Chapter 15 FuneralA Chapter by Matthew Ian Herrawood W![]() kinda boring chapter but in a way important![]() Chapter 15Funeral
“...The temple will be taken down and all Tywlpgeyl will submit to mind reading to determine where their loyalties lie Because of them today with live without a friend who lived in a nest of foe, who put everything she wanted and who gave everything she had away to save 5 people she barley knows. I will commission a statue in her image in her name...” the countess continued her speech. But we kept our heads bowed not looking at anyone else unlike the others who were looking at the countess. Lina had healed Amy and Emily quickly but Marissa couldn’t be saved. The Glif had simply taken a leaf out of Amy’s book and turned invisible we had seen it a little later on the way to see the countess it was running towards the mountains outside the city walls. When we reached the countess we told her what had passed and then the funeral plans had started. The countess had under secrecy arrested all the crusaders and has them under the highest security we had been told that any that tries to escape will be run through instantly. Daniel had agreed to find out if their intentions were good or bad. That would happen at the end of the funeral some people had brought umbrellas just for that part. The story of ‘Marissa of the Tywlpgeyl’ had spread through the city getting more extravagant all the time (however some of these were more correct than others for they include a Glif). She was now a hero of the city. All five of us had been asked to write in a book being put together it would be the story of her life and many people would be disappointed when we did write what we knew but all of us felt that it was our fault (except maybe Ryan but he kept his head bowed anyway). Finally the time came to walk up to the coffin for a last goodbye we joined the end of the line and walked slowly forward Daniel reached the coffin and I saw him lean down his jaw moved as he muttered something then moved over and Emily stepped up and did the same Then Amy then myself I stepped up to the coffin and saw Marissa lying there looking peaceful her eyes were wide with shock as if she couldn’t believe she was dead I couldn’t believe no one had closed her eyes yet as a magic user she would not go stiff so I guessed no one had wanted to risk bumping her I reached in and brushed her eyelid’s shut “you would have made a good friend” I said Quietly as I straightened something in me reared up crying out in pain tears sprang unbidden to the corner of my eyes and I stormed out of the temple not waiting for Ryan to do whatever he would do. I walked around the back and to the middle of the temple gardens I stood there quietly for a couple of seconds “arrrrrrgh!” then I screamed in frustration. I fell to my knees then screamed again. “Matt?” I looked up slowly as Amy came over and sat down next to me. “You alright?” she asked me. “No more” I said. “What?” “No more” I said again louder “No more will die, No more will suffer, No more will they fight. I’m finishing this war and then and only then, will I go home” Amy put an arm around me and I felt a shiver of pleasure go down my spine “not you. I’m going to help you” she said. “It’s we” “I will help too” Amy quickly took her arm back as Emily walked up to us. “And so will the other two. But first Daniel has to do a bit of who is friend who is foe work. Come on lets watch”
Daniel shook his head and the magician was dragged screaming into another room her scream’s continued for a few seconds then stopped abruptly. She had been foe. For the last half an hour we had stood watching as Daniel had seen either a white shine or a black shining aura around the crusader. White was good intent black was not good intent. None of us quite understood how black could shine but Daniel said it was hard to explain so he wasn’t going to. Amy returned from her vomiting. A few times she had caught a quick glimpse of the room where all the ‘black shining’ magicians went to be killed and had run of bile rising into her mouth. The whit magicians were taken to a different room where they were to decide what best to be done about the crusaders. The next Crusader was brought forward he was thrown on the ground before Daniel but the crusader rolled and I sliced his throat before he completed his roll. Amy ran from the room I simply held up the shield provided as mad as I was at the crusaders I felt there death was almost too harsh to implode would be horrible. Only a few others had tried to run. Another woman was brought into the room head held high “here comes trouble” Amy whispered in my ear as she came to my side returning from vomiting again. I nodded. “No need to test me” the woman said “you will take me to my death now” me and Amy stood stunned. “Why would we do that?” Daniel asked her calmly. The woman seemed puzzled I am Kullens wife and I would have followed his plan to the very end.” “No doubt Daniel said but he is dead now and you do not mean any more ill intent so you’re free” the woman stood stunned staring at us but allowed the guards to escort her to the room with the other ‘well meaning’ crusaders. For another hour and a half crusader’s were brought toward Daniel and guests came to watch the proceedings once they understood what the shake and the nod meant they would start making angry and rude gestures. Yelling and even screaming insults. But every time Daniel identified a friend they would nod a greeting and sometimes cheer finally the judgement was over and people went to do their own private grieving for Marissa and me and the others went to tell a man named Gjmpx (which translated too Dylan) our story of What happened so he would and could know the true story of his daughter and could write it to share with others. We walked to his home located in the rich district (apparently having a family member as a crusader had its advantages.). I knocked. And immediately from inside we heard a crash and a mutter of exasperation. I only caught a few bits like ‘clumsy of me’ and ‘visitors too!’ before the door was opened and revealed a man in about his mid 40’s he took in our appearance and the weapons strapped to our waist and especially Amy’s many throwing knives and my still slightly blooded hand and closed the door so that all we could see was his eye. “What do you want?” he asked he had a good voice not to low but not too high. “We are the ones that witnessed Marissa’s final moments Gjmpx” Emily said gently. I saw his eye turn in her direction and then he opened the door. “Oh! Oh good come in come in please. Can I get you anything? Something to drink? Something to eat perhaps? What about...?” he continued to babble “he‘s as bad as you Amy!” I quietly said seriously. She nodded “He’s in a lot of pain still” she whispered back. Gjmpx finally sat us down and went to get Green Tea and Coffee he came back a couple of minutes later and sat down opposite us. “Now first” he said “I would like to know your names” he said and looked at Emily expectantly. “Well Dylan I...” she trailed off “can we call you Dylan?” “Yes yes of course. I know the translation” “Thank you. I am Emily” “good meeting Emily good meeting” Dylan said reaching out and clasping her hand “ah a girl with a firm hand and grasp you’re a strong one you are” I looked at Emily in surprise as she looked at us with shock showing clearly on her face, but it was a quick and Dylan didn’t catch it by the time she was facing Dylan again her face was completely impassive “good to meet you too” she answered him “Ah now that is a greeting I have never heard before” he said he moved his head slightly left so he was facing Amy. “Amy” she said reaching out her hand he took it. “firm grip but feminine like that in a woman, the small hands perfect for balancing in a crouch which is a good position for being quiet I” he commented he turned to me. I reached out my hand “interesting talent you have” I told him my names Matthew are you going to tell me what food I like to eat?” I asked jokingly he laughed “hardly Matthew hardly no I will instead say that you are a fighter and a very good one too he said I had could understand his first 2 comments the strength in Emily from all the heavy lifting even though she had her pendant activated it had made her stronger without it too though not as strong as with her pendant and Amy used her crouch a lot and had needed her hands for balance but how could he get that I was a good fighter from grasping my hand? “How?” Ryan asked. Dylan smiled the hand is a cretin roughness that can only come from holding a sword and the grip of your hand I have only ever felt in a good swordsman’s hand before” he said “you are?” he asked turning to Ryan. “Ryan” “Ah I would know these hands any where you to know how to use your hands but you are a craftsman not a fighter though I’m guessing you all do a bit of fighting?” we nodded. “And you young sir?” Dylan now turned to Daniel. “Daniel. See if you can guess my talent” “Hmmm... Well Daniel you are the only person I can’t guess you do a bit of fighting like everyone however you’re not as good as Matthew here you don’t make things like Ryan and your balance is good but not like Amy’s and your aren’t strong like Emily” “I’m the smart one” “Ahhh that explains a lot” Dylan said then turned to Ryan “now you I believe had a bit of a thing with my daughter?” “No” Ryan said “but people tend to presume that a lot though I don’t know why” “it's the blond hair and blue eyes Ryan” Amy told him nodding her head “it's very attractive” she said then made a phone with her thumb and pinkie finger put it to her head and mouthed ‘call me’ then by over exaggerating every move she sarcastically blew him a kiss. Amy burst out laughing, I Emily and Daniel sniggered and Ryan fumed. Dylan watched the exchange with a slightly amused smile on his lips. When we finished Daniel spoke “I was actually the one in a relationship with your daughter” “Ah. You chose a good girl you did. She would never go for money or anything she would go for what she saw in your heart” Dylan said. “Well” Amy said “she certainly didn’t go for look’s” Me Ryan and Emily burst out laughing. “Hey!” Daniel said and Amy stuck her tongue out at him “That’s not fair” Daniel complained “I’ll have you know that back home plenty of girls find me very attractive. Come on Ryan you’re supposed to side with me Amy’s always teasing you!” “Yes” Ryan admitted “but she isn’t this time and when you’re not on the receiving end Amy’s insults are hilarious” “Why thank you Ryan honey, you’re so sweet” “I wouldn’t count on it cupcake” he shot back “Wow! Ryan had a comeback!” Amy said and every one even Ryan burst out laughing. “You are a cheeky one aren’t you” Dylan said “YYYUP!” was Amy’s reply. We sat and talked for a while and told our story in short but would give more detail when asked and in everything that included Marissa Dylan mourned his daughter but listened intently and wrote every word down he didn’t even leave out our um’s and er’s every sound we made was written down Amy made a few jokes at the beginning but once she realised everything said would be recorded she stopped. By the time we finished it was starting to get late and the countess had invited us to dinner and given us a bed for the night again. So we politely excused ourselves and headed for the door. “Ryan” Daniel said. “Done” was Ryan’s immediate response the only difference was he was now holding an unlit torch however Daniel fixed this quickly with a flint. Once it was alight we headed off toward the castle we ate dinner without much conversation. Then we headed up the stairs the girls bade goodnight and went to the left to their wing me Ryan and Daniel went right. When I was finally alone in my room I slipped of my sword belt I pulled my clothes of and got into the bath that had been prepared while I had ate dinner I lay back and started to relax for the first time in a long time.
My head broke the surface. I coughed and spluttered trying to get a breath finally I managed it then I started to feel other things other than the need of air to live which now that I could breath properly, was slowly leaving as if it wasn’t sure whether I needed reminding that we breath air so we don’t suffocate. I started shivering a realised my eyes were still closed so I opened them. light was streaming through a window and as I took in my surroundings I realised I had fallen asleep in the bath which was now stone cold I quickly clambered out and snatched up my clothes I pulled on my pants and walked into the bedroom area of the huge dorm. On the bed were a few clean clothes I again ignored the top too tired to really care and just pulled on the new set of pants I reached up to my bare chest to finger the pendant that hung around my neck but all my hand found was a bare chest the pendant was gone. The door handle turned slowly. I quietly slipped out my sword I might not be as fast or as good with a sword without my pendant but I was still very good I head appeared and immediately stoped all movement when my sword edge found the top layer of skin on their throat “one more move and your dead” I said calmly they gave a terrified whimper then I noticed that it was simply a maid and I sighed dropping my sword too my side “next time be loud and reckless instead of slow quiet and suspicious and maybe you won’t find a sword at your throat” I said the maid nodded then went to leave “hold it” I said she stopped and looked at me expectantly she was a young a girl probably about Amy’s age “what did you come for?” I asked. “Sir apologise. The lords Daniel, Ryan and the ladies Emily and Amy require your presence and sent me to wake you. They are waiting for you in the garden” “Thank you do you know who changed my clothes?” the maid looked puzzled “Me and two other’s sir” “Do you know what happened to my pendant?” I asked her face creased in thought for a moment then cleared. “Yes sir we put it in the cupboard over there and put out this new one for you” she said picking up a very nice looking pendant. I could tell it was expensive. I took it off her and pretended to think then said “was I to keep this?” “Yes sir if you wished it” she answered. “Then I wish it” I said “now that its mine I can give it away if I wish right” she nodded “and I can give it to whoever I want?” I asked again she nodded “here have it” I said handing it back to her “I like my old one” I smiled at the look on her face “go on out” I said “ I have to get dressed” she moved out staring at the beautiful pendant in her hands that I had just given her. I went to the cupboard and retrieved my pendant and slipped it over my neck and continued to pull on my top and strap on my sword a quiver with bow.
“What the hell do you want that for!?” “Look at it Amy it’s really cool!” “Oh look every one Ryan is prepared to starve to get some weird looking shoes that look really stupid and keep away Magic... how the hell does that work anyway magic shoes that repel magic come on Ryan even you know that they cancel each other out, no spell exists that can do that!” the rest of the argument was lost to me as I looked around the market district of Mlgi It was Already very busy even though it was still early morning. I reflected back on what had transpired before we left the castle. In the garden I had found Amy Ryan Emily and Daniel with 3 Crusaders one was Kullens wife. She explained that the Crusaders had named her the new leader and that because of our fair judgment of them and for killing Kullen (despite that he was her husband) she had come to tell us that when the time came she and the other crusaders would like to fight by our side instead of against us. I wasn’t sure whether to be happy or not about this sure we had a powerful ally but the end I new would be bloody and final their presence would make it even more Bloody than it already was going to be. She had then given us a small ball each but 2 to Daniel. “for the sixth member” she explained “hold these and think where you are, what the situation is and what you want and we will come immediately” we thanked her found out her name was “... So I’m buying it! HEY!” at this point I looked to see what Amy had done only to see a street boy catching the last coin to fall out of Ryan’s cut wallet. Ryan threw the shoes at the stall holder and started to draw his sword. “To many people” I said as I passed him in pursuit of the boy. Daniel was in the lead quickly catching up. Last I’d seen of Amy was her leaping up to a window to get on the roof Emily wasn’t far behind Daniel as Ryan came up Running beside me. Suddenly the boy turned Left and ran across a Square causing Amy to appear beside me. “Ryan if...” I immediately cut Amy off “Amy if you save your teasing till later I promise you can do it as much as you want all night long just not now! We are all tired and don’t forget Ryan was holding your money too!” Amy shut her half open mouth and sped up for another 2 minutes we followed the street boy as he zigzagged then suddenly he dashed right into a wide but deeply shadowed ally he ran to the end then stopped as a fence blocked his way he turned to face us with a dagger a hat hid his face in shadow. Ryan stepped forward. “I want our money back now if you give it back right now I may let you go with only a miner scratch” “And if we don’t give it back?” a deep male voice sounded and a man stepped out beside the boy immediately I sensed movement in the buildings on each side. I moved forward “let me deal with this I whispered to Ryan. Amy stepped forward and dragged him back I heard her say something along the lines of, “your more likely to cause trouble 1 person is less threatening and matt can handle himself better than any of us when it comes to fighting with blades” “We don’t want trouble just our money” I said “give us all but 2 gold coins. The boy let out a feminine gasp and went to throw the coins back but the male standing beside her stopped her hand. “What is it Amelia?” He asked the boy. © 2010 Matthew Ian Herrawood W |
Added on September 4, 2009 Last Updated on June 22, 2010 AuthorMatthew Ian Herrawood WA Town, South Australia, AustraliaAboutA Introduction to my Realm Trilogy About the Author Matthew W is 24 years old (November 1 2016) and lives in South Australia. He has been writing and reading for a long time. Because he was su.. more..Writing