chapter 1 SyrianaA Chapter by Matthew Ian Herrawood W![]() the first chapter of the last book (including a 'the story so far')![]() The story so farMatthew, Ryan, Daniel, Amy, and Emily are friends that upon entering a strange door were thrown into a war and a new world. The world is called Germo and there is a prophecy about visitors from another world they will end the war or die with the world. Matthew, Ryan, Daniel, Amy, and Emily are the visitors and they have been gifted with pendants of power to help them win this war. Two that opposed them that tried to claim power have been killed and now only one remains. As our heroes set off an ally’s betrayal leaves the five teenage friends separated. Daniel, Amy, and Emily have been arrested, Ryan is missing and Matthew is poisoned. Matthew has decided that he will find a cure and then search for his friends. Then they will end this war once and for all, and then go home. Chapter 1
It was almost in sight. It was just over the horizon. I picked up the pace as the ground leveled. It had been hard to go fast in the Sintla mountains due to the steep slopes when climbing and the lose rocks on the way down made it slippery, I had many grazes and scratches to prove that. In the distance I could just see the top of some buildings probably a good 3 day walk from here. I needed to get there as quickly as possible, before the poison killed me… and all our hope. I had not told them that even though I was the only one poisoned we were all affected. The only way to get home is for us all to live. But in the land of Germo every city in the shlikonmos (the flat lands, although it’s not flat it has small mounds and the rare rock.) has an antidote. The strangest thing in these lands is this tree I only just realized it was here because of the fact I nearly walked into it. The tree has apples on it… and oranges… and pears… and carrots, and pumpkins, and lettuce and any other fruit or vegetable that you can think of. Around the tree is a fence with a sign on it. I read the words, which were written in what horribly looked like blood it said, WARNING DO NOT EAT Although it was strange I took the warning, ‘if I can’t eat I’ll sleep’ I thought and after ripping out the fence I lay down under the tree in the shade. WHAM!!! I woke winded as air exploded from me and looking up still heaving for breath, I saw a figure standing over me swinging back the axe that had hit me in the stomach. There were two possibilities to why I was not dead. One. I had been hit with the handle (it had a spike/blade on the back) Or Two. I had been hit with a very blunt axe! I hoped for the latter. The axe came down this time aiming for the neck and with the blade facing me. I ducked and rolled to the left to get behind them. The axe narrowly missed me. I ripped their legs out from under them doing a full turn to get up on my feet. They turned the trip into a back flip and landed behind me. I ran to the tree and picked a pumpkin and threw it at them. I could now see that they were female. She took one step and then with lightning speed brought the axe blade up in front of her face. Stopping all her movement the pumpkin reached her, it was sliced completely in half, missing her. Then she started moving again. I sent a carrot, potato and an apple at her. She sliced the carrot and potato but deflected the apple. While she did that I had gotten out my bow and pulled back to half draw… now I released, aiming for her right shoulder she deflected but swung down and across her body. The arrow hit her in the left leg. She dropped to the ground. I quickly kicked her axe away and saw her reaching for her boot. Knowing that there was a knife in there I drew my sword for extra length and used it to quickly slide her boot off. She then went for the other boot which using the sword again I slipped it off her and out of reach. One boot concealed a throwing knife the other a very sharp but simple and long dagger. Then I raised the point of my sword to her neck. Even as I did this, she saw the “pocket rope” (Which is approximately 30 cm long.) and gave up with her hands outstretched ready to be tied. I pulled out the rope, which extended while I tied her up. Checking she was secure one last time I then went back to sleep. Red flashed across my vision then it was black. The only colour was a few small cracks of red in the black which were throbbing. Then the red pulsed twice. In a big flash of red a grotesque head which had horns of iron that did not glint in the sunlight came out of the blackness. This beast would never see the light of day. It was a demon of the dark that eyes were a poisonous green, the color of the poison I had been administered. Its face was a pale almost clear white. Blood was dribbling down its face and was also splattered all over its body. The blood did not come from the beast itself. The red liquid was covering what I knew to be long sharp pointed teeth. The scene changed. I was falling, falling, falling. I screamed and as I did the beast fell beside me it was laughing. As I clawed at the wall searching for something, anything to hold onto. Then suddenly the beast caught me wings unfolding and it lightly dropped me on the floor, before trying to kill me. Before I saw my death there was a darkness and the red pulsing returned. Another flash of red and then it pulsed three times and I woke. The girl was looking at me head tilted to one side. She looked about fifteen-sixteen. She had clear blue eyes and long brown hair down just past the shoulders. Her build was slim but strong and was about my height with light skin. All said she was very beautiful. “You’ve been poisoned,” she said straitening up. Her voice was a sweet sound. “With Seramontolia.” She paused studying me then continued “very painful way to kill someone,” I nodded. “Food?” she past me a plate and that’s when I noticed she was untied. “How did you…”? I motioned to her hands “Get untied?” She said. “I used sticks and rocks,” she pointed to some rocks with an almost horizontal thick stick. The rope was next to it. I gave her the food she had passed back and got out my own. “You attacked me and almost killed me. So please do not take offence from my decline of your food. Eat it yourself though do not let it go to waste,” I said bitterly getting out my own. She bowed her head. “I regret my attack on you but you do not understand my position…” “Fill me in then.” She continued ignoring me. "What was I to do…” again I cut her off. “Not attack me is probably a good start!” I retorted. “I AM AN ASSASSIN!” she yelled back hotly. I stared amazed “I have no money, cannot get any other job and am wanted by about a gazillion people this is the only thing left for me to do!” I finally found my voice, “Who wants me dead?” I asked. “Not just you there’s a Ryan, Daniel, Emily, and an Amy too! They’re supposed to be traveling with you.” “Yeah... we got separated” I replied as I finished my scarce meal. I got up and walked over to her and held out my hand. She smiled, taking it so I could help her stand. “Will you attack me if I let you travel with me?” She shook her head. “No. I swear by Quintas," she said invoking the god of promises. "That I will not attack you while I can still call you friend” “Yes,” I said “I may be unknowledgeable about a lot in this world but I know for a fact that Quintas will not let you live if you attack me after that promise.” I didn’t mention not believing in the gods of this world because I had learned long ago that was a death sentence. And I set of, glad of the company that the girl now walking beside me provided. That day I discovered her name was Syriana but no more. She was not very willing to share any information about herself. The next day I remembered something I had asked Syriana that she had never answered. “Who wants us dead?” “What? Oh…um…I can’t tell you that… because I do not know what they look like and they did not tell me their name.” “Where do they come from? Surly you know that!” “No… sorry I can only guess that they come from Flinton for that is where I met them. But they could always travel to a different city to do the dealings.” “True” suddenly I heard a wild scream of rage and as Ryan ran from where he had been hiding, a dirt bomb he'd thrown caught fire from sheer speed as it went past. On impact the bomb made a shock wave so powerful it knocked Syriana and me to the ground however Ryan stayed standing. This was not normal. Not even for Ryan with his pendant activated could he achieve such a strong bomb and stay standing from the shock wave. © 2011 Matthew Ian Herrawood WAuthor's Note
Featured Review
10 Reviews Added on August 20, 2009 Last Updated on August 6, 2011 AuthorMatthew Ian Herrawood WA Town, South Australia, AustraliaAboutA Introduction to my Realm Trilogy About the Author Matthew W is 24 years old (November 1 2016) and lives in South Australia. He has been writing and reading for a long time. Because he was su.. more..Writing
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