![]() chapter 10 BeginningA Chapter by Matthew Ian Herrawood W![]() now the action really starts. an army the size of 3 countries against one city? who's gonna win this battle.![]()
Chapter 10
“So you came hear after you escaped?” Emily asked Nmex.
“Yes and I joined the guard advised on a few tactics and then advised my way to the top”
There was a knock at the door and as it opened Amy spun around and aiming for the wooden doorframe in less than a 5th of a second threw the throwing knife she had absently picked up and started throwing at the desk. Her aim was true and good striking the frame level with the man (who was sent for drinks and food) eye level. He was not however holding a tray with food a drinks but rather a scroll which after recovering from the shock of the thrown knife handed to Nmex “sir the army is at the walls if we don’t get an army there they’ll be in Flinton by night fall they have a magician or something more powerful than any that we’ve ever faced!” Nmex’s frown depend as he read the scroll. “You seven will join the army or die now,” Nmex said as the other man that brought the news left. “Were do we start?” Ryan asked.
“What if we refuse?” I asked.
“I told you I will kill you I wont enjoy it but…”
“…But you wouldn’t kill all of us before you were all cut into tiny pieces!” Amy cut in.
Nmex smiled “No doubt, but no I have orders and I follow orders” he said waving the scroll around.
“Well we will save you the pain and join you then” Emily said. As we headed through the door Amy grabbed the throwing knife “hay Nmex”
“Can I have this and get more?” Amy asked
“Sure ill get some more for you once you’re with the group of solders I’ll be commanding” Amy smiled and with a wicked gleam in her eye said simply “great!”
“Hear you are Amy” Nmex said “now this holds your knives in your boot it can hold three and it goes on like this” he fitted the knife sheath to her boot “and this one goes on your back and it can hold six” he fitted that sheath to her cloak “see how the cloth still moves freely, you will find that a little magic goes a long way and they will not come out by mistake this one goes on your belt and it also holds six” once again he fitted the sheath next was one shaped in a kind of crooked m that went across Amy’s chest it only held three for comfort and then he handed Amy two gloves both held a hidden throwing knife inside and one that wasn’t hidden out side which could also slide forward only when you wished it too and if your hand and fingers were out the way (this too was a magic function)the next one was in the left side of Amy’s collar. When She had all sheaths on Nmex said “oh and they will all return to your sheath once you only have two left they will not harm you for they simply return to the sheath and move how you move to avoid you so how does it feel?”
Amy stopped experimenting with different movements then said “good…” and then stopped as a runner addressed Nmex “sir you’re wanted in the command room” Nmex nodded
“Ill be right there. You guys” he said motioning that he mean’s us “will accompany me or do you forget I know you make amazing plans” he walked of toward the building that was used as the command building. We followed all of us looking at Daniel. He stopped “What?”
“We have no way of defeating them unless we can get a reasonable force behind them inside an hour, that we all know to be impossible!” the military leader, Gunremer, yelled angrily at Nmex. “Well if you cared to listen…” Nmex started but he was cut of by Gunremer “I do NOT care too listen I don’t have the time”
“Fine” Nmex said in an uncaring way “not my head on a platter” Gunremer glared at Nemex. “Alright I’m listening Make it quick”
“I just happen to have hear with me my friends who just happen to make the most fool proof and yet at the same time the most effective plans tactics and are able to fight better than any of your men they by themselves could undoubtedly kill 102 of your men in 30 minuets” he stopped here letting his words sink in “may I introduce Daniel the strategist” Dan stepped forward out of the shadows “Emily the strongest known person” she too stepped forward out of the shadows “Amy the most silent and hardest to see”
“Hi!” every one looked around then jumped back making signs to ward of evil as she became visible smiling broadly “Ryan the weapon crafter” he stepped forward and grabbing a chair made a sling shot and fired it in just one second. “Matthew beast fighter in the land” I stepped forward “and Syriana with her little sister Lina” they stepped forward “Syriana is the most wanted assassin but she is traveling with my friends and there for can mean no harm and besides she’s only wanted by those attacking us” Gunremer sat down, as Nmex had introduced us he had slowly stood and his mouth had slowly dropped. “Plan?” he said weekly, weekly gesturing at Dan.
“Mypix” he muttered “well as you say we need a force behind but you forgot to mention also needing a force from both sides and the magician needs to be eliminated as quickly as possible you say also that there is no way to get there without being seen?” he looked at every one they nodded “I disagree” every one looked at him eyes showing the hope he had flared “Syriana do you still have the map you used to get us three out of that god forsaken prison?” She nodded handing it to him from out of her cloak. Daniel rolled it out on the table hear there is a entrance to many tunnels leading to many basements all over the city and three other places tell me please men what are those three places?” they looked then the young patrol leader said “out of the city left right and directly ahead all behind and next to the edges of the army cutting of escape we would be attacking from all four sides”
Gunremer looked at him as Dan nodded then said to him “what’s your name boy?”
“Rikme sir” Rikme replied
“Who is your first strike leader?”
“Kinleer sir”
“Well” Gunremer said “ill talk to kinleer about a promotion for you…where is he anyway?”
“He sent me sir, I didn’t ask him why it’s not my place.”
“I hate to brake up this little chat but we have an army approaching” Nmex said then Dan continued. “Rikme is correct however he is wrong about the attack direction he failed to point out two more directions of attack the air with arrows and bolts obviously and also…”
“…The ground!” another commander yelled.
Precisely here, here, here…” he continued to point to and mark 23 places on the map “these marks are solid floor no trap door or any thing but that’s were they will die, groups of about 20 people will set spears in the ground then collapse the tunnel make them generally square shaped any that by chance miss the spears will be dealt with quickly by the men that collapsed the tunnel. However it is risky in collapsing the tunnels to collapse them make the ground weak then every one stands back and just poke at the dirt with the swords until it collapses. Us six will be in a group (it had already been decided that Lina would not fight unless absolutely necessary) we need another 50 in our group as we will fight for each other more than any one else that we don’t know so get another 22 groups together 50 in 3 and 20 in 19 of them one group of 50 of them will go with us to the back of the army and we will also collapse 4 tunnels these ones here” Dan pointed to four places that led in a strait line to the back of the opposing army “ assign one group of 50 to our command we go now our group will be last signal to attack is an single arrow from our group meet here when ready we will go to the entrance of the tunnels together” with that me Amy Syriana Lina Emily Ryan and Daniel all left the building. The others took a moment to react but soon they to had left.
We entered the tunnel it had taken at least an hour to get every one down the small rope ladder we joined our group “form up” Ryan said clearly. They did so and I stepped forward. “Who among you is the highest of rank?” one of the men stepped forward
“I am,” he said
“What is your name?”
“Jack sir”
“What Jack would you do if most of your company was killed?” Amy asked
“Retreat miss” he answered
“Is that all you would do?” Amy asked.
“Yes miss”
“Who” Amy said “can tell me the correct answer?” many men were stunned by this then one man said “Retreat reform get tactical and attack again unless losses are so great that there is no chance of survival say20 men”
“Step forward” Emily said “Every one look at this man he is your commander for this fight you will answer to him for he will lead you to victory and honour, you will one day be a great leader” she added to the man then to jack “surrender your rank badges to this man quickly then we move out we must keep on fighting or we all die that is the reason for the change” she added to the group at large “ but today if we do what we must do take the risks we must risk fight for others like we fight for ourselves the enemy will fear us and the enemy will cower before you and you will stand victorias now we fight!” they cheered and we moved on into the tunnels depths bringing with it death murder and blood.
“Are you sure this’ll work Ryan?” we all stared at Syriana
“ Where have you been Syriana? Have you seen any of us use our pendants?” Amy asked. Ryan had made some kind of complex system so that when we pulled the piece of string he had used it would some how make the tunnel collapse. “Stand back every one!” Ryan said we all gathered on the side that Ryan was on and he pulled the string for a second nothing happened then the tunnel collapsed men fell screaming to be impaled by spears. We ran as arrows started to pepper the ground behind us at each point we collapsed the tunnel in the same way and each time ran from the arrows luckily the hole was too deep for us to be pursued. Then we were climbing the rope ladder leading to the battleground above. At the top of the ladder I said Hinrkixn then climbed out I heard the others activate their pendants (except Ryan who had not deactivated his). I handed a spare arrow to a archer” fire this into the air now separate from the others” I said drawing my sword then electricity was running up and down the blade then stopped as the archer looked at me worriedly “fire!” I yelled “Quickly” the arrow was fired and Flinton and the enemy charged I ran in Amy would appear fleetingly until we started fighting when she would only turn invisible when she needed to get away and couldn’t. The enemy was taken by surprise as they where being pushed into a close group with there comrades. “Hold lines don’t spread out” Dan yelled “push them as close together as you can” then he repeated this order to 3 runners telling them to also tell the commanders of the other groups that if we all do this the enemy will be to close together to form an effective resistance without killing there own comrades. We fought slowly pushing them back. For the first time I saw Syriana use both sides of her axe she would swing it to her left using the axe’s normal blade then move it to her right and get some one else with the spike on the back or she could use the hook blade to slash and even disarm her current opponent. We all fought close together but gave each other enough room so as not to get in the way of each other. Slowly the enemy was pushed together in to a tight group but they didn’t seem worried about killing there own team Dan yelled at me and I turned to runner “tell all the commanders at Flinton to send a good force into the mass of the enemy also tell them to draw back a little to allow room for this” I turned to another 2 runners “tell the left” I turned to the other runner “and right flank to draw back slightly to allow a team from Flinton and the back flank to get into the mass of enemy’s to thin out the middle” they went of as a runner approached Amy “The magician is half finished in digging under the wall” I heard him say Amy nodded and he ran off as Amy shouted “MATT DANIEL RYAN EMILY SYRIANA WE MUST GET TO THE MAGICAN!” we nodded and then we moved into the mass of enemy’s this isn’t going to work I thought and then I was griping two blades crackling with electricity but this might as I hit chest plates men went flying electricity crackling all over there armor I stuck a man in the neck and he went flying back into the man behind then syriana’s axe came down on the man that had been behind and his head rolled of into a nearby hole with the stakes in the bottom. The ground became a jungle of bodies a death sentence if you trip and it started raining the ground turned to brown mud tinted red with blood from comrades and enemies. But we continued fighting. Midday came and went I looked at the sun it was half past 4 “HALF HOUR TILL NIGHT FALL” I shouted worried the magician was said to be finished by night fall but had gotten half finished before midday “NO WOUNDER IM HUNGRY” Daniel shouted. But the message was clear, the magician needs to be stopped, we fought now only were we had to carving our enemies up moving straight down the middle I was the first to get to the other side and I ran toward the magician sheathing my, now one, sword and pulling of my bow and firing an arrow at him the arrow stopped in mid air spun around and sped after me I ducked but it angled down toward me I rolled to the side and it embedded in the ground but it started to pull itself out I trod on the end and broke it of then stomped it in to the ground then taking out me sword cut the arrow completely in half driving my sword into the ground. The others reached me “I cant fire an arrow at him” I said “allow me” Amy said and she ran forward but throwing knives and her sword and cross bow and bolts slid out of there sheaths and places she turned realizing this and suddenly with a knife in her hand she through it and it killed a man that had sneaked up behind me she retrieved her knife “we cant take weapons in but what if the weapon is in there” Ryan said he dropped his belt and ran forward then he made a dirt bomb it exploded immediately in his face he fell to the floor holding his eyes and staggered back to us blinded. “Let me do it” Emily said “ill throw him into the city so he doesn’t have to dig and it’ll be through the wall not over or through a hidden entrance” she ran forward but as she reached for the magician he flung his hand back palm open facing the wall stopping it so that from his elbow up to the tip of his fingers was parallel with his body on the back of the hand was a symbol it was red on the out side and black in the center Emily was thrown back she landed next to us and with a resounding crack she screamed out in pain “Damn broke my Leg” she said through tears of pain “that’s unlucky aint it”
“Unlucky?” I said exasperated “Damn Emily your lucky you didn’t brake your neck the way you landed”
“I shall go,” said Syriana “I am quicker” she went forward and this time he didn’t raise his hand and blast Syriana. Syriana dropped swinging her legs around to trip him. He jumped and spun around and kicked Syriana as she was about to back flip and that’s when we saw the magician was not a man but a woman Amy gasped while me Ryan and Daniel all said “Damn” then it hit me.
“Did you all see the symbol on her hand?” I asked they nodded “it’s the same as on your pendant Daniel”
“Damn” he said “you right and damn again I have an idea damn it” he walked forward.
“What are you going to do” Syriana called out (she had made her way back to us shaking her head and staggering a little). Daniel turned and said
“I’m going to fight in the worst kind of combat there is… I'm going to fight with the mind!”
© 2010 Matthew Ian Herrawood WAuthor's Note
2 Reviews Added on August 26, 2009 Last Updated on June 1, 2010 AuthorMatthew Ian Herrawood WA Town, South Australia, AustraliaAboutA Introduction to my Realm Trilogy About the Author Matthew W is 24 years old (November 1 2016) and lives in South Australia. He has been writing and reading for a long time. Because he was su.. more..Writing