the infamous seven deadly sins were not blunt fully included in the bible, I think it is the basics of what is immoral and wrong in the most extravagant of evil… that is created by the evil powers of this world.  Given a mind with the complete perfection of righteousness, what is it that doesn’t quite completely control the mind, but can strongly influence it?  It is the very breathe of life -as honored and thankful as we aught to be for such a gift- from the perfectly righteous God.  Now give me a minute while I go a bit on the biblical scale, if I hadn’t already stepped over that line.  When Jesus was crucified, His body died, but He was resurrected… not only meaning that there is life after death, but those who believe in Him cannot die, even in the hands of the evil and distasteful minds of the corrupted from sin.  Let me use the two most extremes in this world, that is good and evil.  I do not believe a human quite possess the uttermost “power” of either one, but the source is the only compatibility.  God, which is the good and the Devil which is source of evil.


            Now back to this spirit inside the human body, the invisible spirit.  Considering God is love, what comes to the mind when we think of love?  If I were to ask an individual to draw me a picture of love, I wouldn’t be surprised with most of the results to be a heart.  Yes… the heart… I would consider the most important role in a human body, a muscle that pumps the very liquid we cannot live without throughout our body.  Therefore, in no way can we live without a heart, we cannot live without love.  Even those who forsake the wonderful gift of life from God Himself.  The spirit, the influencer of the mind, is what is inside every human.  A person with immoral values, cursing from the mouth, atheism, etc… harnesses a brain that controls a body of a destructive nature.  A trapdoor planted from evil that may seem impossible to escape.  But more than likely, a God fearing individual knows right from wrong.  An indecent action from a righteous person knows there is consequences and discipline.  A constant stumble into a certain sin can turn into an addiction, but ever noticed those who follow Jesus, temptations becomes more difficult.  It’s like climbing a latter, the higher we go, the windier it becomes and the harder we fall… that is if we do.  All I am stating is our body is controlled by our mind, and our mind is influenced by our beliefs… beliefs from our spirit, from what we believe is right or wrong.  The best way of knowing right from wrong is to know Jesus through faith.  Remember, He is everything that stands for good and that of love.  On a more humorous note, if I were to ask Jesus one question, I would ask Him to describe the human race using two words.  I would not be surprised with the direct answer of being loved… and hardheaded.


            I have stated a human is made up of the body, mind, and spirit.  To each, there is a way to exercise and make each part more durable and stronger.  Starting with the body, we can undergo tremendous stress by lifting and pushing in various ways.  I am referring to exercise, the physical endurance we push our bodies to go through in hopes of either becoming stronger, physically bigger, or more flexible… or all of the above.  With our mind, like I’ve mentioned before… the brains… we can improve by reading that is at least one of many examples deep thinking, whether solving a mathematical problem or a current situation is also another example.  The spirit is quite different, the only way I am aware of improving is to follow and learn God’s word.  To those of you who do not believe or forsake God, I am baffled as how to go about improving your spirit.  My spirit is Holy, and that of God’s, it is the good I portray, unfortunately with traces of wrongful actions.  But I do thank Jesus for taking the punishment I deserve.  We can live without a body and a brain, but we cannot live without a spirit, and if we want to live again, we cannot do so without the Holy Spirit.  I will now back the previous statement up, we all remember Terry Shrivo, a very unfortunate and sad story but she was brain dead.  Regardless of this, she was alive, not very evident but she had life… a spirit.  That is proof we can exist without a brain… but we cannot function our body properly.  As for the spirit, as I referred to as earlier, the gift of life, and without it we simply do not exist.  Now I can sense the ponderous questions of how can we live without our bodies?  This is where my beliefs take over, as I have mentioned before with the life of Jesus.  He died and was resurrected, just as our bodies will no longer exist, but only our spirit.  That is only through Jesus Christ.

© 2012 Meboe

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Added on December 6, 2012
Last Updated on December 6, 2012

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A Chapter by Meboe

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A Chapter by Meboe