chapter 3 within the shadows

chapter 3 within the shadows

A Chapter by Matthew Ian Herrawood W

The night is dangorus what lurks in the darkness what lurks in the night



Chapter 3
Within the shadow’s
I sat in silence warming my hands from the warmth that the small fire provided. It was very cold at night these days. At a sudden unfamiliar sound I looked up to see Syriana sharpening her dagger she had not cleaned it so it was still covered in Ryan’s blood from when she had stabbed him. “What about your axe?” I asked, “You use it the most and it hit a tree and the ground probably some rock’s and stuff as well!”
“Wha!?” Syriana looked up.
“Your axe” I repeated, “what about sharpening your axe?”
“I don’t need to, see these symbols on the axe?” she held the axe up and showed me the handle along it written in red and black were symbols. I nodded as she continued. “They mean that the axe is magical, it also means it cannot be damaged in any way!”
“Cool” I said, “so can you show me some magic?”
“Oh no I can’t do magic… I stole the axe like this I heard about it and thought it would be useful so I stole it. After I discovered that they found it with a slab of stone holding it up and below inscribed on the stone was a message saying it will chose a worthy wieldier and that any one that touches it that is not worthy will die! Some of the finders did not take the warning seriously and died on contact”
Why did I not die when I touched it and why when you hit something does it not kill straight away?”
“Well when I am holding it only kills with the blade’s and as to when you through it to me today, I don’t know but maybe because you were giving it back to me and not using it or maybe your worthy.” I heard a groan from behind and turned to see Ryan sitting up “IT’S A ZOMBIE THE DEAD IS AWAKE!” I said in mock horror and grinned. Ryan threw the bag we had placed under his head for a pillow at me. I caught it and threw it back he rolled to the side and the bag missed he snatched up his sword from the ground and I did the same then we attacked each other teasing and tormenting the other person. We fought and teased each time the teasing was more outrages and funnier so when we could not help it any longer we stopped fighting and were rolling around the ground holding our sides laughing. “Excuse me” Syriana said then walked out of the cave and into darkness. “Who was that?” Ryan asked. He had obviously only just noticed Syriana. “A girl I met when she tried to kill me but later became my friend. Her name is Syriana.”
“Cool” Ryan said simply. We started the fire again and cooked a scarce meal, Ate then lay down to rest… Red flashed across my vision then it was black with red cracks black pulsing slowly then the red pulsed twice then it flashed across my vision again then I was falling, falling, falling. The Beast beside me again it caught me before I hit the ground and again it dropped me lightly and then again it prepared to attack then it charged closer, closer, closer, clo…I was roughly shaken awake Syriana was standing over me Ryan was strapping his weapons on “we have to go” Syriana whispered “There are Shadow raiders on the prowl” although I did not know what shadow raiders were I could tell by the worried look on her face that I did not really want to know what a Shadow raider was so without further delay I quickly strapped my weapons on and followed Syriana out. I know a safe place to hide she said follow me it seemed an age but finally we stopped in some tall grass. We’ll wait here for a bit then continue on” as disappointed as I was that we were not there I nodded and sat on the damp ground. I turned to Ryan “so where’s the other guys”
“In the next city. Flinton” he answered and if the guards do not let us in then we cannot get to them”
“Why?” I asked, “What could possibly stop us?” I said skeptically.
“You’ll see,” he said. I sat up straighter and loosened my sword. “What?” Ryan asked quickly noticing the action. “I saw something black move extremely quickly through the grass I am sure.” Syriana sat up then rolled back onto her back legs in the air and using her legs to propel her, jumped of her back taking her axe of her back and then landing in a crouched position brought her axe down it landed with a sickening blood curling scream and a crack filled the air. In my sleepy state it took a few seconds but then I realized. Axes did not scream or crack and I knew it hadn’t been Syriana. “SHADOW RAIDERS” Syriana screamed in absolute terror, “RUN!!!” I jumped up following Syriana but I took one step and slipped onto my back when I looked at what I had slipped on I saw a black shape of a body the one Syriana had killed with her axe the crack I could now see was the axe breaking a bone there was a dull glowing red liquid around the body then with a sick felling I realized it was the creatures Blood. I got up and drew my sword I could not see the others “Syriana?” I yelled “Ryan?” no answer suddenly a blinding pain shot through my back I reached around and felt my own blood one of the creatures had cut me and then suddenly it stood in front of me it had one sword in its hand’s. I brought my sword into the ready position in front of my face it laughed and then holding the sword above its head it pulled and suddenly it held two swords one in each hand I smiled
"nice trick watch this one hinrkixn” I said then thought black blade’ and two blades darker than night appeared in my hands but in some places there was a small light like a star “nice” the raider said its voice was deep and scratchy but clear. Then we engaged rather he tried but black blade meant that the weapon would pass through space so it passed through the blades I held and me as they went through I felt the familiar shiver of coldness when a blade did this then I moved my blades up to intercept a over head cut and once again the blade passed harmlessly through me then the raider got worried… then… he smiled and I realized he had just figured out that the blades were only harmless if they passed through my blades first and then he thrust and at the same time did a side attack then suddenly his blades met in the middle of me I smiled and then shoved both blades into him and he collapsed. Then I returned my blades to normal and brought one blade up horizontally and held it above my head and with my right hand I brought it out and held it vertically then two separate blades meat mine and another raider stepped into take the lasts place then spinning left I moved forward putting my blades out like I was a helicopter they clashed twice with the raiders blades then with my right hand blade I shoved it over my shoulder were it got locked in the raiders blades then I continued to spin going down and before the blades could get there to stop me I cut the raider clean in half but more raiders were coming soon I would be over whelmed. Then I heard it “zepfoxl” (zz-ep-fox-ll). Ryan was close by and had activated his pendent the pendent of weapons he could make weapons in five seconds flat literally and it could be made and be using anything, Evan air. His most popular weapon was the dirt bomb a little ball of weaved grass that held dirt and when it hit something the grass would brake spraying dirt every were usually blinding the opponent. But this time he had made a special dirt bomb one with a actual fuse which he lit and dropped just outside the circle that the raiders had created around me they all turned to look but knowing what was coming I clenched my mouth and eyes shut and braced myself for the shock-wave the ball exploded and dirt instead of going the normal 30 cm sprayed about 8 meters and the shock-wave knocked only those close to the bomb down I ran to Ryan then Syriana appeared as if out of no were beside us and we ran until we came to some rocks Syriana knocked 3 times in different places on the rock and then it was lifted and two eyes peered out saw Syriana and then the rock was lifted and Syriana ushered us down the hole that had been concealed by the rock my foot found a rope ladder and I started the decent.

© 2009 Matthew Ian Herrawood W

Author's Note

Matthew Ian Herrawood W
I ask the same as always.

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( ! ) see this mark right here? It means that something has been emphasized or is important. A good reader tends to lock onto these and will often re-read the line, also speed readers tend to re-read these lines as well. Use it too much however and it becomes lack-lustre, and the reader looses all interest in it; and thus it cannot be used as an effective writing tool.
Make sure you get both quotation marks around a quote.
Just through-out the last three installments I've noticed "through" rather than the correct "threw".
Be careful of using a single word two or more times in a sentence. On one count here it has been used as an effective re-inforcement which is good; however there are several examples of it, where it becomes repetative or confusing. Read over the sentence, try to change the order of the sentence so that it says the same thing but differently and removes the need to double a word. If that doesn't work break out the thesaurus. (If you don't have one you can find a billion through google).
Finally I state once more that you must go through and read your sentences, clarify them and Stop them. Every now and then throw in a joining word. READ THEM! Do they make sense, on their own, without the rest of the idea?
Once again I must say I love how fast your writing is, really have to keep reading.
Oh and by the way. Our old friend Evan managed to make an appearence. You know what I'm talking about.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Again I am missing some serious points, how did they get to their present location? You are missing some great opportunities to get your reader to bond with the world you have created. I like the fact that your characters have a good relationship and the fencing that went on between them.

Posted 15 Years Ago

I like how you describe all the fighting scenes they're always very descriptive. I thought how you used the font size for this falling, falling, falling. I thought it was cool how you gradually made it smaller. Good job!

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

( ! ) see this mark right here? It means that something has been emphasized or is important. A good reader tends to lock onto these and will often re-read the line, also speed readers tend to re-read these lines as well. Use it too much however and it becomes lack-lustre, and the reader looses all interest in it; and thus it cannot be used as an effective writing tool.
Make sure you get both quotation marks around a quote.
Just through-out the last three installments I've noticed "through" rather than the correct "threw".
Be careful of using a single word two or more times in a sentence. On one count here it has been used as an effective re-inforcement which is good; however there are several examples of it, where it becomes repetative or confusing. Read over the sentence, try to change the order of the sentence so that it says the same thing but differently and removes the need to double a word. If that doesn't work break out the thesaurus. (If you don't have one you can find a billion through google).
Finally I state once more that you must go through and read your sentences, clarify them and Stop them. Every now and then throw in a joining word. READ THEM! Do they make sense, on their own, without the rest of the idea?
Once again I must say I love how fast your writing is, really have to keep reading.
Oh and by the way. Our old friend Evan managed to make an appearence. You know what I'm talking about.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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3 Reviews
Added on August 21, 2009
Last Updated on November 4, 2009

Realm 3


Matthew Ian Herrawood W
Matthew Ian Herrawood W

A Town, South Australia, Australia

A Introduction to my Realm Trilogy About the Author Matthew W is 24 years old (November 1 2016) and lives in South Australia. He has been writing and reading for a long time. Because he was su.. more..
