chapter 4 Lair of assassin�s

chapter 4 Lair of assassin�s

A Chapter by Matthew Ian Herrawood W

this chapter is pretty pointless and badly written i think i could have done more but oh well. I am Slowly editing it. Its getting better slooowly.



Chapter 4
Lair of assassin’s
I fell down on the bed tired but I could not sleep the cut on my back hurt and was starting to sting and my head was spinning what had happened to Ryan? Whatever was it that had possessed him that could turn to mist? And most importantly… how long did I have to live? After what felt like ages later Syriana came into the room that Ryan and I had been shown to. “Come, we need to figure out what we will do and Shadow hand wants to meet the new wannabe assassins Ryan and Matthew.” Syriana said as she shook Ryan awake.
“But we don’t want to be assassins!”
“I know” Syriana replied “but if you want to survive while you are here you want to.” As Syriana walked out Ryan grumbled. “Great first I get possessed by some great big dumb scaly lizard AND NOW I am getting told what to do by a GIRL
“What’s wrong with that?” I asked “I think its best and Syriana does know what she’s talking about…and she is the only way we will get out of here alive.”
“Suppose” Ryan grumbled. And then I followed Syriana out the door, Ryan grumbling, followed behind. As we passed through many hall’s I realized that we were in fact underground and that there were a lot of door’s but no people. “Where are we Syriana?” 
“In an underground sanctuary for assassin’s. All the assassins are dead, working or here they are all here because this is the main sanctuary.”
“So where is every one?”
“In the dining hall in waiting for the special meeting to start.”
“If it’s a ‘special’ meeting shouldn’t you not have told us?”
“I don’t see any harm in telling you about a meeting that concerns and will be attended by you two” Syriana turned right and then went straight ahead and then opened a door that was directly in front of her.
“That’s what we have to do if we want to survive, weren’t you listening? Anyway I have an idea on how to do it simply. All we have to do is talk to people find things out about…”
“AAAAAAAAAAH!” the scream sounded and Ryan and I ran to the source. A woman in a black cloak was lying dead on the floor her throat had been slit and blood was pouring from the lethal wound. “What’s this?” Ryan asked while he crouched down and examined the floor. On the floor was a red drop of blood and further up toward the door was another we started to follow the drops. Keylan, the Shadow hand, stopped us at the door “how are you going with your assignment, hmmm?”
“Got to go” I said and dashed out the door following Ryan. “Hey Ryan wait” he slowed. “Go to our room and get our weapons, QUICK!” Ryan ran of murmuring about being ordered around again. I followed the trail to a door which was open wide the blood trail led inside “it’s starting to get dangerous and those new ones are not new. They were two of Syriana’s newest targets and now Shadow hand has set them onto us! And I’ve been listening to the criers and their excellent fighters and weapon makers there really strong and sneaky and perfect strategists! And there here!”
“Well then kill them,” the second voice replied it was a woman’s voice unlike the first, which was a male voice. “When?”
“Now! You miserable little baboon! When did you think I meant? When they have revealed us and we are dead? Oh that would be the perfect time, yes do it then!” she continued in a mimicked voice of the man’s “oh were dead and buried now so I will just get up out of my grave and go kill them shall I?” now I knew my time was up I needed to improvise some weapons quickly ‘better to surprise than be surprised yourself” the words from the old book came to me and then as the man stepped in the door frame I slammed the door shut. From my hiding position behind the door I heard the sound of feet stumbling backwards and swearing then the door burst open and the woman came through. I bent down and picked up dirt too chuck in her eye she turned and it harmlessly hit her back. But as she turned back a long thin and very sharp dagger slid out of its scabbard. I was not in possession of that dagger. She slashed out and I dropped rolling toward her as the man came out holding a rapier. he stoped and watched. As the dagger came down again I rolled back the dagger was suddenly ripping my top and quivering the woman had thrown it at point blank range and missed “get some target practice” I said “I’ll help if you like” I rolled to my feet and continued “though I may have to kill you first”
“Not much good to me then though is it”
“Well they say the third sign of madness is thinking that blowing up wouldn’t be so bad once you got used to it and I suppose the same goes for being stabbed and your obviously mad as a hatter so… not much of a problem for you is it?”
“Matt! Catch” I turned as Ryan through my stuff at me, which I caught. My pendent was on and I drew my sword. I did not have a need for my pendent to be activated just yet maybe not even at all. The man got ready to fight with his rapier as Ryan ran to stand beside me drawing his sword. The woman sheathed her knife discarded the cloak and drew two swords of her back twirling them into a ready stance suddenly the man lunged for me but Ryan intercepted the hook and they engaged. I studied the woman for a moment before deciding it best to let her make the first move. Then I had a split second to decide whether to deflect a stroke at my side or at the top of my head I stuck my sword out catching the blade aimed at my side on my sword then I slide the blade along mine lifting my blade and the woman’s so that her blades struck each other both her blades bounced of each other the woman was Amazed at my speed and as her swords vibrated I ran my blade through her shoulder then the other and finally one leg then I dropped to the ground as a whistling noise behind me started and got closer. i blinked and when i opend my eyes again Ryan’s sword was protruding from the woman’s chest I turned and saw Ryan struggling, the hook that also had a sharp edge (which he was trying to avoid) was now without a weapon. With disgust at what I was doing I aimed and threw my sword it struck the man’s neck and nailed him to the wall. I walked over and retrieved my sword “nice shot” Ryan said.
“Na I was aiming for the hart” I replied what about your sword what happened had a sudden urge to through it at my head or something?”
“The guy ripped it from my hand and it went flying in your direction” he said. We cleaned our blades then walked back down the hall in silence slowly making our way to the beds.
As soon as I awoke I knew something was wrong. My mouth was gagged and I was tied to a chair. I looked to my left and saw Syriana in the same condition only asleep I heard a groan and looked to my right and saw Ryan waking. “Wha…! What happened...? My head hurts.” Ryan was not gagged. I managed to move the gag to my teeth and then I started biting “I’d stop if you want to stay conscious” I looked at Syriana who had woken and spoken and gave her a questioning look. “It is sprayed with lis” I stopped chewing immediately. And spat (well what resembles spitting when your gagged) the fabric away from me then it slipped over my chin and as the blackness covered me I realized the fabric was nokflin a fabric that stretched if you chewed it.
I came to with the gag still of “you’re lucky” Ryan said “we were hit on the head before the gag knocked us out and they put new gags on us...” Then the door flew from its hinges and into the light stepped a female elf. But this one was not the normal elf. The likes of this one we had only been seen a few times and all had been near fatal encounters. This one had dark skin.

© 2009 Matthew Ian Herrawood W

Author's Note

Matthew Ian Herrawood W
i ask the same as always

My Review

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Still sketchy on the details of how they got where they are. You have got a good imagination but you need to share it more with the reader. A little left to the imagination is acceptable too much and you have no readers.

Posted 15 Years Ago

Matt can you please start a new line each time it is a new person talking it is a bit hard to understand

Posted 15 Years Ago

and hey I'm a poet and didn't know it???? This does not fit here. AT ALL!!!!!!
My only other concern is that you often forgot to start a new line when a new person was speaking and missed a few quoatation marks which makes it a little confusing.
Oh and Evan managed to pop up again.
Other then that it's good.

Posted 15 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on August 21, 2009
Last Updated on November 2, 2009

Realm 3


Matthew Ian Herrawood W
Matthew Ian Herrawood W

A Town, South Australia, Australia

A Introduction to my Realm Trilogy About the Author Matthew W is 24 years old (November 1 2016) and lives in South Australia. He has been writing and reading for a long time. Because he was su.. more..
