Hold EM uP
A Book by Matty Bosox
This is the story of some of the most incredible poker players in the most incredible high stakes poker game ever to not be heard of... 
© 2012 Matty Bosox
Author's Note
This is my first crack at writing something that isn't a scrennplay...I consider myself a very good hold em player...The game has always intrigued me and everybody always says its a game of luck when actually its actually a game of skill, perception, study, and reading a person..
Added on August 12, 2012
Last Updated on August 12, 2012
Tags: Poker, Hold Em, Chapter
Matty BosoxWyoming, PA
My name is Matt, I live in eastern Pennsylvania....I have been working on the same writing project for the past ten years....Everybody loves it...I have also been trying to get it out there to the pub.. more..