The Beggining of Hope: Mystery of Tomb

The Beggining of Hope: Mystery of Tomb

A Story by Matty Bosox

Rain Hope Barnaby's story continues with the introduction of a powerful man named Tomb and the return of an old highschool rival.


Tyler: (Getting up and pushing Rain behind him, getting cut on the arm accidently by one of her wings as they retract back inside of her) Who the hell are you man?!?! (Grabbing his arm as it bleeds and wincing in pain) Get the hell outta my house!!!

Man: (Laughing as he stares at Rain) Is that what you call this??? A house??? (Shaking hishead and laughing) Anyways....(Looking over Tyler's shoulder and ignoring his threats) Rain is it??? (Shoving his arm past Tyler to shake Rain's hand with a smirk) My name is Tomb and may I say it is a pleasure to meet you...

Tyler: (Pushing Tomb's hand down and staring into his eyes with a serious look) Listen Tomb (Tome) your really pushing my red button buddy...Nobody pushes the red button on this man...(Getting in Tomb's face) You wanna see what happens?? Do ya??

Tomb: (Just staring at him and then looking over his shoulder again at Rain with a smile) No....Of course not...(Patting Tyler on the shoulder and then sticking his index finger in Tyler's face) BUT....In this case...(Suddenly and without warning he grabs both of Tyler's legs and with an extreme quickness pulls them up from underneath him...Tyler falls smacking the back of his head off the ground, knocked out from the severity of the blow) I think me and the young lady need to talk about something...(Walking towards Rain as she frightenly backs away) Look...I'm sorry about that...You have to listen to me young lady...That power you have..(Suddenly Tomb's eyes widen as he just smirks and shakes his head as he starts backstepping)

Rain: (Looking confused) What....(Suddenly she realizes Prime is standing right behind her and she jumps, grabbing her chest) Jesus Christ!!!!

Tomb: (Just looking at Prime and laughing arrogantly) Let me guess...This guy got to you first...

Prime: (As Rain just shrugs her shoulders and Prime whispers in her ear) I would get back if I were you my dear....(Rain runs to Tyler's side and tries waking him) Whats goin on Tomb...I don't know if your getting too cocky or too slow but...Well as you can see, the girl is mine...

Rain: (Just looking at Prime in anger) The girl is mine?!?!? What the hell!?!?!

Prime: (Just closing his eyes knowing he made a mistake) Look Rain...I didn't mean....

Tomb: You didn't mean what??? I think you made it quite clear that she was "yours"..(Looking at Rain) Hunny, you got a pricetag on you?? Barcode??

Prime: You know he won't allow this Tomb...You and your people are making him question your faith...

Tomb: (As Rain just sits and listens with a very confused look) You say I got slower but I guess you just get dumber my friend...He will listen to reason once he sees the truth...

Prime: (Smiling with a cocky smile) You don't get it do you!!!

Tomb: (Pulling up the collar of his coat and speaking into a small mic) Ok....(Letting go of the collar and smiling) Now you will see what I am capable of...

Prime: (Slowly taking off his coat and unleashing his wings..Looking at Rain) Listen....You have to get out of here now!!!!

Rain: (Trying to wake up Tyler as he starts to wake) I am not leaving without him!!!

(Suddenly a group of men dressed in all black and military grade vests and pads along with assault rifles rush into the room and point them at Prime)

Prime: Thats right...point those stupid things at me...(Looking down at Rain as she pulls Tyler to his feet} Get outta here now!!!

Rain: (Dragging Tyler to his feet and running out the back fire escape) Lets go Ty!!!! Get your a*s up buddy!!! (They run out the back way as she looks back at Prime as he stares down seven men looking to fire upon him...His wings gliding gently up and down)

Tomb: (Just staring at Prime with a smile and winking) Take him out!!! (Just as he says that he runs out the front to try and catch Rain...All six soldiers start firing with all they have and then they stop and just stare in amazement as their jaws drop)

Prime: (As a bullet rolls to the ground after crushing off of his wings which he has wrapped himself inside like a cocoon...They all just look at the slug roll across the floor as a dead silence falls in the room and a piece of glass falls from a shattered cabinet after being littered with bullets) Fellas...fellas...(His wings quickly twist and unwrap as he spreads them majestically with his fists clinched) I think you guys picked the wrong team to back...

Soldier: (just looking at Prime and ignoring him) Shut the hell up a*****e....Come on!!! Light this guy up!!!

(They all take aim and before they can even start firing Prime spins himself into the air towards them, his wings slicing through the air like a buzzsaw...They manage to get off a couple shots but then those giant wings slice through two of the men, almost cutting them in half as they drop...As Prime lands he slides on one knee, spreading his wings out like an airplane and slicing right through another two as their bodies drop and blood splatters everywhere....The last two men just start backing away as they just drop their weapons and stare at Prime in total fear...He slowly turns his head and looks at them, his face spattered in blood, giving the two men an evil stare as he slowly stands up, flexing his metallic sword like wings up and down nice and slow)

Prime: (Just staring at the last two men as he arrogantly dusts himself off) I would run while I had the chance fellas...(They just look at him and run out the door..Prime just stands there as he looks around the now totalled apartment...He slowly tucks his wings back in and underneath his longcoat as a piece of drywall falls and breaks apart on his shoulder...He just rolls his eyes and wipes off the white dust) I hope this kid is insurred...(He runs out to stop Tomb)

Rain: (Basically dragging Tyler who is still groggy with her) Come on Ty!!!! You gotta help me a little bit here!!!

Tyler: (Shaking his head to loosen the cobb webs as he runs behind her) What the hell was...(Just then he runs smack dab into Rain's back...She suddenly stopped to a halt...Tyler looks up over Rain's shoulder with a suprised look) Jenni Hastings?!?!?!

Jenni: (Dressed in the same combat gear just all white and her hair tightly pulled back and deep black eyeshadow) Hey scumbags....Its been awhile hasn't it....

Tyler: (Nudging Rain) Wow...she got really really hot....

Rain: (Nudging him back violently) Shut up.....Nice makeover there Jenni...I guess the barbie dreamhouse didn't have any openings...

Tyler: (Nudging Rain again with a smile) Barbie house...I like that...

Rain: (Pushing Tyler away with an angry look towards Jenni) Hey Jenni..You know what my greatest memory of highschool was....(Jenni just looking at her in anger) First I took your Ken doll and then I just beat the s**t outta you...I think I'll do it again!!

(Rain runs at jenni full of rage as Jenni just stands very calmly and clinches her fists..Rain goes to swing at her several times and Jenni just quickly dodges each punch with ducks, bobs, and weaves like she knew each punch was coming and her face not even flinching or showing the slightest hint of effort...She then grabs Rain's fist and squeezes hard as Rain drops to her knees in pain and then her fist just breaks in Jenni's hand like a bunch of twigs snapping...Tyler runs at her trying to sneak up behind her and without even flinching, Jenni just gives him a hard backhand as he falls to the ground from the hard impact...Rain just screaming in shear pain as her wings burst out...Jenni just looks at the wings in shock..)

Jenni: (Laughing) He was right....You are one of them....Well...I do remember you beating the s**t outta me and taking jason away from me...(Smiling as she just looks into Rain's pain filled eyes) And they say revenge is the devil's work...(Jenni quickly goes to punch Rain in the face and suddenly Rain's wings wrap around her lightning quick and Jenni's fist smashes off them like she just hit a cast iron block..Jenni backs away as she winces in pain and screams)

Prime: (Walking up behind them, his shirt and pants all torn and his face beaten up as he walks with a limp and dragging the knocked-out body of Tomb and dropping him to the ground) Alright!!! Thats enough!!!!

Jenni: (Grabbing her hand in pain and turning around as she just looks at Tomb's body on the ground in shock) What the hell!?!?!?! What did you do to him!?!?!?!

Prime: Get outta here Hastings!!! (As Jenni looks at Prime in anger) I wouldn't even try it hunny...Look...How bout a trade off for now, this piece of trash for the young miss Barnaby over there...(Jenni quickly accepts and with amazing strength, picks up Tomb onto one shoulder and walks quickly away with him)

Rain: (Her wings folding back inside as she looks around in shock) Tyler?!?!? (Looking at Tyler's body laying in front of her and painfully walking towards him) Dammnit kid, not again....

Prime: (Just slowly limping over to her with a smile as she just gives him a cold stare) Well that was fun wasn't it???

Rain: (Just pointing at him in anger as if she were speechless with such anger) You don't even say another word to me!!!! (Shaking Tyler as he starts to stir) Come on Rocky get your a*s up...

Tyler: (Grabbing the bridge of his nose and yelling) Yep, its broken....Oh wow...What a night huh...Knocked out twice, broken nose, wings, angels, crazy people with guns and freakish barbie dolls with superhuman power...Now I see why we haven't hung out in a while Rain...

Rain: (Looking at Prime as he calmly snaps his kneecap back into place and Tyler winces from the sight) Ok buddy, you have alot....and I mean ALOT of explaining!!! How did you know who she was?!?!? When did Jenni Hastings of all people turn into the Ultimate Warrior!?!?! And most of all...Who the hell is this Tomb prick?!?!

Prime: (Putting his arm around Tyler jokingly) Well my friend, you forgot about a busted house....

Tyler: (Shaking his head) What?!?!

Prime: (walking with both of them back to Tyler's apartment) Your right my girl.....We do have alot to talk about...I didn't anticipate his arrival this quick..You must really be the one to turn the tides...

Tyler: (Looking at Rain and shaking his head) this guy talking about???

© 2012 Matty Bosox

Author's Note

Matty Bosox
I hope you find this story interesting as this is the first time you start to read any action....I know it can be hard to follow because my margin is so close together...For some reason I can't correct it yet...

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Featured Review

nooooooooo! i just finished all of your stories of Rain! i want to read more! more action! more Rain! more Tyler! more Prime! more Jenni? what the hel is she doing with the army? can't believe she appeared again. ungh! please update me if the next one is finished. :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Matty Bosox

12 Years Ago

HaHa...I am a very "glass is half empty" guy so I hope your not just humoring me..LoL If not, I tha.. read more
Gothic Girl

12 Years Ago

no problem Matty. from now on, i'll definitely keep an eye on your writings. :) btw, my reviews on y.. read more


Your dialogue and pacing of the action is just great!

Posted 12 Years Ago

Your pacing of the action and the dialogue are really great.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Can't wait to read more!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^ God, this whole thing has been epic. :) Great again, Matty. :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

Matty Bosox

12 Years Ago

Thank you very much Lizzy
Im not sure about the as if she was so angry she was speechless bit if you then have Rain speakign it somewhat ruins the effect.

What an interesting developoment this tomb character is defantly a real arsehole in my books. This part was somewhat comical which gave it a different and very interesting feel.

Still hooked. Still reading. Still loving it.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Ama May Cooper

12 Years Ago

Comdey way, like the whole slap stick kinda continuesly getting knocked out part for our poor unfort.. read more
Matty Bosox

12 Years Ago

Thank you very much Ama May....You and a few other people on here keep me wanting to succeed and rea.. read more
Ama May Cooper

12 Years Ago

:) well im glad i can do that, it wuold be a shame for a writer of your calibur to stop so i will be.. read more
nooooooooo! i just finished all of your stories of Rain! i want to read more! more action! more Rain! more Tyler! more Prime! more Jenni? what the hel is she doing with the army? can't believe she appeared again. ungh! please update me if the next one is finished. :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Matty Bosox

12 Years Ago

HaHa...I am a very "glass is half empty" guy so I hope your not just humoring me..LoL If not, I tha.. read more
Gothic Girl

12 Years Ago

no problem Matty. from now on, i'll definitely keep an eye on your writings. :) btw, my reviews on y.. read more
Okay, I love the names you give these people!!!!!!!!!!!! Tomb, Rain, Prime, seriously awesome. Great action, I can see it now. You do great describing things adn keeping the story alive and filled. Awesome!

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

BTW you need to write more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Matty Bosox

12 Years Ago

Thank you soo much Owl, I really appreciate it soo much from you guys...You know as much as I do how.. read more
The dialogue needs some fine tuning. Read it out loud and see if it sounds right. I also think the villains voice doesn't sound quit evil enough for how you wrote him.

It was a little difficult to follow and I feel I was missing something in the beginning. I was a little confused for this whole thing pretty much. Sorry.

Posted 12 Years Ago

very cool write, got my attention within the first few words

Posted 12 Years Ago

Matty Bosox

12 Years Ago

Thanks....This is actually like the 6th or 7th chapter....Did you read the other parts too??
Poison Ivy

12 Years Ago

yes, i was jut saying, within this chapter :)

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8 Reviews
Added on August 9, 2012
Last Updated on August 9, 2012
Tags: The Beggining of Hope


Matty Bosox
Matty Bosox

Wyoming, PA

My name is Matt, I live in eastern Pennsylvania....I have been working on the same writing project for the past ten years....Everybody loves it...I have also been trying to get it out there to the pub.. more..


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