I wish you could hear all the songs I dedicate to you. I wish you could feel the passion and the heartache with the words as they melt with the music. I wish you knew what it's like to cry inside your soul. I bleed like any other man, but I'm cut and labeled and hung out to dry. I'm ripped apart. The wounds are there, and they spit in them. I'm lacerated. Over and over again. I will heal, but no one can ever know. Because they won't understand. Sympathy only goes so far, but I wanna look into the eyes of someone without saying a word, and they feel the hurt inside me. I just want to be loved. Someone to hold me and let me talk. Let me express myself. Let me be passionate. I feel like a labeled test subject. A series of test I must endure to show the world that I'm not who they think I am. Why is this happening? Do other people feel this? Do they have this? I love, I lust, I want. I give, I trust, I forgive. I suffer, Im labeled, and I'm cheated. Hopefully, someone understands. Soon. I love... So I keep on giving.