Chapter Eight: Family History

Chapter Eight: Family History

A Chapter by Master Aiden

Family History

The Party reached Port City and excited at the cities train station, the town square was filled with merchants peddling their wares to the public.

Eldwin rode on the back of Sparks’s shoulders, he liked the new way his master was treating him, and he felt as though they were more than man-servant and Lord. He loved the smell of Sparks’s skin it was the scent of peanut butter. Alongside them walked Justes and Matlus, Eldwin thought of Matlus as his homosexual older brother, even though Matlus was a year younger, and Justes was like the odd misplaced cousin at a family reunion.

The Four were stopped by a lady merchant holding a jar of jellybeans, “Would you like some pixie-flavored jellies?” her voice sounded a lot older then she looked.

Sparks asked Eldwin if he wanted some jellies, Eldwin nodded yes and Sparks handed over a few gold coins. When they looked up to thank her she had vanished from sight, “That was weird.” Matlus said.

Finally the party came to a small pawn shop which said, “Mister Zoru’s Pawn”, Sparks opened the door and the party followed. Inside the pawn shop there were many trinkets littering the shelves, Wind up exploding penguins, teddy bears with creepy eyes that follow you, and even vibrators. An older Terrin man with a long-grey beard and a purple-wooden cane walked from a back room. ‘Nephew Sparks!”  he exclaimed when he saw his nephew, “You’ve gotten so big.”

“Hey Uncle Zoru” Sparks introduced his friends…and Justes to his uncle. “So do you have a weapon for me?”  This caused his uncle to smile, “You have your fathers fighting spirit, but I wouldn’t expect any less from a half demon.’

Matlus, Justes and Eldwin were in shock upon hearing that, “YOUR HALF WHAT!” they all yelled in unison.

Before Sparks could answer his uncle pulled out a large, silver and sky-blue Scythe, “This is Soul Ark, the Scythe of Souls.” Sparks grabs Soul Ark and feels a surge of power, “I feel demon power seeping into my skin, like the sting of a mighty wasp!”

Sparks gained some of his demon powers back, “Now let me tell you how I was born….”

The party gathered around as Sparks began his story…:

A very long time ago, the Demon Lord of Mortal Souls “Jarske” my father, fell in love with a human woman named “Athena” she was a kind-hearted woman who chilled my father’s burning heart and temper. They waited several years before they had intercourse, the feel of a demon’s rod inside my mother caused her body to burn, but while she was in Hell’s E.R.

Matlus interrupts, “Hell has emergency rooms?”, Sparks glares at him, “I’m trying to tell a story…”

She gave birth to a half human and half demon child, which they named Sparks, my mother’s final words to my father were, “Let him choose his path…” my father took that into deep thought and placed me in SweptCreek orphanage, I have always been aware of my heritage as a demon and technically I am ten-trillion years old. I wish I could have spent my childhood with my mother and father, and I haven’t seen my father since he left me on the orphanage steps.

“Master that is a very sad story.” Eldwin says teary-eyed.

“Hey at least your backstory got expanded on now.” Justes added.

Uncle Zoru offered them the upstairs guest room for them to sleep in for the night, during the course of the night Sparks and Eldwin consume all of the Pixie-Jellies, they had bought from the lady merchant.

Matlus sat in the window and looked out at the stars, Justes walked over to him, “Do you really think he is still alive Matlus?” Matlus couldn’t honestly answer, he really had deep thoughts that Rollo was dead. “I’m sure that he is alive, my love for him should always keep him safe from harm.” Justes puts his hand on Matlus’s shoulder, “You know I loved someone once, and they died.” Matlus turned around, “I’m so sorry to hear that, who was it.”

Justes’s eyes filled with tears, “The most handsome man I ever had the pleasure of having intercourse with, my twin brother Jusley.” Matlus’s eyes widened, “You had sex with your twin?!” Justes nodded his head yes. “I’m going to go to bed now Justes, goodnight.” Justes followed him, “But don’t you want to hear the juicy and sexy details?” Matlus shouted, “F**k no buddy!”

Eldwin and Sparks were laying side by side in one of the four guest beds, “So being a half demon, can you use magic?” Sparks grinned, “Well now that I regained my demon powers, I can use fire-magic.” Eldwin handed a handful of jellies to his master, “You know I’m so glad that you saved me that day.” Sparks looked puzzled, “But the result was you becoming my servant, why would you be glad about that?” Eldwin leaned against his Lord’s shoulder, “I got a family because of you and your wife and kids, and now in our new future, I have you and Matlus.” Sparks felt a single tear form in his eye and he smiled, “I promise that I will never let anyone harm you again Eldwin, and when your contract expires in a year, I will still guard you with my life.”  Sparks extended his pinky towards Eldwin, who responded by locking his pinky with Sparks’s, “Friends forever….”

A cloaked figure sits on the roof of Uncle Zoru’s Pawn Shop, “Now….in the morning the spell will take effect and I will have what I traveled here for. The figure leaps from the rooftop and heads into the local Port Tavern.

With their friendship established Sparks and Eldwin fall asleep side by side, while Matlus stares at the ceiling thinking about his lost lover, Justes snores away as an owl hoots outside the open window….

Uncle Zoru sits in his rocking chair down in the main room of the pawn shop, he thinks about how much Sparks resembles both his mother and father, and hopes that his nephew does great things in his life, a little red bat floats over to Zoru, he hands the bat an envelope labeled “Jarske” the bat flies into a shimmering, swirling portal that is in the corner of the pawn shop, Uncle Zoru smiles and drifts off to sleep in his rocking chair.   

© 2012 Master Aiden

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Added on October 19, 2012
Last Updated on October 19, 2012


Master Aiden
Master Aiden

Wilmington, DE

I just love writing and I hope one day my writing will be acknowledged by people all over. more..
