This is a story of how I achieved what seemed like the impossible to me.
Cotton Candy clouds, rainbow unicorns and a library card. I've wanted a library card for as long as I can remember. You need an adult; you're too young. The day finally came. I got a library card. At the beginning of this year there was a digital learning day; the printer at home was out of juice. Steam was coming out of my ears. That was the last assignment I had to do. Bri suggested we go to the library. I go flying down the hallway to shake my piggy bank till I hear no more sound from it and count out all the shiny coins. Abbi, Kylee, Bri and I all roll into the car.
Open Sesame; the doors part way and we walk in, it smells of fresh books. Everywhere you look there are books. Walking up to the receptionist Bri asks about printing and using the computers, nothing I pay attention to until I hear the words library card. It finally hits me that I am an adult. I can get a library card.
Abbi and Kylee, now interested, look up at Bri with puppy dog eyes. Speeding down the paperwork answering it like it's a test. Picking out the card grinning ear to ear. Standing taller knowing that I had finally done the impossible. It was a plastic card with big green letters that read PINES. And on the back, I had signed my name in sharpie. It was final, I had a library card now. A big step for me; a little step for others.
This is a good story. It has a beginning, a middle, and a proper ending. As I'm still in possession of a little bit of the young me, I related well to the goings on. How great that, in this age of electronics, there are still a few who love books and libraries. (Oh, yes, and that smell!)
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
1 Year Ago
Thank you, Samuel. I've always loved reading and it is shocking to see how many of my peers that don.. read moreThank you, Samuel. I've always loved reading and it is shocking to see how many of my peers that don't. But I believe the love for books will still carry on for much longer than you may belive.
This is a good story. It has a beginning, a middle, and a proper ending. As I'm still in possession of a little bit of the young me, I related well to the goings on. How great that, in this age of electronics, there are still a few who love books and libraries. (Oh, yes, and that smell!)
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
1 Year Ago
Thank you, Samuel. I've always loved reading and it is shocking to see how many of my peers that don.. read moreThank you, Samuel. I've always loved reading and it is shocking to see how many of my peers that don't. But I believe the love for books will still carry on for much longer than you may belive.