CHAPTER 5 THE ARENAA Chapter by Matthew Ian Herrawood W![]() This chapter is important it sets up one of the main objectives for the rest of the story along with some things that would not happen if this chapter was not in the story.![]()
The elf smiled “greetings Ryan…” she nodded in Ryan’s direction he returned the smile and nod with a cold stare he never had liked to be beaten. “…And to you Matthew.” At this point Syriana spat on the elf it landed on the corner of her mouth. The elf stopped a moment then wiped the spittle from her face then she turned to Syriana “Ahh of course yes you have every right to spit on me I have ignored you completely even before when you both were awake I only spoke to Ryan” although I knew spitting was dark elf custom if your being ignored I got the feeling Syriana was insulting the dark elf. She walked over to Syriana. “I spit on you because you don’t even deserve that you should be honored” Syriana spat on her again and after wiping it away said “I am. To be spat on by the most talented assassin known is a real treat” she did it without trying to hide her sarcasm but said it as if daring Syriana to spit again. She did. The elf’s hand shot out and put Syriana’s hand in front of her face. The spit landed on Syriana’s hand then the elf wiped the spit on Syriana and then slapped her with the back of her hand. The elf turned and walked a little way of and then said, “I am Flina the black elf and you will be the new contestants in my arena”
“You could have just asked us you know!” Ryan said Flina smiled broadly
“I could have but I prefer to make a deal that cannot be refused” she smiled and left.
“Do you have to have a smart answer to everything” I shot at Ryan he smiled and then said “I guess we don’t have much of a choice do we” I took that for a yes.
I swung my sword hard and winced as a bone shattering blow connected with my opponents sword with in human speed they swapped hands and as one hand hung limp delivered another blow at me but I was expecting that and as I side stepped I hit the zil in the head with my hilt they crumpled to the floor. They would live but they would have a sore head for a while. I moved of the arena as Ryan moved on and a new opponent was brought on. We had eventually been untied and given our stuff back even with our pendants though we knew we could not escape so we had been put in to a small arena and had fought opponent after opponent so that when we got to the real fights we would have no problems we would be last and the fighter would be tired. I watched as Ryan’s blade hit his opponents shield and sent him reeling back in to the dirt then Ryan put his sword to his neck. I heard a laugh. I looked to my side and saw the old man that kept helping when we needed it the most “he hasn’t lost his touch, Ryan. Has he? Hit with blade, kill or almost mortally wound you to warn you that he will kill you” he looked at me and smiled then said “and ask questions later!” I nodded.
“So what now?”
Every time you come to me you tell me something that will help us or warn us same as when you appear to the others. So what is it now?”
“The elf. She knows what she’s doing, on the day of the grand final if you live you will be set free at night you must reach Flinton that night then at first light shout to be let in you must get into the city for in exactly one week after the arena fights end, the Flinton jail is emptied which means all people that don’t get out that day are executed. Your friends have a life sentence they live till next execution.” With that he stood and walked someone then walked through him and he disappeared. Syriana walked on to the arena with her axe and stood in the middle waiting patiently, relaxed. Her opponent ran at her and before I could blink the axe blade was at the throat and she was out of harm’s way. “Those three I got this one…” I turned to see Flina waving her arm in Syriana’s direction “…and the last two that were on, they will be the last fighters to go on they will face three by them self and for the champion ship which they will undoubtedly reach they will fight twelve by themselves send word to Flinton to get there twenty-one best fighters ready for the arena they will fight fresh opponents.” The person she talked to ran off and Flina came to sit down beside me “at first when I heard the stories of the five of you and of the unbeatable assassin that was after you I could not believe them.” She looked at me “but now…” she shook her head “at first I thought just two fresh opponents when your tired would be enough but now I think three may not be enough”
“It won’t”
She laughed, “You are so sure but you don’t even know how good the fighters of Flinton are they are the best of the best no one can fight them and live. Except maybe you but there are only two of the five and you haven’t found the sixth member yet.”
“Six?!” I said, “There are only five!”
“No there are six did no one tell you that?”
“No. No one did”
Well I must go. Nice to talk to you if you ever get out of this alive then maybe I will get to fight you one day”
“I Look forward to it” I said
“Me too” with that she left and I was left to contemplate what she had said.
“Who could it be and how are we supposed to find them?” Ryan asked
“That is easy” Syriana said “follow the drops of blood they will turn up eventually” I had told them about the old man and my conversation with Flina. “But what if they don’t just turn up” Ryan said.
“He’s right” I added “everything seems to just work out how its suppose to but that has to stop sometime”
“Well until we get proof that that is no longer a fact then we will assume that things will just work out right.” Not happy but accepting Ryan and me finished the conversation and slept.
The next weeks past at a rocketing speed until the day the contestants were due to arrive. Then it past agonizingly slow. The people and creatures we saw looked tough but one caught my and Ryan’s eye an Elf was walking through the crowed with a thin but long Elvin sword on their back. “Surine” I cried out the male Elf turned and then seeing Ryan and me smiled and made his way toward us. “What are you doing here?” I asked before anything more could be said. “I’ve come to fight in the arena it’s a way to make some good and much needed money.”
“You’ll get killed only the winners live.”
“No I’m doing the random fights! The ones were you go free if you kill the beast or human and die and become food if you lose. And what animal or human do you know that can beat me?”
“A few” Ryan answered
“There all dead” I added
“Or in the mountains” Syriana finished. At this Surine looked at Syriana and studied her with his piercing eyes. Syriana stared right back at him. Then Surine closed his eyes and slowly reached out with one hand suddenly Syriana screamed in pain and fell to the floor. Others gathered there turned to see what was happening then Syriana was up axe in hand then she was on the floor with the axe across her back then the sword that had been on Surine's back approximately a tenth of a second ago was now pointing at Syriana. I quickly stepped in “he was making sure you meant no harm”
“Could have just asked” Syriana muttered bitterly.
“You need to learn to protect your mind by thinking of a force to stop the prying mind the prying mind will face that force the more clear the stronger the barrier”
“What?” Syriana asked confused.
“Say you thought of a metal wall or wall of fire that surrounds you and your mind or maybe a circle of spears the prying mind would find that wall of fire, metal, circle of spears or whatever you think of.”
“Again.” Syriana said then she bit back a cry of pain as Surine tried to penetrate her mind then suddenly Syriana seemed to throw her whole body mind and soul into rejecting Surine and slowly her face changed and determination showed clearly on her features and Surine seemed to be fighting some invisible beast from the look on his face then suddenly he was in the air and then he hit the wall and slid to the floor. Syriana opened her eyes triumphantly “I did it!” she said.
“Yes you did” Surine said slowly rising and swaying slowly. Surine had been training Syriana to protect her mind and now it seemed to have paid off. “May I ask what was it that you thought of that got me from behind that through me over its shoulder?”
It was some kind of beast that me and matt fought.”
“May I ask what it looked like?”
“Big, red scales, tail covered in burning spikes, big claws, and huge teeth.” Surine sat down rubbing his forehead. Noticing the sign that meant surine was worried me and Ryan instantly asked in unison “what’s wrong”
“The beast you described is called a Glin the Glin is a very dangerous beast and is a creature of strong magic. A glif, which grows into a Glin, can only be summoned by dark magic and it takes immense power to control only 5 others have ever summoned a Glif (which grows into a Glin) and only one could control and destroy them he wrecked havoc and then finally when he thought he was ruler of Germo he tried to destroy it only there was one problem he had brought a being into existence that had no wish to die. In the end both died.”
“Died?!” I said shocked “all magicians we have killed have been destroyed… as in… they exploded!”
“This one was a magician of the language as all must be to summon a Glif those of the language implode heal and then die”
“The language?” Ryan asked surine looked at Ryan then at me as we both looked at him with blank faces “the language” he said “is the old language the ancient language one so ancient that it is amazing that the most ancient city in Germo Mlgi still know more than one letter but they do not have all letters they are missing the letter A, but if they find it they will then be the most powerful people in germo”
“How can one letter make some people who practice some old language make them almighty,” Syriana, asked
“Each letter represents a magic for instants P means power and is one of the most powerful letters S means strength or stealth and is also one of the most powerful with power someone can use the ‘Power of’ plants, sun or blades etc, they can even use just Power which is even more deadly if your against it. But only they know its true power I’ve only heard the rumors”
“Wait you mean stealth and strength as in Amy and Emily’s pendant?” I asked he nodded there was a knock at the door and a young girl entered about the age of 8 “you are wanted in the arena Bsmreh” she said
“Thank you” surine answered
“Lina!” Syriana screamed in joy the girl looked at Syriana as if she had just realized there were others in the room “Syriana?” she asked hesitantly Syriana nodded and then Lina seemed to throw herself on to the older girl Syriana caught her and said with what sounded like a barley suppressed sobs “sis I thought I’d never see you again” Syriana then introduced us and then Lina left saying she would return when possible to tell us her story. Then she left “Slayer?” I said turning to Surine
“What?” he asked looking confused
“Lina called you Bsmreh that means slayer!” Ryan said
Surine shrugged “it’s an intimidating name” and with that he left me and Ryan looked at each other shrugged then we followed laughing I heard Syriana give one last quiet sob then follow.
Ryan and I sat with Syriana a little way further to our left than she would normally sit. From hear we had a good view of the arena. Over head a voice started speaking “welcome one and all to this fine day at the arena with two new opponents today who have never fought in the arena before so this should be interesting shall we see just how so?” This brought a roar of approval from the crowd and as the gates opened the announcer introduced Surine and a guy that called himself Destroyer. Surine held the blade not loose but relaxed the destroyer however was, while not uptight, holding to tight on his sword. He rushed at surine but the elf simply stepped aside and stuck out his foot and ducking under the swung blade tripped the opponent, that turned it nicely in to a roll then standing delivered a thrust. Surine then parried the blow then stepped back and sheathed his sword me and Ryan did not blame him if Surine were to keep it out he would end up killing the opponent slowly because this guy was hopeless and unwilling to give up the man did an over head cut Surine jumped up and back flipping forward landed on the destroyers sword ripping it from his hand but Surine had already jumped of the sword while it was in the guys hand it was less than ten hundredths of a second but an elf doesn’t need four he brought his foot down on the point spinning the hilt to face him and landed on the arena floor point in his opponents neck.
This went on for weeks me Ryan and Syriana would go out and would have to with mine and Ryan’s regret have to kill our opponent (Syriana’s an assassin so she never has regret about killing) but Lina did not return and see us we started worrying as the end of the tournament drew closer and Lina was absent she was never even seen running about Syriana actually almost lost a fight she was worrying so much. Finally however a couple of hours before me Ryan and Syriana were due to fight one last time we were trying to convince Surine to stay and travel with us a knock on the door changed the conversation topic.
© 2011 Matthew Ian Herrawood WAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on August 22, 2009 Last Updated on February 12, 2011 AuthorMatthew Ian Herrawood WA Town, South Australia, AustraliaAboutA Introduction to my Realm Trilogy About the Author Matthew W is 24 years old (November 1 2016) and lives in South Australia. He has been writing and reading for a long time. Because he was su.. more..Writing