Hide and Seek

Hide and Seek

A Poem by Meallea Pomorette

We played like a cat and a mouse

I sighed happily as I finished it today
Because at last I can finally take a break
From these mind boggling math questions
Which can take one's sanity in an instant.

I'm glad I managed to answer the questions 
Which only geniuses like Einstein can answer.
I know that I am not in their level 
But at least I managed to solve these problems.

The next morning, I was the first to arrive
So I decided to review my answers.
But my happy mood quickly evaporated
When my dear homework was nowhere to be found.

Oh! How unlucky I am!
I searched and searched but still no luck.
I did not forget it, right?
Then where on earth is it now?

Not finding a single trace of it,
I decided to do my homework again.
My heart was thumping very fast
As the seconds came by.

I finished it on time.
I really didn't care if I answered it right.
I just closed my eyes to calm myself
As I forced those dreadful memories out of my mind.

But the dreadful memories came back
And seemed to haunt me the rest of the day
As I found my dear homework inside one of my books
While I was searching for a scratch paper.

How funny my luck turned out.
When I needed something most it's not there.
But it will always be present
When it's not needed anymore.

I really didn't know what to feel.
But many years from now I would surely laugh
As one day I remembered how
I played hide and seek with my homework

© 2012 Meallea Pomorette

Author's Note

Meallea Pomorette
Another wonderful high school experience...
I was really laughing at myself while writing this...
Review please...

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Cute poem. I hope you passed

Posted 11 Years Ago

We all look back and laugh and cry... You are in a wonderful storm of life right now. Enjoy the wonder and survive the storms!
Be well.

Posted 11 Years Ago

i like the whole poem, very cute!

Posted 11 Years Ago

Good piece - love the ending

Posted 11 Years Ago

Maths! I LOVE MATHS!! *saying to self* I don't get it why people hate maths. *closed eyes and head shaking*
Lol... Sorry no offence!! I LOVE MATHS!!
BUUUUUT... I don't like homeworks.... I always do them in college during my free time... -.-
This totally happens!!! "When my dear homework was nowhere to be found."
And that's so true: "I really didn't know what to feel.
But many years from now I would surely laugh
As one day I remembered how
I played hide and seek with my homework"
LOVED IT... Going in my library ^^

Posted 11 Years Ago

I remember losing my science warm-ups a few weeks ago. I totally frwaked out. I like this poem.

Posted 11 Years Ago

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if you change your last word in this poem to "math" your last stanza will have a rhyme. and it might be even cuter... if that is possible.

Another great write for a great writer!

Posted 11 Years Ago

sometimes we get things seriously and we think these things are the center of our lives, later on we may discover how much these things were really silly and they didnt deserve our care, we laugh at them and at ourselves..
very nicely penned..

Posted 11 Years Ago

Haha , too true

Posted 11 Years Ago

Your writings are cute and awesome, Keep writing!

Posted 11 Years Ago

Meallea Pomorette

11 Years Ago


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25 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on November 25, 2012
Last Updated on November 25, 2012
Tags: school, homework, student


Meallea Pomorette
Meallea Pomorette

Manila, NCR, Philippines

Hello everyone! I have 2 months off school so hopefully I can update once again. See you! more..


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