![]() Chapter Eleven: The Eye Sees AllA Chapter by Master AidenThe Eye Sees All Sparks rushes
into the throne room, a large room with darkish-purple walls and ooze dripping
from them, “Tywana! Show your face!.” He yelled grasping his scythe; he had
blood from Matlus and Eldwin on his arms, “My friends died because of you!” A glob of purple ooze formed in the throne,
it took the form of a young looking Terrin woman. “My fault, you think this is
my fault, you’re the one that enslaved Eldwin, you lied to Matlus and made him
join you.” She walked from the throne towards Sparks, “If you backtrack
everything that has happened in this book, you’re the villain and I offered
Eldwin liberation and Matlus would have been next.” Sparks
lowered his scythe and took her words into account, he thought about how he
could of saved Eldwin and let him go on with his life, how he promised to help
Matlus find Rollo and didn’t, he even tried to seduce him. “Yes, you can see
how you’re the one that should be killed right?” she drew a sword from her
long-flowing gown, “You should let me make you pay for the tormenting you gave
to your so called friends, you know deep down the only person you care about is
yourself Sparks McKlean.” Sparks
began to tear up, “you…your wrong…” he paused, “Or…are you…” Tywana got closer to him, “Why don’t you just
give it up, they don’t mean a damn thing to you, you were happy alone, I mean
for God sakes you’re a demon after all.” Sparks
dropped his scythe and Tywana quickly glided over to him and restrained him,
holding her blade close to his throat, “Are you surrendering to me?” Sparks
took a deep breathe, “I guess so….” Tywana cackled manically, as she went to
slice Sparks’s throat, Sparks whispered, “INFERNO!” his body emitted a roaring
flame and Tywana was burnt, she walked towards the edge of her floating throne
room, “You…you tricked me!” she leaned over the edge and looked, “I really don’t
want to fall from here, can I just die on the ground, or seductively in my
throne?” Sparks
didn’t answer he rushed at her and slashed her with his scythe sending her
tumbling into the dark abyss below the throne room, “I like the falling off the
edge thing.” Sparks turns and walks to enter the main room and check on his
friends, as he does the floor begins to rumble and crack, “What the hell?!” A demonic-booming voice echoes from the
abyss, “Did you think the book was over already hahahaa, fool a mere fall and
some fire can’t kill me!” a large
purple-ooze hand slams onto the edge of the throne room, “I have the seductive
charm of the devil!, and the powers of the Gods!” Tywana rises from the abyss as a purple-ooze,
gigantic version of her former self, “If I die, you’re coming with me handsome!”
large left hand comes crashing towards Sparks, he attempts to leap out of the
way, but is smacked into the wall by the hand, “I really don’t like women over
5 feet tall, so would you please stop groping me and getting gunk all over me!”
Tywana laughs, “You’re a fool, you honestly think you have a chance at
defeating me!” Sparks gathers air and breathes fire all over Tywana’s
ooze-hand, “F**k!” she flings her hand backwards and drops Sparks to the
ground, he lands on his hands and flings himself into the air, he holds his scythe
over his head and slices down, channeling his demon powers into his scythe, a
wave of flames strikes the gigantic-Tywana. The
doors to the throne room creaked open, Sparks looks back to see Matlus crawling
into the room, gripping his pistol in his right hand, “Sparks….” He grips the
pistol and points it at Tywana, “FIERY BULLET!” a fire-covered bullet flies
towards Tywana and goes inside her ooze, the bullet seems to have no effect, “Ha,
you fool!” Tywana laughs. Matlus smiles at Sparks, “I tried buddy…” he
collapses on the ground and blood leaks out of his open mouth. Suddenly
Tywana held her stomach with her two huge hands, she opened her mouth and
flames exploded from in her mouth, her stomach opened revealing a giant eye, it
was crooked but you could tell it had ominous power, “So that is the All-Seer’s
eye, the source of your power.” Sparks lifts his scythe over his head and
begins channeling his energy again, “This is for Eldwin, my loyal man servant
of two years” the flames surrounding his scythe got bigger, “This is for my
wife and daughters!” The scythe grew
again, “This is for Matlus and his hopes of finding his lost love.” Sparks let
out a huge roar as he swung the scythe down and a monstrous wave of flames
engulfed the All-Seer’s Eye in Tywana’s stomach, “Have fun returning to hell
b***h!” he snickered. She began
to shrink in size, and her ooze started to vanish, almost like she was melting,
“Melting, god d****t I’m melting!! What a world, what a f*****g perfect world!”
The ground shook again as she completely vanished, the throne room split in
half and Sparks quickly picked up Matlus and stood on one of two pillars still
standing, the one from the center was theirs and the last pillar was the one
with the throne on it, and the last remaining ooze of Tywana. Sparks looked
down at the lifeless body of his friend, “If she is dead, how come you haven’t
sprung to life yet.” “Are you
on the edge of your seat yet reader?” a voice echoed from the abyss, “Has this
book finally got interesting for you!” a large blade like appendage stabs into
the seat of the throne, and another one stabs into the center of the pillar,
something begins to rise from the pit, Tywana appears in a twisted-form of her
former self, skeletal, with thin gray strands of hair, her head was now flipped
upside down, and her heart was protruding from her back on what appeared to be
her bent spine, “Are you ready for the final round Sparks McKlean?!” her voice
sounded like it was scrapping against a chalk board. Sparks
gently put Matlus’s body down, “How many times do I have to kill you b***h!, Dracula
would die faster than you!” Sparks leapt from his position and swung at Tywana,
her agility had increased in this from for she leaned quickly forward and
tossed Sparks back with her blade-hands, “give it up Sparks!” she laughed as
she leapt into the air towards him, he placed his scythe under him and
channeled his demon powers, the scythe began to float like a witch’s broom,
Sparks flew past Tywana who looked back and ended up crashing herself into a
wall. Sparks landed himself on her throne and sat back and reclined in it, “Losing
your touch old lady?” Those words sent Tywana into a frenzy, she leapt from
clinging onto the wall and aimed straight for Sparks’s heart with her blades,
as she got closer, Sparks swiftly flipped over the back of the throne and
rolled off the side of the pillar, “Did he just commit suicide?!” she thought
to herself, she pulled herself towards the edge and looked, suddenly an inferno
of flames came burning her in the face and sending her into the air, Sparks
launched himself from the darkness and slashed her across the face with his
scythe, purple-blood dripped from her cheek, “I can’t wait to kill you b***h!”
Sparks grinned and fell back down towards the throne as Tywana crashed into the
ceiling. Tywana grips the ceiling and looks down at
Sparks who is sticking his tongue at her, he turns around and pulls down the
back of his pants, exposing his hairy-a*s to her, she shields her eyes with her
hands and when she looks back down, Sparks is nowhere in sight, she looks all
around at the ground below, she goes towards Matlus’s lifeless corpse and
reaches for it. Sparks
leaps from behind her and slashes her heart, the heart stops beating, but she
quickly turns around and stabs Sparks in his chest, “Why…why didn’t that kill
you!” she begins to laugh, “Because you fool, this already is my undead form,
you killed me two times dumbass.” She smirks, “I really wish Phantom would of permanently
killed all your friends on that train, but your puny little man servant had to
have life insurance from that god damn pixie.”, she got closer to Sparks who
had landed in front of her throne, “I wish Blizzard would of seduced your
f****t friend and gave him internal frostbite and killed him.” Sparks clenches
his fist, “Aw, am I making the little wannabe-hero upset?” she laughs, “Face it
buddy your life is about to end, right here and right now.” Tywana swung
her blades downwards towards Sparks, but he managed to roll out of the way just
in time, she struck again, this time Sparks closed his eyes because he feared
he wouldn’t be able to dodge it, he heard the sound of something deflecting her
blades, he opened his eyes and Eldwin still wielding the dark sword and dark
armor stood holding her blades back, covered in blood Sparks was oddly turned
on by the newfound power his man servant had gotten. “Sparks I’m on my finally
bit of life here, do something!” Sparks
smiled at his friend, “Here goes nothing, that I hope will be something.” Sparks
grasps the red-gem that Ifreet had handed to him after their fight, he channels
all his hopes and all his demon magic into it, “FIRE DEMON GEM, HEED MY CALL,
shimmer and become brighter in color, Sparks can feel the intense energy that
it holds, he continues to pour his powers into it, feeling himself about to
Tywana looks shocked and scared, she stares at Sparks with widened eyes,
“What’s wrong Tywana, jewelry is a girl’s best friend.” Sparks grins and puts the last bit of his
energy into the gem, as it fires a laser like beam, the beam pierces Tywana in
the chest and knocks her back into the abyss, Sparks walks over to the edge as
he watches her fall into the eternal darkness below, the throne room begins to
return to the way it was, Sparks slowly staggers over to the throne, he
collapses on it, and begins to drift into a deep slumber. The hole
in Matlus’s chest slowly begins to seal up, Eldwin’s clothes change from armor
back to his man servant clothes. Matlus stands up and walks over to Eldwin, then
took hold hands and walk over to Sparks, “Thank you Sparks McKlean.” They say
in unison. Matlus picks Sparks up and they carry him to the second floor of the
castle, where they find the bedroom, they strip him down to his bareness and
lay him under the covers, Matlus and Eldwin then strip down to their undergarments
and lay across the top of the bed, Matlus resting his head on Sparks’s chest
and Eldwin resting his on Sparks’s stomach. When
morning comes Sparks awakens to see his loyal man servant and the notary mage
laying almost naked on top of him, “I guess my attraction power finally worked
on them” as Sparks said this Matlus and Eldwin opened their eyes and began to
laugh, “Hah, we got you!” Sparks looked disappointed at first but smiled and
started laughing with them, “You did it Sparks, you defeated the All-Seer, that
means her castle is now yours.” Matlus smiled, “You are now Demon King Sparks.”
Eldwin smiles, “Or he can be Demon Lord Sparks King Of The Domain!” Sparks
grins, “Both names are absolutely tempting, but I don’t want to own the castle
without signing a legal contract and doing one thing before I do that.” “What is
that?” they both ask, “Wait until the Epilogue and you’ll find out, it’s
something special don’t you worry about that.” Matlus and Eldwin get dressed
and head down to the main room to await Sparks’s final announcement in the
Epilogue, “You should join them to.” Sparks says looking up at the reader. He
retires to the bathroom to wash up before the final chapter. © 2012 Master Aiden |
Added on October 21, 2012 Last Updated on October 21, 2012 Author![]() Master AidenWilmington, DEAboutI just love writing and I hope one day my writing will be acknowledged by people all over. more..Writing