Seat One: Dustin Jacoby

Seat One: Dustin Jacoby

A Chapter by Matty Bosox

This is the story of the first of several players on that faithful night at the Jewels..


hOld EM up

The Players: Dustin Jacoby inspired by the underrated Justin timberlake

Jason Jacoby inspired by yet another underrated actor Ryan Phillipe

Heather Gregerson inspired by the awesome MaNdy Moore

Fernny AckMen inspired by the Amazing Jennifer AnisTon

Max Turner inspired bY The Great geOrge Clooney (DusK Till Dawn CloonEY)

Telly inspired by the great Brad Pitt

reNO lExy inSpired By paris HILTON

NipSy GreGERson inSpired BY the lEgend Jack Nicholson


My name is Dustin jacoby and this may just be the last time you ever hear from me....TOnight is the game at the Jewels, to most just some underground disgusting club for scum, rats, and Criminals...See I am in stacks of High Society...For those of you who don't Know what That means its a five with four Zeros after It!!!! Yeah I know what your thinking...Just like Old Nipsy told me "What the Hell is wrong with you Kid?!?!?" Well I guess I can say it has to do with being a lowlife for one, having to live up to the reputation of my older brother who made it to The pinnacle for everybody from the Jewels...Yeah thats right...The final table of the world series...and also the beautiful girl laying right next to me...My fiancee...The thing about Heather is she went to USC, and god she looks sexy in those USC boy shorts but thats Besides the point...Heather is way more than just a beautiful girl...She is funny, witty, even worse, she is the youngest computer engineer on NASA's payroll...How bout that, just looking at her laying next to me makes me feel like a lowlife....Why couldn't I Listen to my old man when he said "Hey Dustin, use your sharp skills of reading people to become a great lawyer or a cop" At least then Heather could be proud of me for once...She always says that she loves me no matter what..What a damn saint...But this time I am in DEEP...I felt so good that night, I was up twenty-five and it seemed like Heather's dream wedding and the house by the lakeside was right in my chip stack...And then in happened...It never happened like that before...Who would've ever thought that Reno Lexy could use her body or her brain for anything more than just sex...I guess you can say I got cocky...You don't get cocky when it comes to this game...I don't care who your playing...I was holding a queen-ten and a healthy river was flowing with two more queens and a three...As Lexy just smirked at me from across the table like she had no clue what she was in for I had to throw her a cookie...five hunderd and all the confidence of trip queens on my side and knowing that look...I saw past those sexy blue eyes and platinum blonde hair and I just knew!!! Last card out....a jack and Lexy couldn't hide that look of help...EVER!!! She had the worst poker face ever...Lexy wore her emotions on her diamond encrusted sleeve...When she gave that slight eye roll as that Jack hit the table I had to do it...All in....What the hell was I thinking??? How did I get so cocky?? Yeah three queens was looking far more sexy than my Heather wearing those USC boy shorts but all in?!?! Then I saw it...before she could even throw down her cards...Lexy was such a risker, I mean who else would go all the way with just a pair of threes??? Right after I lay down my queens I saw that cocky smirk and just knew it...One full house later I lost it!! All of it!!! Now I can forget about getting Heather her dream wedding, house, even a pair of shoes that she likes...Down fifty thousand and the worst of it was I owed thirty thousand to Telly...I have to go back tonight...I have to defy the poker gods...I need that pot and quick!!!

© 2012 Matty Bosox

Author's Note

Matty Bosox
Dustin is the first of several players to participate in that faithful tournament in which all of the players have their whole lives on the line...

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Featured Review

hahaha. lol. poker really amazes me. people just get very rich or very poor in just an instant. can't really seem to understand it. btw, another one to start reading! the last sentence especially left me hanging. he seems to have something up in his sleeve. honestly, this is the first time i stumbled upon a story after reading yours. i'm hoping to read more of this! please update me when the next one comes out. :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Matty Bosox

12 Years Ago

Thanks Goth....For right now this is on hold...I have to focus on The Beginning of Hope story...I ha.. read more
Gothic Girl

12 Years Ago

yey! looking forward to it. :)


These piece rang with movie status! Great write!

Posted 12 Years Ago

Matty, you did it again. :) I loved it from the very beginning. :) I can't wait to see what else you have up your sleeve with this one. :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

Matty Bosox

12 Years Ago

Thank you soo much again Lizzy...I'm glad you appreciate my stuff.
I never, and I do mean NEVER play games of chance. I have absolutely zero luck when it comes to such things. Chess...sure! RISK!?? Absolutely! But POKER? Nah, baby, nah, it just ain't happenin'! Il do like the premise and the beginnings this story offers up. I sort of feel for Dustin, except for the fact that he plays, GULP!, Poker...he might want to look at checkers or something much less volatile when this thing is all said and done. Nice beginnings Matty!

Posted 12 Years Ago

Matty Bosox

12 Years Ago

Thanks Dean....I myself love hold em...I love to read the cards, stradegy on the flop, that all impo.. read more
hahaha. lol. poker really amazes me. people just get very rich or very poor in just an instant. can't really seem to understand it. btw, another one to start reading! the last sentence especially left me hanging. he seems to have something up in his sleeve. honestly, this is the first time i stumbled upon a story after reading yours. i'm hoping to read more of this! please update me when the next one comes out. :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Matty Bosox

12 Years Ago

Thanks Goth....For right now this is on hold...I have to focus on The Beginning of Hope story...I ha.. read more
Gothic Girl

12 Years Ago

yey! looking forward to it. :)
wow i loved this was kinda funny for me .... cant wait for more ....sorry im not really good at reviewing

Posted 12 Years Ago

Matty Bosox

12 Years Ago

Thats alright Afra at least your reading it...Thats all that matters...Thank you I appreciate it.

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5 Reviews
Added on August 12, 2012
Last Updated on August 12, 2012
Tags: Book, Chapter, Poker, Hold Em


Matty Bosox
Matty Bosox

Wyoming, PA

My name is Matt, I live in eastern Pennsylvania....I have been working on the same writing project for the past ten years....Everybody loves it...I have also been trying to get it out there to the pub.. more..


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