The Mystic Mountains

The Mystic Mountains

A Story by Mavericks


It was a random Trip to a Place called Matheran, the Smallest Hill station of India located near Pune. This Trip has the lasting imprint’s on my Mind till now. I would rate this Place number one on my Mystic List,cause it brought  me more in tune with the Nature, and the True Self. It’s located on Mumbai-Pune Highway, nearly 120 Kms by Road from the City of Pune. The Highway run’s amidst the Lush Green Western Ghat’s, which are famous for their Scenic Beauty, playing an important role in bringing North-West Monsoon’s to India.  While we drove through the New Bombay-Pune Highway, it was raining heavily, leading to opening up of so many Water Fall’s and Channels. This Coupled with the Song’s which my Bro brought in  USB Drive, made it one of a Memorable and adventurous trip �" Cold Play, Bruce Springsteen, Lana Del Rey, resonates so well.


As we reached the Hill Base on which the Matheran Hill Station is situated, we were surprised to see a very little Crowd, but then it was a Working Day, so it was justified. We started driving up the Zig Zag road and reached the Matheran City in half an hour, catching the Glimpses of Beautiful Landscapes, all along the way as we drove up to the Top. The Route is full of Streamlined thin waterfall’s, packed with Few Picturesque Spot’s where you can rehearse your Photography Skill’s. Finally, we reached our Destination, where there was a Toll Booth, with an Attached Parking Lot, and Few Horsemen waiting for the Customer’s. While we Parked our Car in Parking Lot and purchased the entry ticket’s, few horsemen approached us insisting to take the Horse Ride, as it was raining, due to which the Path has gone little Muddy. My Brother denied to take the Horse Ride for it was not a very Long distance, but, finally we settled to take the Horse ride to the City Center. So, the Horsemen took us to the Stone, from Where we can hop over the Horse Back and be seated. The Foot Belts were tightened, and the Horses were ready to Gallop. The Journey Begins.

It was the first Horse Ride of my Life, so I was bit Cautious, but as the horse started to Move on, I made myself comfortable, adjusting my Posture and footrest �" The Correct way of sitting on Horse is to Sit straight balancing the weight equally on both sides. It was a 20 minutes’ ride, through a gravel laid path though little Muddy at some places. Piercing the serenity of Forest, we kept moving on as the Trees from both sides greeted us �" Welcome to Matheran.  While we reached there, it was raining heavily. To be Frank, the rain never Stop’s in Matheran, so it’s advisable to bring Rain Coat’s and Umbrella’s with you, esp. in Monsoon’s. All the Shops Were Closed at that time, probably because it was an off day, but we managed to find a Tea and Breakfast Shop run by an Old man. We had a Cup of Tea, while having a little Chit Chat with him about the History of Matheran. Then we moved further up Hill to a Place where a Group of Hotels were located. After checking 4-5 Hotels, we settled for the Hotel Westin, bcz of its Location amidst the Forest, and the Beautiful View it offers from the Balcony. The Hotel was well managed, and the people and Staff were very Courteous and Polite. No Language barriers either; English Hindi, Marathi, even Kannad goes well. As we checked in to Hotel it was raining Heavily, and the Place was covered with a Dense MIST which made the place looked so beautiful. This “Mist” deserves a special mention in Matheran, cause wherever you go, you will feel a Misty Aura around you, which comes and goes in a random fashion giving this Place a very Mystic Feel.  We relaxed in the Hotel Room for a while, and decided to see at least one Tourist Point that day, because it was already too late and it started getting Dark. We moved out of the Hotel, When suddenly a Guy came chasing us, while I was about to open up the Umbrella, asking me to Take his Umbrella instead, which was Larger in Size and can accommodate 3 People. We exchanged umbrellas with a Smile, while he also Offered us a Map of the City, with the Tourist Points. So, we moved on to the Path that leads to a Lake Point, our First Tourist Point, which was Barely 1 KM away, but, since it had already started getting dark, we changed plans, and decided to return back to the hotel. We took few Camera Shots of the Forests covered in Dense Mist, and came back to the Hotel, passing that Day relaxing. P.S. This Place has no Wild Animals except Few monkey’s.


Second Day, we moved early, and reached our First Point, which was a Lake, with few Shop’ where you can have refreshments’. We had the Typical Vada Pao with a Cup of Tea, and an Egg Bhurji, which was quite delicious. As, we strolled to the next Point, we met other Tourist’s. The thing worth mentioning here is the PATH that connect various Points of Matheran, properly marked with Arrows and Directions. It’s very Safe! As you move amidst the Forest which is full of Solitude, sometimes it happens that you might hear even your own Tinnitus, so you can imagine how Peaceful it gets. And, Sometimes, you won’t even see another Tourist Passer by for a 3 Kilometer stretch Damn Straight. So, this Place is Perfect for Introspection , especially if you are a Writer or a Poet. It offers you all the Ingredients’s just in right quantities, to get out of your Writer’s Block, and keep flowing again. Would love to quote Robert Frost here, “Woods are lovely Dark and Deep, But, I have Promises to Keep and Miles to go Before I Sleep, Miles to go before I Sleep”. One find’s himself in the Very Lap of Nature tuning in with the Finer Vibration which Connect’s the Soul to the Nature. And, The MIST, No words can capture that Experience, it keep’s Engulfing you again and again, giving a Terrific Experience, Boosting your Soul, sending Chills down the Spine. At some Places this Mist is so Dense that you may Feel like you are Ascending into Higher Dimension’s, only to Brought back into reality with a Gentle Blow of Wind, which  settles down  all the Fog and Mist, Making things Visible and Crystal Clear again. In nutshell, Path is not any less adventurous than a Roller Coaster Ride, it’s a delighting experience equally for the Soul and the Senses �" Soul Therapy. One thing which rather Surprised me, was that there were no Wild Animals in the Forest, which was actually Good, cause you can roam freely anywhere. But, the Monkey’s deserve to be mentioned, they are Quite Smart and may employ Guerrilla techniques to divert you, so that can easily rob you with your Eatables �" A monkey robbed my Vada Pav =). As you move ahead on the Path, you will find many old Style Bungalows covered in the Mist with Shrubs all over. Actually, these Bungalows gives a very Haunted Feel, as we happen to find in Horror Movies. Those Old style Rusted Bungalow Gates, with Stairs, going upwards to the Porch, giving a Mysterious Vibe. We happened to crossed many old Bungalows like these, some of which have turned into Guest-Houses.


Our Next Point was Louisa Point. As we were heading to Louisa Point, we happened to meet a Guy who runs a small Grocery Shop on the way. He Welcomed us with a Warm smile, and started telling the History and tales associated with the City of Matheran. One Point, which was Quarter a Mile away from his Home was named as Honeymoon Point. He told us that this Point was discovered by an Englishman, while his Stay in Matheran �" One day he was exploring the Far Away Mountains and Landscape across the Valley through his Binoculars, when suddenly his eyes caught a Glimpse of a bunch of Honey Bee Hives hanging down from a faraway mountain, and thus ended up naming this Place as Honey BEE Point. Later when other Tourist’s Came to this place, they were surprised to see nothing there, So, the Point got Renamed as Honey Moon Point �" TRP. We began our Journey ahead of Honey Moon Point to Louisa Point, which is name after a Women Named Louisa, Who committed Suicide jumping off the Hill. It’s a very Picturesque point though associated with a Sad Past. My say is that this Point is the Best Point in Matheran, The Landscape View of the Valley from this Point is Breath Taking, it puts you in Awe. You just feel intoxicated by the Serene Beauty This Point has to offer. From Within the Lush Green mountains emerges a Beautiful Milky White Waterfall, adding yet another Star to the Charisma of this Point. You can just Sit and keep getting lost in the View of the Landscape View which is breath takingly beautiful �" Food for the Soul. Perfect place for Meditating and to get in tune with our Soul and the Nature. Also, it can make you go Poetic and Romantic. Coupled with the Drizzling rain and the Fumes emerging from Waterfall, you become completely mesmerized, like the Nature is Seducing your Soul. You can literally get a Cloud#9 experience at Louisa, you can count on me there.


We visited few other Points too, but the other Points were the replica image of the same point’s with different angles. So, they don’t deserve a Special Mention, neither we had time to see the Other Point’s, so we skipped them. I will end my Blog here, with the last Sun-Set Point, which is around 2 Kms away from Louisa. But, due to Monsoon, the Sun has not got much to Say there, that very Day.The Fog and Mist subdued the Sun’s Glamour. Sun Set Point �" a Pointed Cliff surrounded by Valley from all sides. Cloudy, Misty, and so Deep.

On our Return Back to Hotel from Sunset Point, we had an Adventurous experience, Cause we took a Shortcut, but, as we reached the half way, we got stuck on a 3 way, with no Direction’s. No, Internet, So, No GPS. We took out the Map handed by the Hotel Staff, but, no Clue from it either. Luckily, a School Boy, who came to Study on Sunset Point, suddenly appeared like a MESSIAH amidst the Mist, like He was a messenger sent by God to show us the way =). He approached us, and as we inquired him about the Direction, he said he was going to the City as well, so we can follow him. We followed him, Our Messiah for the Day, who kept Vanishing to the Mist ahead, again and again. We paced up and kept following him, Cause he was well versed with the Routes and Short Cut’s. We followed him into a Park, which appeared all of a Sudden from the Mist, Kinda SECRET GARDEN awaiting for us. Entering the Park, there stand’s an erect Statue of the Legendary Warrior, Chatrapati Sivaji. Finally we managed to move out of the Garden and found the way back to the City, and the Hotel. This whole trip Trip was One of a Lifetime experience, though, I also know, I will keep visiting this Place again and again, only to witness again the Terrific Soul Rejuvenating experience this Place has to offer. A Perfect Place where you can Find yourself so Close to the God and with Yourself. Peace.

 ‘Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.’ �" Rumi.

© 2019 Mavericks

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The photos are lovely.... and your words just taken me there..

Posted 4 Years Ago

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4 Years Ago

Thanks Jeyanthi! I am glad you enjoyed it..

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1 Review
Added on October 7, 2019
Last Updated on October 7, 2019



Delhi, India

One of the greatest moments in anybody’s developing experience is when he no longer tries to hide from himself but determines to get acquainted with himself as he really is. — Norman Vinc.. more..

Aaryan Aaryan

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