Nov 27, 2005A Chapter by Meboe
Hello there. I've been thinking to myself a lot lately, and I thought, self... Why is it so many people believe that we had a civil war among our nation over a hundred years ago. Or why do people believe Julias Ceasar was assassinated by his own people a long time ago? Is it b/c we've read them in books? We believe all these events in history without seeing them. But why don't many people believe Jesus died for us a couple thousand years ago? How blind have we gotten? How unwilling are we to close our ears to hear God's word? All the answers are in the bible.
I want to tell you about something that happened well over 10 years ago. And I have yet to figure out why I haven't forgotten this. Me and my cousin who is about the same age as me were spending the night at my grandma's. We were in the room going to bed and just talking. You know how kids are. The curtains covered the window but I could still see shadows through it. And I noticed something strange to me... I kept seeing something hover around the window. I asked my cousin what is that? I didn't expect this answer, he said, "Those are Angels coming to watch over us." I was a little dumbfounded but I thought that was cool. Whether that was true or not. The point is we were little at the time and someone planted a "spiritual seed" in him. How hard has your heart gotten to where nothing can be planted? It's never too late to start a relationship with God. The second you start talking to God, a seed has been planted, and you may not even know it. God showed me a good way to plant some good seeds in people, although it doesn't seem that easy. I'm sure we can all think of someone that has hurt us emotionally or physically. Everytime you think about this person, do you feel such hate and disgust with this person? There is a way to totally flip this situation around. Let that person know you forgive them. It doesn't matter how many times a person hurts us, we need to forgive them! Forgiveness from another person who we hurt so bad, is something we don't get exposed to quite often. It will plant seeds in people..... people will think.... wow, that's never happened before. It's all about love! Jesus not only forgave all those humiliating and torturing Him, but He asked God to forgive them b/c they didn't know what they were doing! Just like when we get hurt from others intentionally..... it's the evil inside that has blinded them. Forgive and forget. Just like God does with our everyday sins when you ask for forgiveness. He's there for you, always and forever. © 2014 Meboe |
Added on December 6, 2012 Last Updated on October 10, 2014 Book of Blogs
Nov 2, 2005
By Meboe
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By MeboeAuthor