chapter 12 destruction

chapter 12 destruction

A Chapter by Matthew Ian Herrawood W

this will come to be known as 'the barral run'. Nice use of the fire grain if i do say so myself.


Chapter 12



“RETREAT!” I screamed “RETREAT! AMY!” she appeared next to me.


“We need to get out of here!” I nodded to the mass of black heading toward us “these are slave’s” I said gesturing at the people around us. Her eyes widened “tell every one and get back into the walls. Now!” she ran off appearing next to Ryan then disappearing as Ryan ran of back toward the walls I caught up to him “can you make something to blind an army bigger than this one?” I asked

“I think so, why?

“No reason, Just that there are real soldiers coming and that force is bigger than this one,” I said gesturing around at the people surrounding us. Suddenly Ryan fell. I dropped and grabbed his wrist just before he was impaled on the pikes in the hole his foot scraped one and I could see blood.

“You know you really need to pay more attention to if your walking on air or not” I said “is the cut deep?” I asked trying to pull him up.

“I don’t think so worry about it later though please!”

Amy appeared and started pulling on his other arm together we got him up.

“The other two are coming” Amy said instantly.

“Good lets get out of here” I said

“And watch were you step” Ryan muttered bitterly. Along the way we all received a few cuts and bruises but eventually we made it, Dan and Syriana caught up with us at the entrance and we entered the city.


“Look at that army” one of the soldiers whispered to his companion” its madness to stay here and fight, I’m gonna leave tonight and get away the only way to survive is if you are with that army outside the walls”

“You can’t don’t be stupid…”

“Yes don’t” Emily said mildly cutting in “I don’t want to have to break your legs…”

The solider though surprised at being over heard snorted stay out of things that don’t concern you little girl

“But you do concern me you make me worry a lot”

“You couldn’t hurt me if you tried”

“She could” Ryan said standing up “but if she doesn’t I will”

“Is that a threat!” the soldier said also standing it was not a question.

“Possibly” Ryan replied mildly.

The soldier lunched himself at Ryan grabbing him before he could do anything. He instantly found my sword and Syriana’s axe at his throat Emily’s dagger digging in slightly at his back and in the corner of his eye he saw Amy holding one of her throwing knives. “You run” Syriana said “and we break you legs and you fight like that or you can stay and fight WITH legs”

“And then run” I looked around and saw Dan in the door way of the barracks he continued, “we have a plan it includes running like hell so is that clear? You poor excuse for a soldier” the man obviously frightened now realizing we for some reason had some rank nodded. We all backed of and he dropped down next to his friend. “I told you not to be stupid…” the rest of the conversation was too quiet to hear. Dan joined us “so?” I asked what is this brilliant plan you and the others have put together that includes running like hell?”

“Sounds fun” Amy stated

“Well" Daniel began “we cant fight a force that size and live… but I once read some books Matt you read them too I believe and in it they used some barrels of oil to blow a huge city to smithereens the entire army was not destroyed However the entire army was not inside the city and they had magicians protecting them. We have killed their only magician. Same plan only we get them all in the city then we get out and blow the joint.”

“How did you get any one to agree to that?” Emily asked in exasperation

“I told them the idea is to protect the people not the homes because home’s are useless if no one is alive to live in them.”

“So now our only problem is…” Amy said. We all looked at each other and then spoke in perfect unison “getting them inside the city and keeping them in”


“You have until tomorrow when the sun beats down upon our heads and our shadows stay under our feet you are to be upon the wall with your answer if you are not then you die! If you disagree you die but if you agree your life will not be that bad some of you may buy your freedom some of you may be lucky and marry yourself free. We will have your answer tomorrow midday or none at all” with that he turned and yelled at the soldiers to make camp. “This is perfect” Daniel said “they’re giving us exactly what we want we can let them in easy enough tomorrow at midday all we have to do is get set up and get out.”

“And how are we gonna keep them in may I ask?” Emily asked

“Kill” Syriana said seriously.

“Syriana” Amy said “stop thinking that every enemy must be defeated with death for 1 day please!”


We looked around at the new voice and were surprised to see Lina standing there “kill them all!” She said.

“Lina how do you know the Magician?” Ryan asked harshly Lina burst into angry tears and stomped her foot then spun and fled. Syriana stood and casting a dark look in Ryan’s, direction followed. “What’s that all about?” Ryan asked Amy as she to stood Emily rolled her eyes.

“Ryan if you were so scared of some one that you would vomit at the site of them you know its possible you could die at any time and become a slave again and you’re her age you would be very sensitive on any of those subjects then also she is a girl and you are boy so then to have a you a boy she has known for a very small amount of time and from whom she has seen a violent kind of person who is older than her ask something like that the way you did,… it… just set her off!”

Ryan stared at Amy blankly “so simply that means…? What?”

Emily rolled her eyes again.

“Well” Amy started “first you have terrified her and also you have pounded all her other emotions into one big emotion she doesn’t understand and she’s having mixed feelings about everything because of it and its all overwhelmed her.”

“Ohhh!” Ryan said, “I think… I get it”

Amy stalked off after Syriana and Lina.

Emily… just rolled her eyes.


“Women, children, elderly and injured over hear, men over there any one fighting head to the center square quickly now come on!” the voice of the guard carried across the gate square “you better get to the center square the other 5 will be waiting for you” (we were down to six Emily would travel with those leaving) Nmex said to me I nodded.

“It was good to see you again old friend,” I said

“I don’t suppose we will meet again Matt but if we do I look forward to finding out, if you ever need something…”

“Thank you we do need something”

“Ask and it is yours”

“Knowledge” I said, “we need to know how to get home”

“Im afraid the only people who may be able to help are the tywlpgeyl”


“Yeah you may have herd of them from the city of Mlgi” I indicated that we had and headed off nodding my thanks. Suddenly a scream of distress went up from nearby I headed over to see what was happening I pushed my way through the crowed to see a woman screaming at a man and a young boy of about 9 “I want to fight I must fight” the boy was yelling.

“He must get the honor of the family back,” the older man shouted and the woman just continued to scream and try and drag the boy back. I quickly intervened as the woman was dragged away I stepped out in front of the man and boy as they turned they stepped to my right and I followed. They stepped to the right and again I followed. “Your in our way” the man said.

“I know” the man looked at me angrily and stepped to the left again, and once again I followed, now he was very angry. “Must I carve you up? I will I need the practice!” he pulled his sword from the scabbard. “Come now no need for me to hurt you… yet” the man was red in the face with anger now “you will be the only one who will get hurt” he said “if you don’t move out the way, I am the best swords man who is not apart of the guard” he said triumphantly

“Really?” I asked “well I am very happy for you one day you may be almost as good as me, oh and I will not move out the way” the mans sword flashed through the air and I quickly drew and deflected with a flick of my wrist. “Come on” I said “carve me up! Lop my head off!” he swung again and I parried then hit him in the stomach with the hilt. Then I spun and put my sword away and at the same time caught the wrist of the boy who had swung his sword at me. “Are you the father of this boy?” I said to the man he shook his head and I dragged the boy over to the woman all had stopped to watch the exchange is this your mother I asked the boy he nodded. “What is this honor that man” I pointed to the man I had winded “is talking about?”

“His father has…” I turned and he found the point of my sword at his throat

“I was not talking to you the boy or mother may answer” the boy did

“My father killed Harry’s…” he gestured at the man “…wife he is a murderer and I must fight to do us good” at this the woman screamed again but it was with words this time

“You cannot fight you are just a boy you will die” the boy and mother continued arguing while I frowned thinking how could the boy come and not get killed then I had it “both of you shut up!” I yelled

“What!” they yelled at me

“The boy will fight” I said the boy smiled the woman screamed “but he will fight with me under the city” the woman stopped screaming and brightened the boy acquired a frown.

“There is no one to fight down there,” the boy said.

“Trust me with my reputation and my luck the whole army will be down there.”

I didn’t mention which army.


“Who’s this?”

“A boy who needs to get back his' family’s honor’ couldn’t let him die but he wanted to fight don’t worry” I added quickly as the others started to protest “I’ll look after him no one else just me”

“Matt you couldn’t look after a dead fish” Daniel said

I shrugged “oh well were all doomed now then aren’t we” I said sarcastically “I mean I’m the only decent fighter here” a solder ran up.

“Every ones… what? who?… who’s in charge here?”

“I am” Amy and Ryan said together.

“All of us” I said. The others all nodded and he continued.

“Every one is ready”

“Good get those leaving out now make sure none stray keep them in a straight line until you can here the sounds of battle if you don’t here any keep them going in a straight line or until the city is a pile of ruble. Is that clear?” Dan said

“Yes sir” and he ran of

“Soldiers form up archers on the roof keep out of sight on the roof pull the ladders up as your way across the roof to your exit. Burn them as you move.” We moved onto the wall staying low so as not to be seen we would not give an answer until midday there we waited.


“What is your answer?”

“What is your name?” I yelled back at him as the others cursed the Flinton populace had not yet entirely evacuated there was still 300 that needed to leave they were leaving at about 100 to every10 minutes which means we need at least 30 minutes the army want to enter now as it turns out the magician finished her job yesterday but it was acted out by her that it wasn’t so this army could enter immediately. Flinton men had worked hard to answer try and get as much dirt in but it was only enough to stop them for 20 minutes. “We shall have your maybe after you will have my name, now WHAT IS YOUR ANSWER?!” he screamed the last words hysterically.

“Ohhh… nasty” Amy whispered quietly in my ear I nodded then pretended to ponder while saying to Amy “tell the runner boy to get the last 300 sprinting out of the city NOW were letting them in we cant hold off any longer” she nodded then taking a step back I heard her do so. “Ok were letting you in you can have the city” the stairs rose out of the ground but we would not descend as we were going to yesterday instead we were admitting the largest army we had ever faced in. “tell us What’s your name?”

He smiled “I have decided not to tell you know me instead as great lord”

I bowed and retreated a step “lets go” I said

Amy smiled “lets blast his lord ship into the sky” we all smiled and turned and headed to the tunnels that ran under the city.


“There in” Dan said as he came running towards us “time to light it” the plan was simple place one fire grain in the barrel of oil then we light a trail of oil and run the fire grain was about the size of a grain of rice but when it came In contact with fire it would explode for approximately 400 meters in each direction north, east, and west, there was a barrel within 300 meters with another fire grain in it we would have to run south and light other barrels that were not within the correct distance the reason was that the tunnels on the back half of the city were placed at irregular intervals so the explosion would not reach a barrel at the right inter section the last barrel would be out side at the gate that was where all the other soldiers were now they had done there job keeping the other army in the center of the city now they were waiting for us. Ryan lit the fuse “RUN!” he yelled and we did. We heard the explosion and felt the heat on our backs but we were alright we kept going we heard rock falling cries of alarm orders shouted and more explosions but we kept going lighting each barrel that needed lighting finally we came to the last one in the tunnels Amy threw in the fire grain and Ryan lit the oil trail we ran but heard it go out we turned and saw dirt falling smothering the flame that was trying to light again Syriana grabbed the flint and steal off of Ryan and ran to the trail it had almost reached the barrel “NO SYRIANA” Amy and I shouted. She looked at us and struck the flint then threw it to Ryan and ran up a side passage then it exploded we made our way up towards the exit quickly Lina sobbing quietly suddenly we were all drawing our weapons and me Ryan and Amy were muttering the words to activate our pendants one solder received an invisible dagger in his back another had a throwing knife appear seemingly out of know where and come spinning towards him striking his neck Ryan had dust in his hand id seen him do this before he threw it at close quarters making the air around it really hot some how it then turned it into liquid fire but didn’t travel far he threw the dirt and the man fell screaming writhing in pain on the floor clutching his face I soured one man in the chest and then I staked a man to the wall and turned to the boy “he’s yours” I said and the boy finished him then vomited I took my sword back and the man fell to the floor we quickly cleaned our swords wiping them on the tunics of the men then proceeded to the ladder. I was the last up we were right next to the gate I threw a fire grain into the barrel and we ran Ryan lit the oil and we ran to a safe distance before turning and watching. It was a spectacular site but one that Because of the circumstances we could not enjoy. When it was finished we continued to the camp in silence Emily came running up smiling but seeing the missing member and the crying Lina immidiatly saddened. The mother of the boy came running up. “one man by his blade” I said before I moved toward the tent Emily had put up for us I lay down and closed my eyes as I herd the voice of a commander yell. “tonight we will wipe the rest of them out and eat dinner in peace”. The roar of approval followed me into my dreams.


A pillow hit me in the face and I sat up immidatly with my sword in hand. “see! He’s awake now”

“Amy” I said “im gonna kill you if you ever hit me in the face with a pillow to wake me up ever again”

“does half asleep count?” she said. I was on the verge of answering ‘yes’ when she hit me again this time hiting me with two in quick succession. “Come on” she said “were clearing out the remaining soldiers its been scouted there’s only about two hundred left there trying to erect some defences nothing we cant handle”

“I want survivors for questioning”

“were trying but thay are killing survivers that snuck back into the city to loot”

“while I get ready have the word passed I will personaly kill any one that loots”

she nodded but said “I don’t know how you can do it, the killing, I hate it unless there killing me” I smiled grimly as she left I stood up and attached my sword belt then took up my long bow and quiver then headed out and almost ran into “Surine! I haven’t seen you since you left us inside the city!” he smiled at me. Then I noticed his ears “ Surine  what happened to your ears? There rounded!”

“The other soldiers were getting distracted” he replied “they were always looking at my ears so I made them like yours”

“Look surine I’ve got to go round up the last few solders will we see you after?”

Surine smiled sadly “I fear not I am already late returning home im leaving now say good bye to all for me” I nodded “fair you well Matt”

“and you” I replied.


It was quick and merciles those that ran were cut down immideatly no ones sword was left untainted with blood. They soon stoped running and they were takin back to the encampment. Me Ryan Dan Amy and Lina all started serching for any sign of Syriana we would give her a funaral like we would any friend we knew well we stumbled over ruble getting many scrapes along the way “Damn and I was just starting not to see the scars that I got in the arena!”

“Ryan” Amy said “Shut up!” Ryans mood turned dark probaly because he was getting told what to do by another ‘girl’ as he put it.

“Over here” Dan shouted we clambered to him were we could see the top half of Syriana’s axe. Lina went for the axe “NO LINA!” Daniel grabbed for her but was to late Lina pulled out the axe shifting the small piece of wall that was holding up a larger piece it fell I barley dodged to the right another piece fell and Dan was nearly 2 meters shorter than previously then another. Piece after piece fell until we were completely covered.

© 2012 Matthew Ian Herrawood W

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Added on August 27, 2009
Last Updated on May 26, 2012

Realm 3


Matthew Ian Herrawood W
Matthew Ian Herrawood W

A Town, South Australia, Australia

A Introduction to my Realm Trilogy About the Author Matthew W is 24 years old (November 1 2016) and lives in South Australia. He has been writing and reading for a long time. Because he was su.. more..
