![]() Chapter Two: Doctor VisitA Chapter by Master AidenChapter Two: Doctor Visit In
the downtown area of Moonlight city is a very grim looking building, and the
sign on the front door will come to a bit of a shock to you, “Doctor’s Office.”
Inside on the only stairwell in the whole building, a man drags a large black
trash bag up the stairs, his hands are covered in blood, and he is dressed in a
blood splattered doctor’s uniform, with a bloody stethoscope around his neck,
his little name plate reads, “Doctor Lessen Sanity” Reaching
his office on the fourth floor, Doctor Lessen Sanity drags the trash bag into
his office and tosses it onto the operating table, he slowly pulls the trash
bag apart, revealing the unconscious not dead body of a man, the man groans, “Why…did
you do this doc?” the doctor doesn’t reply, instead he smacks the groaning man
with a piece of lead pipe on his chest, causing the man to cough up blood. “The
patient seems to be having a nervous fit, which leads him to vomit blood.” The doctor
walks over to a drawer and pulls out a needle labeled, “The Good Stuff” he
walks over to his patient and stabs him in the arm with the needle, “This
should make you feel all better son.” The
liquid in the needle causes the man to quickly recover his health. “You…you
saved me.” The man smiles at the doctor, which causes the doctor to smile so
wide his left eye pops out of its socket, “Oh dear seems my eye has done it
again.” He pushes it back in and pulls out a meat cleaver, “What are you going
to do with that doc?” the man’s eyes widen. The doctor smiles as he swings the
cleaver, in one swing the man’s head flies off of his body and lands on the
floor, the doctor picks up the decapitated head and tosses it into his cabinet
with several others, he then turns around and picks up an old leather covered
book labeled, “MagiX de Eviletes” he scans through the pages until he comes to
a page labeled, “The Undead Spell” he pulls out a measuring cup and an empty
needle, he extracts his blood and pours it into the cup, walking over to the
sink he pours some liquid hand sanitizer and adds a drop of water to the cup,
he goes over to the patients lifeless and headless body and pours the concoction
on it reciting the verse of the Undead Spell, “Awaken on body, soul or not,
brainless and brainful, come back to life!” the body begins to jerk, and slowly
stands up, the skin begins to crack and become flesh and grey. “You
are now a part of my legion of undead, hahaha.” As the doctor laughs he
twitches uncontrollably. He feels a draft and notices that his office window is
wide open, “I could of sworn this window was shut a few minutes ago.” He walks
over and closes it, as he turns around he sees a beautiful young woman
reclining in his chair, “Who are you lovely, you have such nice looking
features.” He says looking at her long legs, “You should let me give you an examination.”
He begins to twitch and chuckle. The
young woman stands up and walks over towards the doctor and turns around to
reach for her purse, she bends over revealing her rear to Doctor Lessen Sanity,
“Doctor you are such a devil, let me just grab some protection out of my bag.” The
doctor becomes aroused and eager, he starts to undo his belt, the girl slowly
comes back up and flips backwards and while in midair she kicks the doctor
across the face, “Take that b*****d!” the girl stands up as the doctor realizes
she isn’t there to please him, “Who the hell are you s**t!” The
girl doesn’t answer instead she raises her arms and they begin to glow and
change, they take the form of two machine guns, she points her gun-arms at the
doctor, “Hand over the spell book and I will and either way will destroy your
office and you.” The doctor ponders for a few seconds the idea of what she just
said, “So either way I’m screwed correct?” she gets closer not taking her aim
off of him, “Yes you are either way.” The doctor opens his coat as if he is
reaching for the book and flings needles at the young woman, she dodges them
and starts shooting at him, he dives behind his operation table and his undead
creation stands up and walks towards the woman, she shoots at the headless
zombie, causing it to collapse to the ground. The
girl begins shooting all over the room and hitting everything in sight, the
doctor swiftly tosses more needles at her, but she manages to shoot them down
in the air, the doctor jumps over the table wielding his meat cleaver and tries
to attack the woman, she leaps over him and traps his head in between her legs,
she channels energy into her legs and they begin to glow, her legs become two
chainsaws and she slices through the doctor’s neck until his head falls over,
she searches through his lifeless body and finds the spell book, “You should of
just handed the damn book over doc.” She
walks over towards the window returning her body parts to normal, she looks
down at her body, “I need to wash all this blood off of me before my meeting.” She
opens the window and leaps out of it, grabbing onto the fire escape she drops
onto a motorcycle located below it, she starts the motorcycle and drives off
into the night life of downtown Moonlight City. Back
in the office of Doctor Lessen Sanity, his body begins to twitch and reaches
for its dismembered head, which it locates and reattaches with stiches, the newly-stitched
doctor walks over to the cabinet where he keeps his heads and carries them over
to the operating table with his stich kit, he begins sawing heads together and
then grabs some other limbs and begins attaching them together. On the fire escape of the doctor’s office a
hooded-figure watches his operation, he has in his hands a M-Tech a special
Moonlight City touch-screen device that is a telephone, map, and you can play
games on it as well, he was in a middle of a game called Furious Falcons when the phone app went off, he answered it
and his master spoke, “Return back here tomorrow night for our second meeting
with our newest member, what is that background music?” the figure chuckled, “I’m
playing a game of Furious Falcons .” his master replied, “Did you get the
falcon that splits into tinier falcons?” the hooded-figure hung up and continued
his game as he leapt on the rooftops to return to his quarters. Matlus
found a cheap motel to stay at in the downtown district of Moonlight City, it
was an okay room minus the cockroaches it had. Matlus figured that he would
head out to search the city slums for Rollo in the morning so that his chances
of been mugged or raped would be less likely. He
went into the small bathroom and started the shower; he stripped down and felt
relaxed when the warm water fell against his naked, tan skin. He thought back to the first time he and Rollo
had ever showered together, they showered beneath a mystical waterfall in the
Water Valley of XnoSnow, and they shared the most passionate kiss ever, that
was only two weeks before the bandits had taken Rollo away from him. Matlus
looked out the window and could have sworn he heard groaning coming from the
alleyway below, as if something was dying in the alley. Matlus hopped out of
the shower and laid in the motel bed naked, he closed his eyes and drifted off
to sleep. Down
the hall in motel room sixteen Akina Suicida exited her small bathroom wearing
nothing but one of the towels the motel offered, she sat on bed and pulled out
a deck of cards and started playing solitaire, the shower she took was much
needed, her body was aching from the long day she had and the interview she had
to go to when she arrived. She had a meeting with her new boss the next night,
but she planned to spend her morning and afternoon exploring Moonlight City. She
thought about her encounter with her visitor on the train, she loved the feel
of him embracing her and making her body tingle. He had a faint odor of blood
and rotten flesh, but for some reason she wasn’t bothered by it. She didn’t
know his name and she didn’t get a chance to see his face with that hood in the
way. She
then thought about the guy she had met on the train, when they arrived at the
motel she watched what room key he was given; she knew he was right down the
hall from her. She got dressed and walked down the hall to the guy’s motel
room, she was going to knock and see if he wanted to hang out for a bit, she
stopped herself and said, “Don’t go soft just because you met a gay guy.” She
smacked herself in the face and walked back to her room, once again removing
her clothes and playing cards with herself. Doctor
Lessen Sanity continued to connect different body parts together as he weaved
something big from the corpses and limbs he had collected over the years, he
had driven himself insane to the point where he would lure people to his office
by offering them money or even naked women, he would inject them with poisons
and behead them with a meat cleaver, then he would practice a resurrection
spell on their corpse and use it as a bodyguard in case something happened to
him. He
wanted to do something that would make his body shutter with pure joy and he
figured he could find a way to cause mass havoc across the entire city, he had
these urges to make himself happy ever since he found the book of magic that
was stolen from him that evening, he memorized the ingredients and the verses
of the resurrection spell, so that wasn’t a problem, him not having the book
and all. The
doctor’s creation started to move and he bashed it with a sledgehammer, “You
are not finished yet!” he yelled at the creation and then continued sewing
parts and heads and other gruesome things to his creation. Down
the block from the doctor’s office and two blocks away from the motel that
Akina and Matlus are staying at, is a strip club called “Cannibal”. Techno
music can be heard echoing through all of downtown, the club has become the
ultimate hotspot. The doctor pulls out a silver whistle and calls a zombiefied-pigeon
into his office, he injects it with something and tells it to go into the club
and infect someone at random, as the pigeon swoops down into an open window of
the club, the doctor grins and watches the club with a pair of binoculars, “This
should be exciting.’ © 2012 Master Aiden |
Added on October 23, 2012 Last Updated on October 23, 2012 Author![]() Master AidenWilmington, DEAboutI just love writing and I hope one day my writing will be acknowledged by people all over. more..Writing