Nov 4, 2005A Chapter by Meboe
Do you want to know how I like to carry myself as a Christian? I look at myself as a mirror. I want to reflect the glory of God, and want to show others how wonderful He really is by working through me. A lot of people have a negative outlook on Christians. I should know because I used to have one. I hear people talk about how churches are corrupt. I think it's because they hear stories about preachers stealing money or whatever. It's not our job to assume they are stealing... nor should we judge them. But it's God who will pass judgement upon that person. Just because you hear negative stories like that, doesn't mean you shouldn't attend a church.
Do you know that I am constantly battling my pride because of these blogs I write? It is because I walk with Jesus that I can fight and resist sin. Sure, I'll fall on my face again, but I'll just get back up and keep walking. I'm not going to let a speed bump stop me. Oh yes, sin will sneak up on you, bury itself in you, then destroy you. I realize that I am doing work for God because it pleases Him. I can feel Him smile over me everytime I please Him. Jesus had blessed me in many ways. I am thankful for what He's given me. If I had the chance to have a billion dollars but to know it would corrupt my spirit, I wouldn't take it. Having a pure spirit means more to me than any material possession in this world. Everyone has a spirit, but it's up to your actions and decisions to remove it from darkness and clean it up. After my breakup with my last girlfriend, I asked Jesus to help me. I was in desperate need of His help. Later I realized I was not the only one praying for me. I speak from personal experience when I say this, but I used to always seem to ask Jesus to only help me when I needed or wanted something. It's not about ourselves! It seems a lot of our prayers aren't answered. We don't always understand God's will. What you don't realize is some of your prayers may hurt you later on in your life, and I'm not talking about physical pain. It could damage your spirit. After I was in deep pain, I asked Jesus to come in my life, not only to satisfy my needs, but I wanted to work for Him. I wouldn't be typing these blogs a few months ago would I?! Now knowing I am pleasing Him, I've never been so happy in my life. I put Jesus in my life before I put anything else. It's the trust I now have in Him that He will satisfy whatever it is that makes my life so full of joy and happiness. What do you usually see when you see a picture of Jesus Christ? The majority of them, I've noticed He's holding his arms out to you. Next time you see something like that, pray to Jesus and ask Him to come into your life. Reach out to Him. He won't turn you away. It's really amazing the things you see and feel after you let Him into your life. I will keep praying God shows me the truth. There hasn't a day gone by yet that I haven't learned something. Open your heart. © 2014 Meboe |
Added on December 6, 2012 Last Updated on October 7, 2014 Book of Blogs
Nov 2, 2005
By Meboe
Nov 4, 2005
By Meboe
Nov 7, 2005
By Meboe
Nov 9, 2005
By Meboe
Dec 1, 2005
By Meboe
Dec 4 2005
By Meboe
Dec 6, 2005
By Meboe
Jan 3, 2006
By Meboe
Jan 7, 2006
By Meboe
Feb 5, 2006
By Meboe
Feb 8, 2006
By Meboe
Mar 6, 2006
By Meboe
Nov 1, 2012
By Meboe
Nov 3, 2012
By Meboe
Aug 3, 2014
By Meboe
Sep 1, 2014
By Meboe
Sep 9, 2014
By Meboe
By MeboeAuthor