Chapter 26 - The Plan

Chapter 26 - The Plan

A Chapter by Matthew Ian Herrawood W

A How to on getting into a restricted area gaurd tower fulled of armed men when you are only 6 and have minor magical powers.


Chapter 26

The Plan

It was a week later that Amy finally returned. Emily Amelia Daniel Ryan and Myself had been sitting down at the brand new dining table making a plan to get in and out of the guard tower with a list of things needed so we could find out why Amy wasn’t back yet and if need be save her when the door opened and a tired Amy stumbled through the door and collapsed into Dan’s Favourite comfy chair in the corner of the room and fell asleep we all looked at Amy for a moment before Daniel Ryan and Amelia turned back to the papers on the table crossing things out  and adding things. I walked over to Amy and gently lifted her out of the chair Emily rushed ahead of me as I made my way up the stairs to the balcony that over looked the dining room and front door Emily opened Amy’s bedroom door for me and then went to the bed and pulled back the covers. I put Amy down as gently as I had picked her up and as Emily pulled the covers back over Amy I left the room to join the others down stairs.

“We have made a few minor changes” Daniel told me as I joined them “As we no longer need to save Amy. However we reckon the reason she took so long getting back is because she found something.”

“So what have you got?” I asked sitting down.

“we still think the best place to get in is the top of the watch, and of course the best time is just before 3” Ryan told me I nodded.

“But that leaves no room for mistakes” Daniel went on “we will have only a couple of minutes to get up and get into position before the guards change.”

“Position?” I asked as Emily joined us we hadn’t had positions before

“Daniel has suggested that we knock out the guard that is on duty when we get up there and then knock out the guard who takes their place and switch clothes so that Ryan looks like the first guard returning” Amelia Explained I nodded again

“Sounds good” I said “but we will have to be very quick knocking out the guards and Ryan switching clothes will only buy us a few extra minutes.”

“Ahhh well the guards will get a surprise delivery of wine and ale that has been spiked with rather a lot of drugs that make you sleepy, Ryan switching clothes is just in case someone doesn’t drink” Daniel said in a conspiratorial voice.

“So all we need is someone to order a few kegs without anyone knowing it was us.” Daniel was silent a moment as his pendant helped him figure out a plan and in a few seconds he said.

“Amelia? How well can you act like a personal maid for a master that’s drunk regularly?”

There was a loud banging at the door and Amelia Immediately

ran to the door and smoothed out her costume as everyone else followed me into the living room.

“GE’ THA’ DOOR” I roared out in my best drunken slur. I heard Amelia open the door and after a quick exchange with Amelia using a close variation of her street slang close it again. I yelled out a few incoherencies as we all walked over to join Amelia who was surrounded by ten barrels of alcohol.

“Did you Order enough Daniel?” I asked sarcastically “they only need one cup remember and these barrels are only slightly bigger than the ones back home” in truth the barrels of mead ale and wine were all at least double the size of a normal barrel but 2 were so big they were only a little shorter and a little less wider than the door. Daniel rubbed his chin in mock thought for a moment before answering me.

“I had hoped it would be enough but now I’m not sure” I rolled my eyes and turned to Amelia

“So did the guy know who we were?” Amelia shook her head I think Daniels right those in town don’t want others to know how to source the weapons they have been buying so while everyone inside the city knows us not many but only some outside do, and this guy had no clue who we were.” We had decided to be supplied by someone outside the city so it would be harder to trace us and as Amelia had just said Daniel thought that although we got one or two people from neighbouring city’s as customers we weren’t very well known to those cities and to everyone else it was just a coincidence the similarity’s we shared with the five they had heard about that travelled around helping people. We rolled all the barrels into the kitchen and Daniel Ryan Emily and Amelia started to prepare everything we would spike the barrels with I was about to start helping too when Amy said

“I’ll go check on Mick”

“I’ll come too” I said and we walked out the kitchen together hand in hand. Rather than dump mick in the basement we had decided to imprison him in our spare room he was usually pretty noisy but couldn’t be heard outside as a result though we had had to stop having our special orders meetings in our living room we now preferred to make them somewhere else in the city usually at the house of the customer. As Amy and I reached the stairs I let go of her hand and quickly dashed up them and to my room. I snatched up my sword belt and buckled it on as I returned to Amy who had stopped to wait for me at the foot of the stairs then hand in hand we continued to micks “prison” door and I drew my sword. Mick had taken to trying to attack us every time we opened his door so far none of his attempts had been successful at all except the first but even then all he managed was to bruise Daniel Before he threw mick back in his room and hard up against the wall with his mind. After that we always entered expecting an attack though we didn’t usually enter with our weapons drawn. This was different Amy could look after herself but I naturally was protective of Amy and took offense every time he tried to attack her. I banged on the door.

“were coming in now and my sword IS drawn” I yelled through the door before opening it and stepping lightly to the side with my sword point low slicing across Micks legs just above his knee as he ran through the door expecting to meet a resistance in the space I had been. He cried out in pain and fell to the floor as I sheathed my sword. I grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and threw him back into his room.

“Well now that wasn’t very smart now was it just another cut to add to your collection”

“Look at this Matt” Amy said. I turned to her to see a wooden table leg with a sharpened point. I looked up to Amy about to speak when I noticed her eyes. Amy flicked her eyes to Mick behind me in an unspoken message. My sword was at Micks throat in a second and his hands froze outstretched towards my own throat.

“Don’t” I said and he dropped his hands and retreated.

“Do you think we will have any of the herbs left once we have finished spiking the barrels?” Amy asked as she collected the tray with Micks plate and cup on it.

“Why?” I asked hearing a mischievous note in her voice and deciding to play along.

“Oh I just thought it might be fun to poison his food and drink now and then and see when he thinks we have poisoned it and when we haven’t or even just poison it over and over and see how long it takes before he decides to eat it regardless of the poison” Amy said. And Micks face when a pale white as we both turned to the door.

“we could” I said in a thought full voice as I closed the door fully aware of mick rushing at my back Me and Amy stopped and almost instantly we heard a solid thud as Mick collided with the now closed and locked door.

“Ouch” Amy said quietly to me and laughing we walked back to the kitchen were the last of the herbs were being prepared.

“You know it’s not a bad idea actually” I said. “If there is any left we could use it to keep him quiet so long as it’s not lethal if someone has it repeatedly.”

© 2012 Matthew Ian Herrawood W

Author's Note

Matthew Ian Herrawood W
Not sure whats going on wth the lines half way through they seem to want to stay in the middle of the page for some reason.

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Added on March 10, 2012
Last Updated on March 10, 2012

Realm 3


Matthew Ian Herrawood W
Matthew Ian Herrawood W

A Town, South Australia, Australia

A Introduction to my Realm Trilogy About the Author Matthew W is 24 years old (November 1 2016) and lives in South Australia. He has been writing and reading for a long time. Because he was su.. more..
