Faith in Time

Faith in Time

A Poem by m.c.Tafolla


Sometimes I can't help those bombarding incessant thoughts and wonder if 
its all even worth it.

I take a break, I step outside to feel the touch 
of fresh air caressing my skin.

I sit, I breathe in, I breathe out and I ponder 
the leafless tree in front of me.

I wonder, does it hurt the tree when the leaves 
begin to take their leave?

Does it know when the leaves are about to 
fall into the breathes of air?

If so, does it try any thing 
to help them from falling 
away or has it tried and tried
time after time and knows 
there's not a thing he can do but watch?

Does it feel lonely when 
the leaves are all gone?

Does it feel the forbidding, 
numbing-cold of late 
winter, early spring 
when the blanket
which kept it warm is no more?

Does it cry in solitude 
when no one or no thing is around 
because it feels so alone
despite the occasional visits 
of birds whom come to keep it company?

Do the birds feel its loneliness and come 
in flocks in attempts to cheer it up
through these cold, windy, tremorous times?

Does the tree know 
everything will be alright?

Does it know soon enough 
its friends will grow back 
and keep him company
when the season 
is just right?

Does it know this happens 
on a regular basis and everything 
is just fine, just 
 as it should be?

Has it gotten used to the feeling 
of loss and simply holds his ground 
because somehow, somewhere deep 
inside he knows this is only momentarily?

Since this happens on a year 
to year basis 
does he know 
when its time to say goodbye?

Or is it that every time 
this happens its as painful 
as the first?

© 2017 m.c.Tafolla

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Added on February 20, 2017
Last Updated on February 20, 2017
Tags: poetry, life, poem, unity, peace, love, loss, sorrow, seasons, endure, hope, divine, faith, time



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