Jan 30, 2006A Chapter by Meboe
It seems as though everything God has created, which is good, has been opposed and turned upside down by the Devil. If the Devil is the enemy of God, then God is the perfect enemy of the Devil. If I were a perfect archer, I would never miss the bulls-eye. It is Satan who turned the righteousness from our heart which God has intended us to carry, to that of a blackened swamp of sorrow into the deepest pit of human suffering. I would not consider me preaching from here on but these are my thoughts. I write to those who are strong in Christ, refuse to believe in Christ and/or forsake Christ. It is my understanding with an open mind, to often put myself in the agnostics or atheists point of view, to reach out and even with the slightest attempt to touch those with the relationship of Christ I have received and continue to carry. It is the sin I consistently stumble over by the temptations of evil, that seem to drag me down with frustration, which in return, making me hate evil even more. No longer do I view horrific diseases and plagues as Gods punishment inflicted at mankind, for now I see it as our God given opportunity to witness a hint of evil by physically viewing the present and aftermath of the hideous scars and lesions from these dreaded states. Yet we can either speak blessings on this with the forgiveness we ask from God and the familiar ness with our evil actions or we can do what is utterly wrong, and that is forsaking God. Granted it was God who allowed such discipline into the world, but it is the temptation from Satan that we so easily fall into which is now called sin, that we must suffer. The first human being created was Adam, there was not such an intention in God to hurt us in any way but only to love us but it is because of the Devil we must suffer and go through what we go through on a daily basis! It is the Devil who I gather all my hate inside from the hurt and malice I have received from others, whether intentional or not, that I throw back into its evil face. I blame the Devil who has created such pagan gods, only with the results of destroying civilizations or has created false religions that manifest such malevolent feelings that deceive such followers into flying airplanes into buildings, killing thousands of innocent victims.
This is where the good rises from the ashes of evil atrocities. Ive got a wonderful example, Im sure we are all quite familiar with the late Martin Luther King. A hero to all that stands good and an enemy of all that is bad a rebel of this world I would like to refer him. A peaceful civil rights activist who fought against a society of appalling evil with the discrimination of the color of ones skin. He is quite infamous with his catchy quote, I have a dream. Indeed he did have a dream, and unfortunately he was assassinated and that bullet that ended his life, could only do so much damage. It ended his life, but was impossible to end his dream. I was not alive back in his day, but from what Ive read in history, the situation with racism has decayed much since then. A strong Godly man that changed society with his powerful actions and peaceful motivations driven by love and that of God. Man must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love. -Martin Luther King. It seems drastic changes can result with the ending of another human beings life and usually an innocent one. With Martin Luther King who changed a society to the One who has changed the world better known as Jesus Christ. With the bloodshed of Christ, we who accept that are no longer victims of sin and of this world, but we are the survivors! Jesus is the ultimate rebel of this evil driven world. (Romans 8:31) "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." The only escape from our suffering and slavery from the Devil, is Christ. We need not run, but root yourself and fight this world of decay. For our sufferings are only limited to the number of years we are here on Earth, but we have eternity to never regret and live forever in joy. To those who suffer... turn your pride into humility... transform your greed into generosity... escape your envy and be full of love... change your wrath into compassion and kindness to others ... turn from lust and ask God for self control... transmute your gluttony into temperance... and morph your sloth into zealous ways. Our bodies can be halted, but our spirits are eternally driven. Repent and remember if love is good, and God is love, then God is good. © 2012 Meboe |
Added on December 6, 2012 Last Updated on December 6, 2012 Book of Blogs
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