The Tree in My Backyard is After Me.
A Poem by Mckenzie
Another Unfortunate tale
The tree in my backyard is after me. I know, I know no one will believe me but trust me, TRUST ME, the tree in my backyard is after me.
Its stands there. Its large roots placed on top of me. it mocks me and teases me. Telling me that my days are being counted before the world forgets that I am under this tree.
O why me! O why me! The tree in my backyard is after me! The tree in my backyard is after me!
On days that I think I can unbury myself and see the sun again. Its roots pushes me down. It sends it army of insects to take and consume my flesh. Help! Help! I open my mouth but roaches flood instead. At this rate, I will surely lose my tongue. My tongue! My tongue! How will I ever speak again?
O why me? O why me? Why is this tree after me? Why does this tree refuse to let me go?
Does it not see my woe? My terrible luck and poor chances? Does it not see that my family misses me and search for me? O shame, my poor mother, o how she must cry. Does she not know that I am only a few digs away? Curse the man who has put me under this tree.
The insects may devour my flesh and the rains may wash the hairs of my body off. This tree may sit on me.
but beware, beware. I will come back. I will come back and revenge will be mine.
Till then, O why me? O why me? Why is this tree after me? Why does this tree refuse to let me go?
The tree in my backyard is after me. Help! The tree in my backyard is after me.
© 2012 Mckenzie