The Innocence of Tori Part.2

The Innocence of Tori Part.2

A Story by Maylin, Rise

the story of a young girl who is in need of an escape from both herself and what happened. A trauma so great she doesn’t know who she is.But Tori will never be completely normal again until she speaks


Emma and I had the most fun at the rink. We sat at the sideline benches after we did 4 laps. It was pure torture to Blake and Eran because lots of cute guys would skate up to the railing to talk to us. We would flirt with them just to piss off our boyfriends-well Emma and Eran weren’t announced yet, but it would get around eventually- and watch them stare down all the guys with flippy hair and light eyes.

    At 9:00 when they asked everyone to step out of the rink to smooth it out, the four of us went to the snack bar. I was about to ask for an elephant ear with chocolate powder, but then I remembered how Blake had caught me in the bathroom. I knew if I ate it, I wouldn’t let it sit. So I just asked the guy for carrot sticks and ranch sauce so that Emma and I could share. She got us two bottles of water and we sat at the bleachers to eat and wait.  Emma was the only one who knew about my eating disorder. She couldn’t really judge me, she had the same problem. We got bored of waiting and sitting, so we conducted a plan to confuse the boys.



      We switched our outfits. We had the same sweats in different colors to begin with, plus we were about the same height. The biggest difference between us was our hair; I'm a blonde and she’s a brunette. We tied up our hair and put our hoods on. Now the only way to tell the difference was to look at our faces. We walked with our heads down and went into the ice rink.

     Eran raced up to me and announced “You and Tori don’t even know those guys; I have a bad feeling about them. How could you just start talking to them?! I mean they could be 18 years old and you wouldn’t know.”

    I got kind of mad so I replied very rudely “Well listen, as far as Tori goes she just did it to annoy Blake. As for me it shouldn’t even concern you. We aren’t even friends and we’re definitely not anything more so you should just...” he cut me off halfway

“But what about what you said in the car and at Saks Fifth and especially at Tori’s house. I thought this meant...” I spun around quickly and removed my hood.

“Ha I knew it!! Why didn’t you tell me and Blake?! This is great! Ha I knew this would happen.” I exclaimed. His jaw was dropped to the core of the earth.

 “That’s mean, how could you do. Ay whatever, only you guys can pull of this parent trap type of schnizz.” He admitted.

    He ran off to go find Emma. I could see Blake on the other side of the rink laughing. I assumed he himself had been fooled. I knew this was true when I saw Emma with her hood pulled off and giggling.

      The party time was over. We were all exhausted by the time we got home. It was 2:48 in the morning. They had kicked us out of the rink around 11:00 even though the rink closed at 10:30. Afterwards we went to pizza point, and then continued to the beach. When we were finally dropped off at my house, it was too late to for the three of them to go home.

      They all called home and asked for permission to stay over. Everyone was going to sleep at my house. I was ecstatic about this because it meant scary stories and fun games. I invited a few more people to the newly found sleepover. The original plan was to sleep in the arcade (for some reason that was where we agreed on) but we saw we wouldn’t fit. The only place to fit eight people comfortably was the pool house. We all skipped over silently. The house was a bit scary at night, the windows were huge and so was the door. We sent the boys over to bring the blankets, games and snacks.

     There were only two bedrooms. They were connecting so we just pushed the divider and shoved the beds to the wall. We all sat on the floor; everyone looked so funny at night. Eran, Blake, Emma, Nathan, Jessica, Audrey, Chace, and I. “This would be a childish sleepover” I thought, but someone brought a bottle. So guess what game we were going to play?

     You guessed it. Spin the freakin’ bottle or worse 7 long-a*s minutes in heaven. (More like hell).


“So who’s up for a few rounds of spin the bottle?” Chace said.

“Really is this necessary, can’t we just go to sleep?” I said.

“NO!!” they all yelled almost in harmony.

“Blake you spin first” Nathan said.

   Blake spun the bottle and it landed on Eran. Chace tried to get them to kiss but of course they refused.

  “I’m not some gay f****t, I don’t know about Blake. But l would rather lick a toilet….. a used toilet.

   We all laughed. They played 16 rounds of the stupid game. I had to kiss Blake, Nathan, and pretend to kiss Audrey. They actually fell for it. We told scary stories until dawn. The best story had to be Emma’s, she was always good at it. Her story was about a man who mutilated people in the Sahara desert. He would cut off the feet from giant birds and would use the claws to make little shavings of skin from his victims. He would fry the shaving like bacon, and make the victim eat it. You could say Emma had an over-active imagination.

   We fell asleep at 4:37am. We didn’t wake up until around 1:00pm the next day. We went out to eat at Johnny Rockets. I really couldn’t resist a chocolate malt from Johnny Rockets. It was thick and milky. It had chocolate foam on the edges and whipped cream with cinnamon and chocolate sprinkles. Yummm.

   We ran around the fashion district doing nothing but taking pictures. We took the metro rail to bayside and decided to do something really stupid and fun. We all went to wet seal (even the boys) and bought the ugliest things we could find in the store. Neon yellow, zebra striped skinny jeans. Purple tank tops on top of bright orange blouses. To top it off the outfit we wore royal blue high heels.  All eight of us walked out of that store looking whack as fudge. We runway walked all over bayside, stopping randomly to strike a pose. People to pictures and videos of us, they looked at us astonished and entertained.

   We got on the party boat and took the 2 hour ride. By the time it finished, it was already night-time and most of the gang had to go home.

   “Oh my god you guys, it’s already 8:00, and I have to go home.” Emma said worriedly.

  “You’re kidding me; if it’s really 8:00 then I have to go home to.” Blake said.

   Everyone agreed that it was time to go home. We all went back to my house, and everyone left. Now I was once again greeted by the desolation of my home. All I could hear now was the gardeners working outside and Davis talking on the phone. I went up to my room and tried to call my brother. He was in Europe and I missed him terribly. He didn’t answer. He never did, all I had from him were voicemails he would leave me on Skype™. Well screw him, he was just another person who abandoned me.

   I went online and checked if any of my friends were on facebook, there were a few but I didn’t really feel like talking to them. Suddenly I got an update. It was a friend request from some guy named Kevin Jadenskie.

   The message read “Hi, you don’t know me but I work for your dad and I need you to add me so I can email you something for him.”  I added him because it wasn’t the first time someone used me as a method of communication to my father.

     About two minutes after I added him, he came online. He sent me instant message with a smiley face. The guy was pretty young, and I'm not going to lie. He was gorgeous, he was hot. His profile said he was 20. So I guessed it was ok for me to message him back.

    -Tori<3: Hello =)

   -KJad: Hey, it’s Victoria right?

   -Tori<3: just Tori actually.

  -KJad: oh, sorry. Well how are you?

  -Tori<3: I’m doing great, you?

  -KJad: Same here, is your Father there?

 -Tori<3: actually he is out of the country, do you want to leave him a message?

 -KJad: No I don’t think he would listen to it anyway, I'm just an intern.

 -Tori<3: I’ll make sure he does.

 -KJad: Can you just save my email in your contacts? I will need to send in my application for a program he has. [email protected]

- Tori<3: I certainly will :P

-KJad: Thanks Tori, Bye ;)

-Tori<3: Byez! :D



   It was about to be 10:00 and I had nothing better to do, so I climbed into my closet with a pillow, blanket, iPhone, and my monkey. I curled up in the corner and stared at the wall. Let’s see, my parents were divorced and they both remarried. Technically I had four parents, yet I didn’t see a single one of them. They were all too busy to be with me. Last time I asked my dad if we could go to Disney together, he said “Sure sweetie” and the next day he sent me with my brother and my nannies.

   I knew my parents were very important people and that they had a lot of work to do with their jobs, but they seemed to have forgotten about the whole parenting thing completely. I honestly didn’t think my parents loved me. Yeah they bought me everything I wanted, but I think what I wanted most of all was just to have them with me.  I guess I really couldn’t have everything I wanted.

   Tomorrow was Sunday I guessed I would just go to Blake’s house and work on my project. I wanted to stay awake a little longer, but my eyes were disobeying my commands and shutting themselves.


    My heart it was in my hands, there was a gaping hole in my chest. I panted, and tried to scream. The pain it was unbearable. There was blood all over my black rolling stones t-shirt. I ran down the narrowing alley, and threw myself at the dumpster. There was only one street light on and it seemed so far away. My heart it had ripped! My intestines were spilling out….


    I sat up in a fright. It was just a stupid nightmare, and a freaky one at that. I felt around the carpet for my phone. I found it and looked at the wide glowing touch-screen it was 7:45am. Well I couldn’t go back to sleep anymore. So after taking a shower and everything, I went downstairs to find Jessie (my way too young nanny) slipping into 3rd base with her boyfriend.


   “Thanks Jessie that’s a real nice view to wake up to.”

    They cleared their throats and sat up on the velvet burgundy couch. She looked like if she had just walked into a tornado and lived. Her hair was sticking out of her ponytail in 8 different directions, her blazer was inside out and her tube top was at her waist. As for him, all I have to say is what the hell.

    “Tori, sweetie what are you doing up so early?” she said as she grinded her teeth.

   “I don’t know ask the sandman, did your Bo spend the night here?” I asked

   “No of course not, I would never disrespect this household like that” she stated

   “Oy cut the crap Jessie, as long as it wasn’t on that couch, I'm okay” I exclaimed.

    She pulled me aside and whispered,

   “You’re not gonna tell your father are you?” she questioned

    “It depends,” I replied

    “On what Tori?”

    “On whether or not I can go to Nocturnal tomorrow” I sneered

    “Yeah sure whatever you want, it’s yours”

    “Deal, okay if you’re gonna get physical with your Bo, take it upstairs. Oh and don’t worry about me, I'm going to Blake’s all day.” I replied

   “Okay just don’t come back pregnant” she joked

   “Well you just foiled my plan… I'm just kidding; we aren’t all as desperate as you”

    I skipped breakfast and went to Blake’s house; he only lived 8 min. and 23 sec. away from me. He timed it a few years ago, when he wanted to be a spy. I rang the doorbell to the two-story sand colored house. His mom got the door; she hated every strand of hair on my head.  I thought it was funny.  She answered all happy and when she saw it was me her smile just died. It was an L-M-F-A-O moment.

   “Oh hello Tori, come in. I’ll call Blake”


      I went inside and sat on the odd cheetah print loveseat. Blake came downstairs and kissed me right in front of his mom! He made it one of those really long kisses like “Ha bleep in your face” type of kisses. His mom glared at me and I could feel those eyes burning into my atoms. We went up to his study room; it was covered with skateboard stickers and posters. The walls were a tangerine color with navy blue décor. He took out 4 big poster boards for our History project on Greek mythology.

    “Who are you working on babe?” he asked

    “Artemis, she was so cool and her brother tricked her into killing her boyfriend”

   “I don’t think I like her. I especially hate Hestia, she vowed to stay chaste.  What a hater.” He responded.

   “Which one did you pick?” I asked

   “Well first I said Zeus ‘cause he was pimpin’ and made a kid out of his head, and he was a manshone and what not, but then I found out he married his sister. I thought it was gross, these incestuous people scare me. So I picked Aphrodite, goddess of love.

    “Manshone? Really. You’re a duck, but I love your second choice.” I said.

   “She should have been my first, after all she brought you to me” he replied

    “Aww that’s cute, except that my driver brought me to you.” I laughed.

    We completed our projects. Mine was really pretty; I made it in the shape of a shield and painted it like one. On the other side it had all the information on Artemis and pictures that Emma drew and emailed to me. Blake however, was an overachiever in that class because it was his favorite subject. So he made an iMovie with scenes clipped together from movies that somehow ended up making the whole scenario of Aphrodite arising from the water on her shell. Of course, he used pictures and videos of me to make Aphrodite.

    We went into the kitchen to make a super sub for both of us. His mom was sitting on the breakfast table. Blake whispered to me making up a plan to get his mom mad. We took out an entire roll of Cuban bread and cut it open. He started to say things that he knew would get his mom annoyed.



     “Tori, you’re the prettiest girl in the whole wide world, I hope that one day I can marry you. You make the best brownies in the whole universe. When we have kids, let’s name the first girl after you, because Tori is the prettiest name ever. My mom will be so happy on our wedding day. She loves you. Right mom?” he exclaimed

    “Of course sweetie, if she loves you, I love her.” She hollered

   He told me exactly what kind of scene to cause. He told me to make the whole teen pregnancy thing.

  “Really, You guys mean that? I hope so because I have something really important to tell you both.”

  I sat down next to his mom, and Blake sat in front of her.

 “Something happened and it’s not exactly good, and besides you just said you wanted kids Blake.” I said dramatically.

  “Oh no, please don’t tell me this is going where I think it’s going,” his mom exclaimed.

   “I think it is…… I’m pregnant.” I lied

   “Please tell me your joking, you can’t be, it was a long time ago!” Blake exclaimed

   “After all these years! I knew I shouldn’t have let you two date so young! I can’t believe you!!” she yelled

   “Good cause we’re just messing with you mom, it’s ok mom don’t be mad, I love you.” He laughed

   “You just hate me don’t you, ugh I need vodka.” She moaned

   We laughed for hours; she hadn’t come out of her office in a while. Only once to get more alcohol and she looked like she was in the early stages of mummification. Come on the joke wasn’t that bad. I guess she just couldn’t take a joke.

    We went to the country club in his community. As we approached the fluffy fluorescent green field, Blake ran off. I waited for about 5 minutes until I saw him driving up in a pearly white golf cart with black leather seats.

    He rolled up next to me and I got in. we drove super fast all over the hills of the course. With us we took a flag from hole #5 as we were driving. Eventually a security guard stopped us. There was nothing really left to do so my driver picked me up and I went home.

     I realized I had only done a portion of my homework, I had forgotten about the essay part on the god or goddess we chose. I turned on my laptop with the red rose on the front and made a new document. While I worked I left my facebook page open in case anyone signed on. A little update came up on my screen “Kevin Jadenskie is now online” I smiled to myself, but I thought it would make my father seem unprofessional if I started chatting with his employees. Suddenly I heard a little bing noise, and I got an i.m.

   KJad-Hey Tori

  Tori<3-Hey Kevin =)

 KJad-I saw you on the list of confirmed guests for the party at Nocturnal tomorrow.

 Tori<3- oh yeah it should be fun, are you going?

KJad- yeah I think I'm going, actually I wanted to know if it would be okay for me to give you a package for you to take to your father?

Tori<3-Sure, I don’t mind. Plus I get to meet you in person. =]

KJad- yes I guess so ;} I will see you tomorrow then, good night.

Tori<3- Good Night J

I was soo happy, I was going to see the cute guy tomorrow. I could hardly wait.















© 2010 Maylin, Rise

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Added on July 15, 2010
Last Updated on July 15, 2010