Call Me FlairA Story by MichaelBen Bachick had first seen her at his book signing through the crowd of fans that surrounded him. Even though at first it was, only a single glance that he had given her, but it was all that he needed. For the image of her now stayed trapped within the back of his mind. The way her long amber hair cascades over her shoulders and her face seems tanned and innocent. And the black dress she wore, hugged the curves of her slender body as she stands trying to look seductive for him. At least he thought that she was trying to get his attention. Ben was never good at knowing what a woman’s intentions were just from first glance. Of course, he did not think that any man really knew that, even though some would always boast that they did. She was nineteen or twenty that was the one thing that Ben was sure about, even though he was a bad judgment when it came to guessing about a woman’s age. At the time it really did not matter to him, because he had to concentrate on his fans that came up to him, all telling him about how much they enjoyed his latest book. Ben had written four books of an almost dark nature, but not the horror kind that could be almost unbelievable. Of creatures or the classic monsters of the past. No, his was about almost real life and he had always used the same character. A young woman who was tough from the living of a hard life on the street. He called her Flair, even though he had no conception on why he had called her that. But it seemed like a name that fit and he like it nonetheless. And through the years that he had written the four books so far with her, he found himself obsessed with the character. “Where do you get the inspiration for your books? You make Flair seem so real, as if you are talking about someone that you knew.” a woman in her late twenties said as she handed him a copy of his book. “It just comes to me. There really isn’t any woman that I got the idea for the character.” Ben replied as he took the book, opened it and then autographed it. It was then that a sudden ridiculous thought came to his mind. That the girl he glanced at through the crowd was Flair. He knew it was ridiculous; still there was a haunting feeling about it that seemed not to leave him. Ben looked back in the direction that he had seen her and then discovered that she had disappeared. Had she really been there? Or was it just his imagination? That was the one thing that he really could not figure out. And tried to forget about it and get back to the job in hand. Which was to smile, sign copies of his book and listen to the comments and questions, which he must have heard a million times no matter where he would go. Even though he really did not want to be there and doing that, he knew it was part of the glory of being noticed and keeping the recognition he got from the public. An hour later, Ben arrived at the hotel that he was saying at, relieved that the book signing was over with. Now he could just relax and work onto the next book, which he had been working on. Yet, he had found himself unable to get it going. It was as if the inspiration had been gone and he desperately needed to hind it again. But he figured that he would find it soon enough, for he always did at the most strangest moments. He walked into the lobby of the Hard Rock Hotel, and made his way to the bar. Feeling that he needed to have a drink just to relax from the barrage of questions and compliments of his writing from his devoted readers. And in a way, he wanted to think about that girl that he had seen. The hotel bar was dark with a few paintings on the dark wood walls and candles burning on the scattered tables in the middle of the room and the booths along the far wall. As he approached the bar, the bartender, a blond woman wearing a tuxedo shirt and a black skirt, started to come up to him. She smiled kindly as he sat down at the end of the bar and placed a napkin on the bar in front of him. “Good afternoon Mr. Bachick. Starting kind of early, aren’t we?” she said in a joking tone and then said. “What can I get you?” “Just a soda.” he replied. “Really? I do not get many orders for that around here. Unless it is someone who is playing designated driver.” she said smiling. Ben could tell that she was impressed that he did not order alcohol, so that way she would not have to deal with someone getting drunk. The thing was Ben was not doing it to impress her. It was the fact that he had not had a drink in over five years and did not want to start now. He knew that he had to keep his mind clear and he did not want to relive the nightmares that he had when he did drink. When she brought him the soda, she placed it in front of him and then said that it was on her. Her smile widened slightly as she gave him a wink. Then started to make her way to the other end of the bar where two men sat in dark suits. He turned his attention to the large tinted window that faced Michigan Avenue. Watching the people pass by in an almost hurried pace. A mixture of different type of people making their way to their own destinations. And of course, the occasional homeless person begging for money or someone preaching about the corruption of the world and how to save themselves by turning to God. Ben did not really concentrate of the people passing by or even the blues music that was softly playing from the speakers in the bar. The only thing that he found himself thinking about was the girl at the bookstore that caught his attention. He had no idea why it was that he was concentrating on her so much. Especially when he did not know anything about her. Yet, he was thinking about her. Wishing that he had had the chance to meet her. To find out her name and why she had looked at him the way she did. Looking at him as if she had known him before and had feelings for him. Like the way a lover would look at their partner in the heat of the moment. It was a ridiculous notion, for she did not know anything about him. “You are Ben Bachick, aren’t you?” a woman’s voice said coming from the side of him. He knew that it was not the female bartender that was asking him that, because the woman’s voice sounded younger. That and the fact that the bartender already knew his name. When he turned, he saw the girl sitting next to him. Her jade colored eyes staring at him with such a sparkle of excitement in them as her elbow rested on the bar and hand supported her tilted head. “Yes, I am.” Ben responded smiling. “Your stories are really good. I have read them all and always found something so wonderful about them.” she said. Ben thanked her even though he had heard something similar to that before to other people before. But there was something about the way this girl said it that made it seem different. He had no idea why that was, but he felt it. He figured it was because he was a single man in a city that he was visiting and she was a mysterious, beautiful woman. Probably just a physical attraction that he was feeling for her when he looked at her. Like the way that any man would feel looking at a woman like her. Still, he felt that there was something more there that he could not figure out. “So what is your next story going to be about?” she asked in an innocent tone. “I am not sure. I am having a moment of writer’s block.” he explained and then asked. “And what is your name?” She gave him a playful grin as her body became erect. Then she stretched briefly, her back arched, shoving her chest in front of her. Through the thin fabric of her dress the indentations of her n*****s were shown, and then faded as she stood erect. Her hand reached over and touched his, as she moved slightly closer to him. “What would you like it to be?” she said softly. At first, Ben thought that she was joking, just some playful flirting that she was doing with him. Yet, it was something that he never thought he would hear a woman answer him with. The way she said it reminded him of Julia Roberts from the movie Pretty Woman. For she played a hooker that said that to Richard Geere. Was she giving him a hint that she was a call girl and trying to pick him up? Or was it just playful flirting that she was doing? “You are serious?” he asked. “Maybe. I bet you never had a woman ask you that.” she said giggling. “No, no one has. Very original.” he said as his eyes glanced down at the end of the bar. Noticing the two men looking over at her and Ben could bet he knew what they were thinking. Probably in a few minutes they would take a chance and to come over and make a move on her. He knew he could not let something like that happen to her, for it was obvious that she was only interested in Ben. “You want to get out of here? I am suddenly feeling uncomfortable sitting here.” she said before he had the chance of saying the same thing. “I was just going to ask you that.” he said laughing. “I guess I can take that as a yes then.” she said as she started to laugh as well. Ben pulled out a five and placed it on the bar as a tip for the bartender and then they stood up and made their way out of the bar. From the corner of his eye, he could see the two dark suited men watching them leave and whispering to each other. And he was sure he knew what they were saying to one another. And it surely was not anything that was meant to be said aloud in a high-class establishment like this. But Ben really does not let it bother him, for all that he wants to think about is the young woman that he was walking out with. When they got into the lobby, he had no idea where he wanted to take her. But just from the way she looked at him with a slight expression of seduction, he had a feeling that she already did. And he was right about that. She instantly told him that she wanted to see where he was saying. Even though she did not come right out and say it, he was still aware that was what she was hinting at. Even though he was slightly hesitant about doing that, he agreed anyway. Figuring that he would be able to talk to her in private without anyone listening in on their conversation or giving them strange looks. Later they made their way to the fourth floor of the hotel and then moved down the hallways. Ben’s eyes glanced over at his female companion. There were many questions, which filled his mind that were still unanswered. But the one that seemed to stay trapped in his mind was what she had asked him a moment ago. What would you like my name to be? Right before Ben got to the door of his room she reached out and grabbed his hand and then stopped suddenly. He turned to her as she looked at him with a serious expression on her face. For a brief moment, he was not sure why she was looking at him like that, thinking that he had done something to suddenly offend her. The thing was he did not do anything to really do anything to cause that. “What is it?” he asked. “You never answered me with what I asked at the bar.” she said. “What do you want my name to be?” Ben was not sure what to say to her, but there was only one name that came to his mind. One name that stayed trapped within his mind that he knew he could not forget. The only thing was he did not want to speak it. For it seemed to be something so ridiculous to tell her. To make her play out the image of someone who did not even exist except within his own mind. She looked at him with a look that was not just curious but curious as well. Then she smiled again as her hand reached up and gently touched the side of his face. Slowly, she moved closer to him, as her eyes stayed focused on his face. He could not figure out what it was about this woman that drew him to her. Feeling that there was something more than just a lustful desire that he felt for her. Something allusive that he could not discover that well. Her lips hovered centimeters from his as she pulled him close to her. Making his body press against hers, pinning her body against the wall of the hallway. Yet, she did not let her lips touch his, at least not yet. He could feel her hot breath caressing the skin of his face, enticing him. “Just call me Flair. I know deep down that is the name that you want me to be.” she whispered in a seductive tone. “Flair. But you cannot be her she does not exist. I made her up for the stories I wrote.” he said softly in a confused tone. “We should keep going. When we get to your room I am sure that I can convince you that I am her.” she said. His body pressed tightly against hers, feeling her breasts crushed against her chest as her arms wrapped around him and they stood there for a minute, motionless. Ben found himself wanting to kiss her, just to have the chance to give her one kiss. But he found himself could not do that. For what if she would not want him to? Even though she was doing this, maybe she was not ready to have him make a move on her. For her to lose control of this situation. Lose control of the seduction that she was trying to do with him. That was if that was if that was what she had intended to do. “We should keep going. I do not think you want to have anyone find us like this. Or do you?” she said in a playful tone. To Ben it almost seemed that she was trying to see if he would tell her yes he did. That he had some sort of fantasy that he wanted to play out by doing something with her in public. But he was not like that. He was not the courageous to let himself do something as strange or bold as that. “You are right. Come on, we better go. My room is right down this way.” he said as he took a step back and pointed down the hallway. Before they started to walk again, she reached out for his hand again and held it. Smiling that same smile that she had given him a moment ago. Ben found himself wanting to find out everything about her, anything that she would be willing to tell him. It seemed to him that she would probably not be willing to reveal the truth about her right away. To keep him guessing for a while. That was something that he would have to wait and see what would happen. They stopped at a door with a brass number 438 in it. For a moment, they stood there looking at each other, as if they were at the end of a date. His eyes looked at her smiling as he believed that there was something that he needed to say to her before they went inside. Something maybe witty or even romantic that would impress her, even though it seemed that he would not have to impress her. So instead of saying anything that would probably embarrass him, he just opened the door and let her walk in first. Then followed behind her, closing the door behind him when he got inside. The room was nothing special, just a normal looking room like anyone would find in a hotel. A large king sized bed, light brow dresser across from it with a television on it, and a table with two chair at the far end of the room in front of two large windows. The only thing that was different from any other room was that there was a small refrigerator, the kind college kids would have in their dorm and a small microwave on top of it. The curtains were closed, giving them the privacy that they would need, which Ben always made surer that he did when he stayed in a hotel room. And on the table was his laptop, like some old friend, waiting for him. But now he wanted to keep his attention on the woman that now was calling herself Flair. She walked into the room and then sat down on the edge of the bed. She looked over at him, watching as he made his way to her. “Nice room. Of course a hotel like this you should expect it to be nice.” she said giggling and then patted her hand on the mattress of the bed next to her. “Sit next to me.” Ben sat down next to her, smiling briefly as she placed her hand on his leg. He wondered if there was something more to the reason she wanted him to bring her here, than just the obvious. But even the obvious seems to be strange to him. Because there was no challenge to getting to the point where passion would be shared between them. No getting to know each other, trying to impress her with his wit, nothing. It seemed like she just seen him and decided that he was the one that she wanted to be with. But why? After all, he was much older than she was, and she was the type of girl who could have any man that she could ever want. “What are you thinking about Ben?” she asked as she moved closer to him. “Mainly about you.” he said honestly. Her jade colored eyes sparkled again with a sudden excitement in them. As if she never had any man ever tell him that. “And what is it about me that you are thinking about?” she asked. Ben knew that he could say a multitude of things to answer her. Who are you for real? What kind of game are you playing? Why have you picked me? Is there something more that you want from me than just a night of sex with a popular writer? But he knows that those questions could be something that would be an insult to her. And he decided to play it safe, at least for now. “How beautiful you are. And wondering how a man like me could be lucky to be with you.” he said smiling. “Oh Ben, I am the lucky one. Having the chance to be with a talented man like you. I have read all four of your books over and over again. And each time they always amazed me.” she said and then turned away from him for a moment. It seemed as if she was blushing from what she was saying and was trying to hide it from him. When she turned back, she just looked at him in silence and then kisses his cheek so gently. It was not the type of kiss that he had hoped for and yet it seemed to be the type that he knew he would receive. “You are amazing, Ben. So amazing, more than you probably even know.” she said. “I know so much about you from the interviews that you did and the appearances you had on those talk shows.” “It seems that you have me at a disadvantage. You know so much about me and I don’t know anything about you.” he said, hoping that she would reveal something about herself. “And what would you like to know? Ask me anything and I will tell you honestly.” she said as her hand reached up and touched his chest. He could feel her finger moving in a slow circular motion, lightly scratching his chest through the fabric of his shirt. Just from her doing that made it difficult for him to even think of what to ask her. As if it is something that she wanted to do so that he would not be able to ask her anything too personal about her. “Well, a woman wants to be a mystery to a man. To make it more interesting while they are together. Keeps the man guessing about the woman, like some sort of mind seduction.” she said softly. “And you have seduced men like that before?” he asked. “Not really. Because of the danger of what the man would do. Now a days there are too many men out there that would be dangerous to a woman. Thinking that they were so weak and timid.” she said. Ben found himself wondering if she felt this way about men, then why had she been so willing to come to his room? He really was not a violent person and in his whole life, he has never tried to force himself on a woman. Still, he wondered why it could be that she was playing out some innocent seduction with him. As he looked at her, he had a strange feeling that there was something more than she was hiding, more than who she really was. And there was something else. For some reason he felt like he had known her from somewhere. Yet, he could not understand where that could be. Ever since his divorce five years ago, he had lived an isolated life. And that was when he had dove into the world of his writing, finding the character of Flair and letting it consume him. Now though as he sat there with a woman who called herself Flair, he had that same feeling he had when he was writing. That calm and relaxed feeling as he was absorbed into the world of his imagination. Could it be that she really was Flair? That somehow the character that he had created now had become real? More questions that he believed would never be answered. “So you don’t think that I am that dangerous?” he asked curiously. “Are you?” she asked in a sarcastic tone acting like she already knew the answer. “Of course not. I could never let myself hurt a woman or even take advantage just to get something that I would want.” he said. “But isn’t that what seduction really is? Just a play in actions and words to get what you want?” she asked. It was obvious that she knew what she was talking about. As if she was talking logically from experiences in her own life. And in a way, she sounded the way Flair...the Flair that he wrote about, would say. He thought that it could have just been because she had read his books and got an idea of the way the character acts, speaks and almost thinks as well. It seemed like a ridiculous thought to him and yet there was a part of him that believed that it. “I guess in a way.” he replied, not really knowing what to say to her. “Then you can say that in some way you are trying to seduce me right now.” she said playfully. Ben really was not sure what it was that he was trying to do, for he really had not planned out what would happen once they got up here to his room. Even though the thought of it did tempt him, he knew that he could not use her like that. Especially since he knew that, she was aware that men would try to do something like that to her. The only thing was Ben could feel that he wanted something more than just a moment of such physical affection that he could share with her. He just was not sure exactly what that could be right now. She lifted her hand up and touched the side of his face as she smiled at him so lovingly. Ben could not help but wonder if it she was thinking that all that he wanted was to seduce her into such passionate affections. “What are you thinking about? Tell me, I want to know.” she said. “I am just wondering if you think that I had planned to seduce you. To be like all those other men that you probably have come across before.” he said. “I don’t think that about you. And yes, I have experienced other men that only thought of me as some sort of sexual object or some trophy that they wanted to obtain. Never before had I let any of them do what they would want with me.” she said and then was hesitant for a moment. “But you are different than those men. I can tell that just from looking at you.” “And you are the type of woman who does not let anyone take advantage of from the way you talk. But when you find that special man that you are interested in, you would love and respect him. Giving him all that you are when you know that you can trust him.” he replied smiling. Her head rested on his shoulder as he put his arm around her without thinking about it. And she made no attempt to push his arm off her. Instead, she pressed herself even closer to him. “I guess you will have to wait and find out if that is true.” she said softly. Just hearing her say that brought about such a curiosity within him to know if that would be true. But as she had said, the only thing that he could do was to wait and see if what she said would be true. The only thing that he was not sure about was why he would be so concerned about it, when he had just met her. “I guess I will.” he replied in a calm voice. “So, if this is a seduction, then what do you have planned next to impress me? To entice me to the point where your dreams would come true?” she asked giggling. Ben had no idea what to say, for he had not been trying to seduce her. In fact, she had been the one that wanted to come up to his room in the first place. He knew that she was playing with his mind, trying to see if he was true to his word about what he said about himself. “I have no idea. I thought that you were trying to seduce me? The way you came up to me at the bar, kissed me, and then had me bring you here.” he said honestly and then was silent for a moment. “I am not trying to offend you or accuse you in any way. Just asking you a question, nothing more than that?” Flair looked at him and then stood up and made her way in front of him. As she stood looking down at him, her hands rested on her hips and she gave him a devilish grin. Ben was not sure what it could be that she was up to. But felt a sudden fear overwhelm him. As if he had done something wrong, that would make her walk out of his hotel room and life forever. Still, there was something about the way that she held herself that made him believe that was not so. Even though he was not sure, it still was a possibility. “And what if I had been trying to seduce you? Would that be something so terrible? Would you think that I was a woman with something more in mind?” she asked in a curious tone. “No, but I would like to know the truth nonetheless. You can’t blame me for thinking that you were trying to seduce me, by the way that you acted so far.” he said in a sort of defensive tone. She laughed as she took a step closer to him. Then leaned forward, placing her hands on his shoulders. He gazed into her jade colored eyes as the words which he wanted to speak left him. Ben knew that he was captivated by her and only wanted to please her in any way that he could. He could feel his heart racing as he waited for her to speak again. It was then that a line from Romeo and Juliet suddenly came into his mind. One that he did not speak aloud, but heard him speak within his mind. Oh, speak again, bright angle! For thou art more glorious than this night. He knew that if he were to speak these words to her that there would be the chance that she would think that he was a fool. Still, he longed to hear her speak again, to hear her voice and know what she was thinking and feeling. “Maybe I was trying to seduce you. I have to admit that there is something about you that is so irresistible. And when I saw you sitting there at the bar, I knew that I had to go to you.” she whispered to him. “So what will you do next?” he answered. “That I am not sure of. I have never tried to seduce anyone before and tell you the truth I have not thought of what to do next now that it has come this far.” she said as her face blushed slightly. Ben raised his hand up to her, touching the side of her face. His fingertips feeling the soft and warm skin of her cheek, and her body trembling slightly. “You are trembling. Am I making you scared by me doing this?” he asked softly. “No....” she started to say. “on the contrary, you are making me feel an excitement in me that I had never felt before. I just do not know how far I will be able to take this. I really don’t have that much experience with what I think that we are going to be doing next.” “Then we will go slow and you can stop at any time that you feel. The last thing that I would want would be to making you think that you have to do something that you are not ready or comfortable doing.” Ben replied. Flair’s body stood erect turned and then sat in his lap. Her hands rested on the back of his neck as she looked at him, smiling. “You know that was a pretty smooth line you gave me.” she said. “It wasn’t a line, it was the truth. the last thing that I would want would be to hurt you. I don’t think that I could respect myself knowing that I did something like that to you.” Ben replied. “I know it is. I do not know how I do, but I just do. I just hope that I can meet up to your expectations.” she said shyly. “And I hope that I can meet up with yours as well.” he said as he moved his lips closer to hers. “So already have.” she said softly as she moved her lips to meet his. He kissed her as his arms wrapped around her, pulling her ever closer to him, their bodies pressed against each other once again. Their lips met in a series of soft short kisses, as he felt the desire for her growing even stronger within him. And he could feel by the way that she touched him and the way her breath became heavy that she felt the same way for him. He wanted to pick her up in his arms and lay her down on the bed. And then to let the passion, which they were, feeling for one another be set free and embraced. Yet, he still recalled what she had just said, about how she had no experienced with something like this. And because of that, he wanted to make sure that his promise was kept with her. Her head tilted back, taking a deep breath and letting out a soft moan. “Oh Ben, I never thought that something like this could be happening. You are bringing out something within me that I have never felt before.” she moaned. “I never thought I could feel something like this with a woman like you as well. Someone so beautiful and wonderful as you are.” he whispered, trying to catch his breath. Their lips met again in a kiss and before he could think about it, he gently started to lean her down onto the mattress. And she did not seem to try to stop him, telling him that this was not rushing the moment. Even though he wanted to, those primal urges that burned within his soul, he did not want to force himself on her. Laying her onto side, with him laying by her side, their arms entwined as their lips continued to engage in their lips over each other. His fingertips ran up and down her back, feeling the silky fabric of her dress under his touch. As he felt her hands moving over his back, lightly scratching him through the fabric of his shirt. Feeding the desire within them that seemed that it would not be satisfied that easily. As they continued their passionate cuddling, Ben felt a relaxed sensation about her that he had, even as they did this. Normally, he would be slightly nervous, unsure of what to do. If he would touch the woman a certain way or try to initiate something that the woman might not be ready for. Rushing the moment because of the passion that was felt. And wanting to please the woman the best he could, better than any other man could. But with Flair, there seemed to be none of those feelings, which he felt toward her. It was as if he had known her for years, which was a feeling so strange to him. For he had never seen her until a short time ago at the bar. Still, there was a feeling deep inside of him that he did know her. Knew her pretty well in fact. Within the moment, he started to believe that she really was Flair. The Flair that he had written about in all four books and the one that he would be working on as soon as he would get over his writer’s block. But now he really did not worry about that right now. And he let himself believe that she really was his Flair, the one that had obsessed him with each book that he wrote about. The one that he secretly had such a love affair with within the world of his creativity that he never would have admitted to anyone. Now, he decided to take a courageous act to see as far as he could with her. His hand reach around and gently cupped her one perky breast. Thinking that she would probably back away from him in shock or take his hand off of her saying he was going to fast. But she did not do anything like that. Instead, she let out a moan and whispered to him how she liked the feel of his touch. Something that any other woman never really did say anything like that to him, at least not with such passion behind her words to make him believe it. Ben found himself wanting to do more with her, to embrace such passion with her and make love to her as he imagined he would with the Flair that he had obsessed within his imagination and the books that he wrote. The Flair that he had created within his mind. “Ben, I want to give you everything that I am. But I am afraid.” she said in sift, panting whispers. “Then we don’t have to go all the way. We have all the rest of the day and the night. That is if you want to stay with me that long.” he said softly. “Of course I do. Why must you be so wonderful to me? Caring so much about me as you are?” she asked. “Because that is the way that I am. I want to show you what you are bringing out within my heart.” he said in response. But the real reason was because that he started to believe that she really was Flair and wanted to open his heart to her. To show all that he felt for her, how he loved her secretly so much. Even though he knew that she really was not the real Flair from his writing, yet Ben was not going to let that reality come to his eyes. At least not yet. Wanting to let the fantasy continue that she was willing to play out with him. Not knowing why it was that she wanted to do this and was not going to question it. For why would he question her about something that she was so willing to do? They had continued their cuddling, slowly letting it become more and more intense. Till their clothes were shed down to their under garments, hands moving over each other body so gentle and slow. His fingers tracing over the trim frame of her body, feeling her body trembling even more in such sweet bliss. And her beauty in the lacy black bra and matching g-string, which complimented her sultry body even more, enchanted him. His hand moved down her body and then slowly moved over the front of the soft fabric of her g-string as she gasped suddenly. Her eyes widened and filled with such excitement, back arched as he kissed her. Lips parted, tasting each other so sensually as if to catch each others breath. She did not try to push away his touch, that was until his fingers tried to slip in between her legs. But she did not back away and say no, she just gently took his hand and removed it from that area of her body. Ben felt slightly uneasy about him doing that to her. Making her feel scared from it, making it seem as if he was rushing the moment. Flair did not say anything about it or even made it and actions except the removal of his hand to hint about it. He knew that he had to be cautious of what he did, so he would not offend her again. One time would probably be excepted, but more than once would make her aggravated from it. And then she would turn around and say that this moment was over with. For now it seemed that she did not want it to end, just like he did not want it either. “Sorry about that Ben. It just felt too soon for something like that to happen just yet.” she said tenderly. Ben could understand what she was trying to say and was not going to try and make her let him, like some other man would. If this was all that she would let happen between them, he would be pleased by it. For it was so much more than he expected to happen in a way. “Like I said, it is up to you when it comes to as far as we go.” he whispered. “Would you do something for me, even if it would seem strange to you?” she suddenly asked. Ben was not sure what she was trying to get at by saying that. He thought that there would be some sort of act that she would want him to do to her that he would probably not normally do with a woman. But he knew that there was no way that he could deny her anything. “That depends on what it could be that you want me to do?” he replied. Her body pressed against his, fingers running through his hair as her eyes stared so lovingly into his. For a moment she did not say anything, as if she was not sure if she should ask him what she wanted. Yet, there was something about the way she looked at him, that made it seem that she needed too. “Could you call me by my name? Call me by my name and tell me how you really feel for me.” she asked and then kissed his lips gently. He was not sure why he would ask that, since he only met her today and there was no real way to know what he truly felt for her. Felt for the real woman that she was. But as Flair he knew without thinking exactly how he felt, which he had always kept locked away. “My darling Flair, for the longest time my heart has been crying out to you. I love you my darling Flair.” he said so tenderly. “Oh Ben, I never thought any man would say anything like that to me. you too.” she said in a loving voice. Ben wasn’t sure if it was right that he had said that to her. For some reason though it felt natural to him when he said it. As if it really was the woman Flair that he manifested within his mind. It seemed though that what he had said touched her heart from what he told her. “You don’t know how long I have waited to hear you say that to me. I have imagined how it would be when you would be mine and share a moment like this. And now here you are, my Love.” he said without thinking about it. “I will always be yours for all eternity. To love and cherish you with all my heart and soul. And give you everything that you could ever need. Even give you the inspiration that you need for the stories that shall come to you.” she said so lovingly. Ben was not sure how she would be able to inspire him for the stories that he needed to write. But there was something about what she said that made him believe that she meant what she claimed. The only thing that he wondered was how she would do something like that. “And how would you do that for me? That is if that would be something that I would want from you.” he asked. Flair leaned on her side as she looked at him, as her finger gently ran over his chin. There was something about her touch that enticed him so much, as everything about her intrigued him so much. She did not answer him on how she would do that, just smiled and ran her finger down his chest. Making him tremble slightly from her touch, as he found himself wanting to take her right then. Still, he was determined to keep his promise to her and not make himself become like all the other men that she had encountered in her past. Whatever her past could have been. That was the one thing that he did not know yet. And because of that he felt puzzled, wishing that he could know what her past really was. Even if it was only a couple facts about her life would have been satisfying for him. Because of it, he knew that she could tell that there was something on his mind that he was not revealing to her yet. “Ben, what are you thinking about? I can tell that there is something bothering you. Tell me.” she said as she sat up on the bed. “I was just wondering about your past. Wanting to know about what it could be. That was if you would be willing to tell me.” he said as he sat up as well. “There is nothing that I will not hide from you, Ben. Tell me what you want to know.” she said. “I am not sure what to ask. Why don’t you tell me what you want too. Like some of the experiences that you had with a some of the people that you encountered.” he said. Ben was not sure if she would if she would do that and really did not know why he wanted to know about it. In a way he figured that it might help him with the story that he was suppose to write. Hoping that it would spark some sort of inspiration that would come about to him. Even though it was more than just that, a hidden intention behind it that he really did not want to let her know about it just yet. And in a way, to be revealed to him as well. Flair sat there her fingers twirling the ends of her long hair, making her seem so innocent and delicate, something that contradicted the act that she had done a moment ago. He knew that this was the real woman behind the tough delusion that she had worn like a mask. There was something about it which brought about a serene ambiance that surrounded him. Could it be that now he had finally found the real woman that she was trying to hide? A scared young woman who really did not know what she was doing? He was not sure if that was what he was seeing. It was something that he was not sure and was not going to let her know that he did see that in her. “I have had some bad times with people that I thought that I could trust. Who I thought were my true friends, but in the end I found out that I was wrong. And because of it, I really did not have any close friends because of it.” she said in a soft, almost sad tone. “I know what you mean, I have had people deceive me somewhat like that. It hurts, but it also made me become stronger.” he said as his hand reached over and touched her thigh. “I know, everyone goes through that once in a while. But it seems that I go through it more than anyone else. And I have no idea why. I mean I never did anything to provoke it.” she said and then hesitated for a second. “I guess I just have a bad judgment when it comes to picking out friends to trust.” She laughed slightly, but it was not the type of laugh that was humorous or even sarcastic. No her laugh was more like she was nervous or ready to start crying out of control because of the memories that she probably tried so hard to forget about. And the laugh was somewhat like a smokescreen, to try and not reveal the real pain that she could be feeling. Even though she had not told him about it yet, Ben still felt apprehensive that he had asked her it in the first place. Yet, there was nothing that he could do about it now. It had already been said and all that he could do was to comfort her as she told him her memories. “The one that stays within my mind was that of my so-called best friend, Marie and her fiancée Wyatt. Even since high school I had been friends with her and practically did everything with her, like the way two girls would be with each other as close friends. She was a bold and wild woman who I never really felt comfortable with in the past, and her fiancée was the same way. Which probably made them a perfect couple in a way. But it was one summer night that that changed everything about the friendship that we had and eventually killed it.....” she started to explain. Ben sat there in silence, listening closely to what she was telling him. The look on his face was that of such seriousness, feeling the longing for her to continue as she stopped to clear her throat. For this was the first time that she seemed to be telling him the truth about what had happened. She had told him about that summer night a year ago, as the smile ran away from her face and fear and sadness replaced it. Flair had been in the bedroom with her friend Marie, trying on lingerie like that had done when they were in high school on a weekend night. To her it seemed all innocent and fun, and it made her seem attractive and confident with each lacy garment that she would try on and model for her friend. But that was when it all changed. Her fiancée Wyatt had yelled through the hallway that he would be back. A minute later, he came walking through the bedroom door and stood there looking at them. They both were naked and Flair suddenly felt so vulnerable and afraid, for he would not leave. And Marie did not do anything to get him to leave either, as if they had planned this to happen. When she went to get her clothes so she could go into the bathroom, Wyatt would not let her. Wyatt was a big man with a short crew cut, which made him seem threatening without him saying a word. Marie was not threatening, with her slightly chunky frame and short sandy blond hair and glasses. “If this is a joke it’s not funny. Get out of here already, so I can get dressed.” she yelled at him. But he did not move, as his eyes looked over her naked frame that she could not cover up at the moment. Then looked over at Marie who was starting to make her way around the other side of the bed to her. He told them that he wanted to see then touch each other intimately and kiss. Marie, who by now was standing next to Flair, started to reach a hand over to fondle her breast. But Flair just jerked away from her and did the only thing that she could think of. Which was to pull the bed sheet off of the bed and cover herself with it. “Come on Flair, you don’t need to be afraid. We are all friends here and this is something that is not bad at all.” Wyatt said as he started to move toward her. “You have a beautiful body and I want to see more of it.” “Get out of here you sick, pervert.!” she screamed. “Flair, the reason we brought you here was because we want you to be our third. I could not think of anyone that I would trust more to do something like this with.” Marie said in a playful voice. “I can’t believe that you would ask me to do something like that. You both are metal or something. And I am not going to stay here and listen to another word about it.” Flair said in an angered tone. By this time Wyatt had got to Flair and stood in front of her with a wicked grin on his lips as his eyes glared with such lustfulness. Before she could say anything, his hand reached up and grabbed the bed sheet that she held against the front of her body. With one forceful yank pulled it away from her, leaving her standing in front of him naked again. Then his hand fondled her breast, making her body stiffen suddenly as his fingers pinched her n****e. She let out a sudden cry in terror as she tried to step back. But it was no use for Marie was behind her now holding her in place. Leaving her helpless and vulnerable to whatever lustful act that they would want to do at the moment. She could feel his other hand moved in between her legs, probing her sex and then inside her. Instantly her leg shot up as her knee smashed into his crotch. Making Wyatt collapse to the floor, moaning out in such pain. “Flair, why did you do that? We just wanted....” Marie started to say. But before she could finish, Flair swung her arm behind her, letting her elbow smash into her face, making her nose bleed. The she moved to where her clothes were left on the floor and went down the hallway into the bathroom to put her clothes on. “And after that night, I had never seen or heard from them again. Which I am grateful for.” she said as she smirked at Ben slightly. “I am so sorry to hear that you went through that last year. A young woman like you should not have had to gone through something as horrible as that.” he said as his hand lightly touched her shoulder. “Thank you Ben. I knew that you would be the one that would respect me if I told you about that. The only other person I had said that about was a man I was involved with for a short time. The only thing that he said after I told him about it, was that he wanted to make out because it excited him. But not you, you feel sympathy toward what I had went through. And that means more to me than anything.” she said. “Of course I do. And anyway I can not see how anyone could find something like that exciting.” Ben said and then was silent for a moment. “Intimacy should be something special between two people, not more than that.” “Really? I never thought that I would hear a man say that.” she said suddenly in a shocked tone. “Here I thought that I knew everything about you and you just turn around and surprise me with something else about you. You truly are an amazing man.” Ben really did not know how amazing he really was, for he was only telling her the truth about what he felt about her. “Ben, did you really mean what you said to me, when you told me that you loved me?” she asked. “Of course I did. Flair you are everything that I have ever wanted in a woman. For the longest time I thought that I would never be able to find a woman like you. And then you appeared to me, astounding me with your beauty.” he said. She kissed him and slowly pushed him onto his back without saying a word. Her body lying on top of his as he wrapped his arms around her, holding her body close to his. His fingers unfastened her bra, freeing the beauty of her breasts she gave herself to him and he to her. Letting him shed away the last of her garments till she was deliciously and sweetly naked. Within the silence of the hotel room they made love, letting the passion for each other be set free. Each touch, each kiss and action feeding the desires within them. Ben dreamed about Flair, of what she had told him about the incident with her friends and other images as well. He was surprised that he had been able to sleep, considering that most of the time his insomnia would have overwhelmed him. And it always seemed to come about when he was suffering from writer’s block, which made it even more frustrating. Yet, there was something about lying next to Flair that made it possible for him to be able to relax. The feel of her naked body against his, the soft sound of her breathing, made it seem so wonderful to him. So natural, as if it was meant to happen. He only wondered if this would be something more than just a moment of a brief liaisons which he was sharing with Flair. That was something that he was not sure about. And all that he could do was to wait and see what would happen when they would awaken. When he did awaken he rolled onto his side and looked over at the table by the window. She was sitting there dressed in her dress again, the chair pushed far away from the table, in front of the one of the window. Rays of sunlight shined into the room and onto her, as her one young, firm leg lifted up as she put on her high heel shoe. Just from the way the sunlight shine upon her and the way she sat there, made her look so innocent and seductive at the same time. He lay there watching her, enchanted by her sweet beauty. Her eyes stared down at her feet, making it seem as if there was something that was bothering her. She seemed so sad and Ben really did not know why that could be. “You like watching me, don’t you.” she said without even looking over at him. “I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable. You are just so beautiful.” he replied as he sat up on the bed. “You could never make me feel that way. No matter what you could do, I would never be afraid of you or think that you would hurt me.” she said as she looked over at him. “Because I love you Ben. More than any woman has ever loved a man before.” Flair looked at him with such a serious expression on her face. She was telling him the truth, he could feel it just from the way she spoke. And he loved her as well, feeling that there was something else about her that he could not figure out just yet. It was as if he had known her just about all his life, so close to her for some reason. He knew that he had find out the truth behind what he was feeling. Even if it would make him out to be a fool, it was a chance that he would have to take. “What do you want to ask me, my darling Ben? Ask me what you want my love. You know that I would not hide anything from you.” she said as she stood up and made her way over to the bed. Even though he wanted to keep silent about his curiosity, he knew that he couldn’t. resist her. “Do you feel that you are close to me. Closer than just because of what we had just shared?” he asked. “Like you have known me for years? Know just about everything about me, even maybe even be able to predict what I will say or do.” she said as she sat down on the edge of the bed. “I guess so. It seems strange that I would feel that way. I mean, I have just met you today, yet there is something about you that makes me feel like I knew you for so long. As if you are part of me in a way.” he said. Flair giggled slightly as she leaned back against the mattress. “I know that sounds so strange. But you said that you wanted to know what I was thinking. This is what I wanted to ask you and know the truth as well.” he said. She didn’t say anything about what he said as if she was trying to avoid something. He was not sure what that could be, only that she seemed afraid of what he asked for some reason. “I am sorry, I did not mean to offend you or make you feel uneasy about asking you that.” he said and then hesitated for a moment. “If you don’t want to answer that, I will understand. Just forget that I had said anything about it.” “You are truly a sweet man. Always thinking of someone else’s feeling. That was why I chose you, because I knew you were the only man who would never hurt me.” she said. “You are leaving? Just like that?” he said in a sad voice. “I have other things that I have to do. You did not think that I was going to be able to spend all day with you.” she said. “In a way I did. I thought that you might stay here until the morning. But I guess I was wrong to assume that.” he said as he looked down at his lap. Flair did not say anything at first as she slowly moved closer to him as the scent of her faint perfume enticed him once again. Just looking at her made him want to agree to anything that she would have to say and yet there was still the longing that he was feeling right at that moment. It seemed that there was something about him saying that to her that bothered her. As if she wanted to push him away from her and yet wanted to keep him close to her at the same time. Conflicted by what she felt for him and some secret or fear that was kept deep within her soul. “Ben, why would you want to come with me? You don’t even know where it is that I would be taking you. And in a way I really don’t want you to come with me. If something were to happen to you I would never be able to forgive myself for it.” Flair said softly. “If you do feel something for me, then you must feel as much as I do to stay with me. To share the rest of the day with me, so we can get to know one another. Tell me that you feel the same way. Please, tell me.” He said eagerly. “Of course I do. But that does not change the fact that I can not take you where I am going. You are needed to stay here, this is where you belong.” She said and then got off the bed and started to move to the foot of it. For a second Ben just sat there unsure about what she really meant. Just hearing it made his even more confused about who she really was. The only thing that he could think about was what he wanted from her right now. Wanting her to stay with him and share the rest of the day and night with him. If she were to leave now, Ben would get dressed and follow her to wherever it could be that she was going. For he needed to know more about her. The attraction he had for her had suddenly become more of an obsession with him. One that he knew that he could not ignore. “Why do you want to leave me. You said that you loved me, or was that just part of the seduction that you were playing with me?” he said. “You know that I do. And it is because of the way that I feel for you that I have to leave you here. I can’t explain it and even if I did you would not believe me anyway. Just believe me when I say that you have to stay here. Where I am going you can not come with. For if you do, you can never return from.” she said as she looked at him so lovingly. “You are right, I don’t understand.” Ben said as got out of the bed and made his way over to her. “So tell me the truth, so I will know what it is that you are talking about. So that I will understand what it is that you are trying to tell me. What you are protecting me from.? “ “Please, don’t make me tell you. I know that you would not believe it. And even if you did, it would hurt you. And that is the one thing that I do not want to happen to you.” she said as a tear ran down her cheek. It was the first time that she had shown a side of her that was not that of such seduction or of a tough attitude. Or at least that was what Ben had thought she had given him before with that confident attitude that her face had shown at the bar and even when they were in the hallway. Now though, there was something else that she was showing him, the true young woman that she was, scared and unsure of what she was suppose to do. He thought that what he was asking, which to him seemed almost innocent and called for, was something that she really did not want to admit to. The only thing that he could not figure out was why that could be that she would be that way. Flair did not say anything at the moment, but her eyes seemed to say everything to him at the moment. The fear and sorrow that she was feeling that she did not want to show him. “Why are you doing this Flair? I mean, is it something that bad that you can not do? Or is there something else that you can not tell me? I wish that you could just tell me the truth.” he said as he moved closer to her. “Ben, I really don’t think you want to hear the truth. If you did, I am sure that you will no like what I have to tell you.” she said. Just hearing her say that made him want to know even more, making his curiosity stronger than he could ignore. He knew that he could not just let her go without her telling him what it could be that she was hiding from him. That was if there was a way that he could get her to do that. “I don’t think that there is a way that I would not like whatever you tell me. I mean, I don’t know hardly anything about you.” he said. “That is the thing, you do. You know more about me than you let yourself believe. In fact you know everything about me.” she said as her hand moved up and touched his chest. Ben was not sure what she could mean about that. Even though he had felt that there was something about her that seemed familiar, he really did not know who she was. The only thing that he did know was what she had told him and the eerie similarity that she had with the character that he created. Yet, he knew to well that was nothing more than just coincidence. As he stood there looking at her, he could not help but feel the urge to beg her to stay with him. For he felt as if there was no way that he would be able to stand a moment away from her, now that he had found her. There were so many things that he wanted to ask her and yet could not find the words to really ask them. “I don’t care how it will make me react, I want to know the truth. You owe that to me at least. Don’t you think that I deserve to know the truth?” he asked. “You do, but I don’t think that you will really believe me what I have to say. You see, I am not what you think I am. And yet, I am what and who you think I am at the same time. It is really difficult for me to explain.” she said and then hesitated for a moment. “God, why do you humans have to make things so hard? Why do you have to believe that there is always some other reason for something rather than excepting the truth.” You humans? Was that what she had said? Why in the world would she say something like that? These questions haunted his mind, bringing about such confusion to him that made it difficult for him to even think straight. Ben thought that this was nothing more than an act, something to throw him off from what the truth really was. The way that she looked at him, he could swear that she was telling the truth. Even though it seemed that it was something that seemed almost impossible for him to believe. And if this was the truth to what she was trying to say, then what would it be that she really wanted to say? He wasn’t really sure what it could be what it could be she was thinking, even though it did start to scare him in a way. And that was something that he had never felt toward a woman before, even though he had met some women in the past who were strange with the way that they behaved. “Flair, you are not making any sense. What are you talking about?” he asked in a cautious tone. “I am talking about me. About who you think that I am. You want to know the truth and I guess there is no way to avoid telling you now.” she said. “Is that why you were trying to sneak out of here when I was sleeping? So that you could avoid telling me something that I wanted to know?” he said. “I figured it would be the easiest way. That way when you saw that I was gone, you would forget about me after a while.” she said. Ben could see how that could make sense, even though he was hurt that she would do something like that to him. Especially after she had claimed that she loved him as much as she did. None of it made any sense and just reassured that there was something that she was hiding from him. But what could it be? And why would she be so quick to just walk away from him after what they had shared? “You want to talk about this, don’t you?” she asked in a scared voice. “Of course I do. I want to know why you want to just walk away from me after what we said to each other and shared.” Ben said, even though he thought that it sounded sort of feminine for him to say. Of course it was too late for him to take it back now. “You are right about that, you do deserve to know the truth. But are you sure that you are ready to deal with what I will be telling you?” she said as she took a step back. Ben was not sure if he really was ready to hear what she would tell him, but there was no other choice he had. He had to know what really going on. Deep in his gut he really did not want to know. Wanted to believe that this was nothing more than his own imagination or some bizarre dream. Yet, he knew too well that it was not anything like that. He made his way back to the bed and then sat at the edge of it. Picking up his pants as he did. He knew that whatever it was that she was going to say, he would want to be somewhat dressed just in case. As he sat on the edge of the bed and put his pants, he watched her pace slightly back and forth in front of him. The palms of her hands pressed together and her fingertips touching her lips. He could tell that she was concerned about what she was going to tell him. That whatever it could be that she wanted to reveal was something that was so serious to her. “Flair, tell me. Whatever it might be will not change how I feel about you. You are such an amazing woman. Unlike any woman that I have ever met before.” he said in a caring voice. “Of course I am not like any other woman you have ever met before. That is because that I am not like any other woman. Not like any woman at all.” she said as she turned and stepped closer to him. He was not sure what she could have meant by that. Even though there was a ridiculous thought that came into her mind, he knew that it could not be possible. Or could it. He knew that he had to say something to her, anything to let her know that he was still paying attention to her. “You mean to tell me that you are really a man?” he said jokingly as he gave her a nervous laugh. “No, of course not. You know that I am all woman. That is not what I am trying to tell you.” she said giving him a slight grin. She knelt down in front of him, her hands reaching over and touching his thighs, as her eyes looked up at him so lovingly. For a moment Ben wanted to think that this was nothing more than some sort of game of seduction that she was playing within him. Preparing to do some sort of fellatio just to please him for some reason. Even though he knew that was the one thing that he really did not want from her right now. The only thing that he really did want was the truth. “So, what are you trying to tell me?” he asked. “What was the first thing that you thought of when you saw me? That maybe I reminded you of someone?” she asked. “Yes, that is exactly what I was thinking. You reminded me of this woman that I knew before. This woman that…..” he started to say and then was silent for a moment. He was not sure if he could finish what he was going to say. Mainly because it sounded so ridiculous for him to just even think about it. But it seemed to be the only real answer that he could find. The only thing was, he was not sure if he would be able to admit it to her. She would probably think that he was crazy for what he was going to say it. Still it was the only thing that he could really say to her. “Like who Ben? Tell me, please.” she said softly. “Like….like….” he started to say. “Like Flair? The Flair that you have been writing about?” she said. Ben just looked at her unsure how she could have known that, when he had not said anything about it. Of course, for him to call her Flair could have been a clue, especially if she had read his work like she had said she did. Yet when he did look at her, there was something about her that made him think of the Flair that he had created for his stories. And even now, she seemed more and more like that Flair that he had only encountered when he would write about her. But how could that be? That was the one thing that he could not figure out. “Yes, exactly like her. But that is impossible because that woman does not exist except within my mind. Nothing more than a character that I created for the books I wrote.” he said, trying to find a logical explanation to all of this. “Ben, the reason that I look so much like Flair is because I am her. I am the Flair that you had created those years ago.” she said as she got to her feet. He was not sure if he could really believe what she was saying, for it seemed so impossible for him to believe it. The only thing that he could think was that whoever she really was, had an obsession with being the character from his books. Thinking that it was the only way that she could get close to him and share something so special. “I came to you today because you summoned me. I was able to feel the grief and torment that you had been feeling. The frustration of your writer’s block and insomnia, and the sorrow of something deep inside you that you are not letting go of.” she said as she stepped closer to him. “I came to you to ease your pain and give you the confidence that you are searching for that you had lost a couple months ago.” She sat down next to him, her hand gently touched the side of his face, as Ben tried think of some other reason for who she really was. No matter what though it always came back to the same conclusion. That she was the Flair that he had created. “Ben, tell me why you created me? You must have had a reason more than just for a character for your wonderful stories.” she said. He had not thought about the real reason behind it for so long, that he had almost forgotten about it. But now the true memory came back to him like it had been yesterday, instead of seven years ago. God, had it really been seven years for him since that one moment? It was a question which he found himself not wanting to find the answer. She was right though, there had been something that he had been avoiding for all those years. Something that he did not want to face, but now the memory of it came flooding back into his mind. “Tell me Ben. Tell me what it is that you are afraid to face. You have nothing to fear, I am not going to judge you.” she said in such a kind voice. He was hesitant for a moment to actually tell her what it was that he was thinking and feeling. But knew that there was no way around it. He had to tell her the truth. And if she really was who she said she was, she would already know anyway, “If you are the Flair that you claim to be, then I guess you already know the truth. But I will tell you anyway, for my own peace of mind, I guess. I created you in constant memory of the child that my ex-wife and I had lost during childbirth. It was a hard time dealing with the loss and because of it, things within my marriage had changed for the worst. My ex-wife became distant with me, started arguments for no reason and then in the end cheated on me.” he started to say. “Ben, I am so sorry for your loss. That was when you created me?” she said as her body pressed against him. “Yes. I wanted to write something that was almost real to life. The story line was there but not That was when I created you. And because of you, I found a way to break free from my misery. You were the image of the daughter that was taken away from me. The young woman that I thought she would have grown up to be.” he said and then laughed slightly. “Except for the events which I had put you through though. I would not want a child who had a hard life like the way I wrote in my books.” “So the more that you wrote about me, the more you found yourself falling in love with me. That loved that had changed into something more. You started to see me as your secret lover, rather than a daughter.” she said. “Yes. At first, you were the image of the daughter that I always wanted. And then a while after my divorce, you became the woman that I longed to find and be romantic with. But my books were always secretly dedicated to the daughter that I never had.” he said as he looked at her. A timid smile appeared on his lips as a tear ran down his cheek. It had been so long since he even thought about that day, that he had even bottled up the emotions deep within him. Now though, those emotions came back and absorbed him. And the only thing that he could do was to except and release them. “Does that shock you that I said that? That I think that way of you?” he asked. “No, of course not. I always knew the truth. But I wanted you to face up to it. That way you can move on with your life. And find that which will be waiting for you soon down the road.” she said smiling. “If you are really Flair, why did you tell me to give you a name?” he asked. “To see if you were still lost within the romantic notion of me. And when you did, I knew that I had to do something to wake you up.” she said. “Was making love to me part of your plan as well?” he asked. “No, that was something that just happened. In a way, I wanted to know what it would feel like to make love to you. And it was just as wonderful as I thought.” she said blushing slightly and then hesitated for a moment. “I really do love you Ben. Never forget that. Love you so much that I have to let you go so you can find your true happiness. Which I know that you will find.” Her eyes stared at him so lovingly and yet there was a slight glimmer of sorrow as well. He knew that she really did not want to let him go, because of how she felt for him. Yet there was nothing that she cold do about it. “So that means that I will never see you again, I guess.” he said. “Not really. I am a part of you. You created me and you will always see me when you work on your latest book. But I do have to leave. If I stay, it will just make it that more difficult for me to leave you. I love you Ben. Never forget about me.” she said. Before he could say anything, Flair slowly started to fade away and then vanished, like the way smoke would dissipate. Ben just sat there in shock, not believing what it was that he had just witnessed. The only thing that was left to remind him of his encounter with her was the faint scent of her flowery perfume that lingered in the air. Another tear fell down his cheek as he lowered his head and stared at the carpeted floor. The grief becoming so great that the only thing that he could do was to cry and let it out. He got dressed again, feeling that he needed to take a walk. To feel the sun shining down on him and the spring breeze slapping his face. Before he left, he looked at his reflection in the mirror as a lifeless expression showed on his face. “I love you too Flair. And there is no way I will ever forget about you. Never for all eternity.” he said and then turned and walked out of his hotel room. THE END. © 2012 Michael |
Added on March 3, 2012 Last Updated on March 3, 2012 Author![]() MichaelBerwyn, ILAboutI am a 43 year old man, divorced, who has a passion for writing poetry and short stories. I have always longed to put my words in print. I live in Illinois. more..Writing