Chapter 30-Finished

Chapter 30-Finished

A Chapter by Matthew Ian Herrawood W

THIS IS IT PEOPLE!!! this is the chapter you have all been waiting for! I'm unsure weather to finish here and start the next chapter or to continue the chapter for a paragraph or so... thoughts?


Chapter 30

Finished Prophecy

The market was crowded as we wound our way through the people haggling with stall keepers, going in and out of shops, and talking and laughing with friends. Children were running around laughing playing some game. Amy, Emily, Amelia, Daniel, Ryan, and I were so intent on our destination that when a group of women stopped in front of us we nearly ran into them. They were dressed in dresses Made with a piece of thin cloth cut in a diagonal fashion so the right side was short (about 30 cm from waist to the bottom edge) and the left side stopped just above the foot. I recognised the woman in the middle not only as the obvious leader but as the same woman who had tried to kill Daniel after the first few minutes here in the city of Zentor. She had her sword out and it was pointing at me.

“Who are you to be able to wield a sword with my skill?” she asked.

“Who’s skill?” I said “is it really yours or is it Magic?” she bristled as Amy elbowed me in the side.

“We don’t have time to fight Matt”

“I don’t think we have much of a choice” I told her before turning to the women “What is your place in this city? What do you do?”

“We serve The Goddess Gepkri”

“The goddess of Death?” Emily asked “Why then the symbol of Fighting on your hands?”

“We are a special group of Holy soldiers.” Where is there more death than in a war? As it states in the book of Gepkri she is the goddess of death and therefor war but it does not mean fight without cause.”

“Like your trying?” I asked. She bristled again and like before I received Amy’s elbow in my side.

“You shamed us! We have cause!” and with that she launched herself at me. I side stepped and grabbed her wrist pulling her forward unbalancing her before she fell face forward on the cobble stones. The other four women began drawing their swords as I did the same however they all stopped moving as I pressed the point of mine none to gently against the neck of the women still lying on the ground.

“By all means drag us of to see Flina!” I said cheerfully “That’s where we are headed. Perhaps we can all tell her about the fun and Very good reason you have for trying to kill us!” my voice never lost the cheerful tone even as it dripped with sarcasm. I returned my sword to its sheath and we brushed past them. Quietly I activated my pendant suddenly I stopped and turned around.

“Thank you Daniel” I said taking hold of the dagger he had frozen in mid-air after the woman I had pulled to the ground had thrown it. I threw it up slightly spinning it to catch the hilt then I flicked it back catching the women who had thrown it in the shoulder.

“That won’t kill” I said turning away “But it will hurt like hell.”

The giant oak double doors were ripped from their hinges as Emily punched them despite the protests of Flina’s Master of Ceremonies. As the doors hit the floor however he stood in mute shock at the strength Emily had just displayed. While the rest of us ignored him and stepped into the empty grand hall Daniel turned back to him

“go and tell Flina that Ryan and Matthew are here with their friends and wish to see her even if she is… indisposed and sick” I watched a moment with an annoyed expression as the MC simply stood still his mouth opening and closing without sound before finally saying.

“Rather than standing there opening and closing your mouth like a mute gold fish how about you do as he asked and go tell Flina?” I said indicating Daniel. The master of ceremonies mouth snapped shut and he stood still for a moment but then eventually hurried off. A few minutes later Flina entered.

“You should not have come” she said “I could have been in my elf form”

“We figured the necromancer might be a little distracted right now and we desperately need your help”

“My help? What can I do to help you I can only hinder but will only do so in my dark elf form?”

“actually you are currently the ruling lady and we need you to call a census that tells you if people were born in another world you need to do it in as a big an area as possible then tell us the names of everyone from another world” Daniel said

“Your searching for the 6th member” Flina said “this girl with you she isn’t the one!” suddenly Flina Convulsed “I’ll try. Go now quick! My comments drew his attention” we turned to head out but suddenly the doors slammed upright into place. “Oh I don’t think so” Flina said I heard a hiss of steel and turned to see the dark elf version of Flina caressing her sword. “This will be fun” she said and launched herself at us. We all dived away and all of us narrowly avoided losing our heads. Emily, who had left her pendant activated, got up and as she did, she punched a pillar then performed a round house kick which sent it falling in Flina’s direction But Flina was fast and stepped around it swing her sword Emily caught the blade with her bare hand and flina Kicked her in the stomach sending her stumbling back a few meters before falling. I got up activating my pendant I can’t control her Daniel said I was surprised as he was wearing the head band which was supposed to make his mind powers stronger Flina Leapt at him and Daniel only just got his sword up in time to parry the blow Emily flung one of her chain swords at Flina but again Flina sidestepped Emily’s attack and grabbed the chain sword by the hilt and pulled spinning around to meet Emily face to face then Flina’s hand came up in a motion like an uppercut except it was the heel of Flina’s hand that connected with Emily’s chin and not Flina’s fist Emily’s head snapped back and she fell to the floor Daniel went over and dragged her out the way as I stepped up to meet Flina Rather than come at me Flinas elbow went back and Amy appeared her gloved blades inches from Flinas back and blood Flowing from her nose. Ryan came to stand beside me his staff in his right hand and the left side of it behind his back.

“This will be fun” Flina commented again but I ignored her glancing at Amy who had joined Daniel and Emily

“How did you know Amy was there?”

“Her pendant does not make her silent only much quieter as an elf I have better hearing than a mere human… I would have missed the sound of her feet had we been fighting or I not listening for it for our breath is louder however we were still and I WAS listening for it”

“Listen to this!? Ryan said leaping forward swinging his staff. Flina blocked his first few attacks but suddenly he landed a single blow. Causing Flina to stumble back a few steps. She hissed at him and Came at him with renewed ferocity but Ryan was not out of tricks suddenly his staff was shifting shape as fast as it took him to strike block or parry and it changed in between every single movement. Ryan looked like he was ok for now so I dropped the point of my sword and I looked around then up. I couldn’t see Amelia anywhere.

“How’s Emily?” I asked over the clash of Ryan and Flinas weapons.

“Breathing but unconscious” I nodded. Then turned back to watch Flina and Ryan’s fight. If I could help I was sure me and Ryan could over power her but they were moving too fast. If I was already part of the fight I would be fine but I was more likely to get myself killed trying to join. Suddenly Flina kicked Ryan sending him flying back to hit Daniel, knocking Daniel from his knees to his back. It was then that I noticed Flina had a few cuts and was bleeding. ‘Lightning’ I thought and received a sword in my left hand then with a crackle electricity sped up each blade from the hilt.

“My sword isn’t metal and is not of any other material that conducts electricity” Flina said. I ignored her and jumped forward spinning. Flina was fast like any elf and while skilled with a blade was not as skilled as our elven friend Surine whom I had spared with on our first visit we had ended up in a draw. I had improved since then, so now facing Flina she was making me work hard but was no challenge the sword in my left hand bit deep into her right arm and gave her a savage jolt then I spun removing it and slashed my right blade and then, as I completed the turn so I was facing her again, my left sword deeply across her left arm giving her two more savage jolts. She fell to the floor sword still in hand. The electricity and sword in my left hand disappeared and I pointed my single sword at her throat.


“NO” Flina screamed hysterically jumping back up. Suddenly Amelia appeared behind her and hit her hard on the head. Flina dropped unconscious her skin returning to white her ears rounding losing their Elvin point.

“We have to leave. Now!” I said. The others nodded and Daniel lifted Emily in his arms as I dashed out into the entry hall. I stopped suddenly.

“Can you feel it?” I asked the others as they came up beside me no one answered but I noticed Amy pulling her gloves on tighter and Ryan shift his grip on his staff. Emily stirred and Daniel put her down supporting her for a few seconds before she brushed him off but still nothing was said between us. Then a slow steady sarcastic clap sounded from the corner of the room and Zamar stepped out of the shadows.

“I give you the skills to find the power of A so that when you do I can take it” Zamar said” I give you the skills to survive and accomplish that and at the same time I don’t give you enough skills to survive everything you have and you still have not found A. I control Flina but I can’t always concentrate on what she is doing she gets away from me now and then so I can’t completely trust her. And you have killed all those I sent to kill you. I gave you too much skill or not enough either way you will not find A and you have killed my servants thoroughly annoying me however it has been quite a show I’ve had to wonder sometimes how it was you managed to get out of a certain situation that before you escaped it seemed impossible. But now I will kill you. He pushed a hand out in front of himself in a claw shape and immediately a black claw lunched itself as if from out of his hand and straight towards us growing in size. As it hit knocking the air from our lungs and causing us great pain I felt a dread fall over me, with one hit we were almost beaten. How could we survive someone who needed only do that while standing next to us before he could bury a dagger in our chest. A savage scream the likes of which I had never heard before tore itself from Amy’s lips as she jumped forward pushing each hand forward and back alternately firing her simple missile like blades with every forward push. Zamar simply beat them away with his hand as Amy continued toward him. When she reached him she stopped firing and without breaking stride started circling him slashing and stabbing at him with her gloves implanted swords at some point a sword had appeared in Zamars hand which he was now using to parry block and counter Amy’s flurry of blow’s. The ferocity of Amy’s attack was incredible and he looked to be struggling a little to keep up though none of Amy’s attacks even nicked him. However Amy was not taking any hits and her attack never let up even as she jumped over low strikes and ducked spinning under high sweeping attacks. I was a little surprised like the others but I could understand how Amy was feeling as it was Zamar who had started this whole thing for us. I had convinced Emily, Daniel, and Ryan to follow me through the door we had first come across, after Zamar had dragged Amy, against her will, through that first door. I recovered from my initial shock and ran to join Amy, Zamar noticed and I watched as with his spare hand he drew a throwing knife from his sleeve and as he parried another strike from Amy he flung it at me. I batted it away with my sword and kept coming. I joined Amy at her left side and pressed our team advantage on Zamar. Amy and I had fought together and knew each other well enough to be able to fight together without hurting the other person but this was different from the other times we had done it. Firstly, because Amy was using her gloves instead of a sword like the other times we had fought together, and secondly Zamar was our most dangerous opponent yet and it was likely we would have to get inventive with our attacks and take risks. I just hoped we would be able to judge each other right when that time came so we could correctly guess the risks we would take. Zamar kicked Amy in the chest and as Amy recovered Zamar tried an overhead cut at me which I blocked and countered with a downward sweeping motion which flowed quickly and easily into a lunge which Zamar parried before blocking an attack from Amelia who had stepped up on my left with her two ever present daggers drawn Amy having recovered from the kick re-joined the fray on my right Ryan joined for the first time on Amy’s right but further away than the rest of us so he had room to swing his staff to full effect. Emily Had her chained swords out one in each hand and the chain behind her back she was combing swordsmanship and spinning the chain itself using her strengthened legs to perform huge jumps  over Zamar so she could attack him from a different angle a mere second later. Daniel was manipulating Arrows trying to kill Zamar with them. However not a single one of us could achieve even the slightest scratch. Despite our combined effort the only thing we achieved was to keep Zamar busy enough that he could not go on the offensive. It wouldn’t last, already Sweat was sliding down my face stinging my eyes which I was ignoring, to close my eyes as is the impulse when your eyes hurt is the fastest way to get yourself killed, despite this what worried me most was that if I was sweating the others were definitely tiring. For the next couple of minutes we fought neither Zamar nor the six of us taking a hit then suddenly the attack faltered for the barest moment but it was long enough for Zamar to jump back. He threw his hand out in a stop sign and a sword sprang from his the palm of his hand were the symbol for Conjuration, or C, could be clearly seen and came at me. All of a sudden Zamar was only fighting 5 people and I the best armed fighter in the room was now fighting a sword that had no one holding the hilt. Though Zamar was against only one less person it was enough for him to start going on the offensive now and then. He grabbed Daniels arrows and started snapping them before throwing the tip on the ground with such force that the Marble floor received big chips and left the arrow tips blunt until finally he ran out of Arrows. Daniel tried to provide more support with his sword but received a broken nose before he could make a move he retreated with tears blurring his vision. Zamar grabbed Ryan’s staff and, with a complicated twist and turn, wrenched it from Ryan’s grip before thrusting the end savagely against Ryan’s throat who stumbled back holding his neck. He punched Amelia in the face but rather than hit her squarely he hit her on and angle with most of the force hitting the right side of her face Spinning her a full 360 degrees then with a movement that was more of a horizontal stomp than a kick to Amelia’s kneecap he broke her leg and she collapsed this had all happened over a few minutes with Zamar having to defend himself for minutes at a time rather than than attack but every time he went on the offence he took one of us down before he was forced to go on the defence again. But now only facing Amy and Emily he was on the offence fifty percent of the time luckily however Amy and Emily were keeping up with him and he hadn’t pulled any tricks yet to kill them or eliminate them from this fight. Emily leaped over Zamar and his sword flashed up When Emily landed it was awkward and as her arms windmilled you could see the long deep cut along her left arm. Zamar parried a Blow from Amy before Kicking Emily in the chest sending her sprawling. Suddenly Amelia from her position on the ground snatched up her fallen dagger and plunged it into Zamars foot as he was stepping with it. It was too late to stop the movement which caused the dagger to rip through his foot so the front half of zamars foot was cut into two pieces like a forked foot he screamed in pain giving Amy the time she needed. Amy plunged both her blades through Zamars neck in a way that they crossed each other at some point in his throat. The sword I was fighting instantly disappeared. Amelia stood up and with Amy’s glove blades still in his neck Amelia calmly shoved her dagger into Zamars chest to pierce his heart. He was finally dead. I looked down whilst Zamar imploded letting my sword slip from my tired hand as I caught my breath. Then I picked it up and sheathed it looking around at the others. Emily was unsteady but on her feet. Daniel was sitting against the wall Allowing blood to flow freely from his nose. Amelia has pulling herself around on her hands biting her lower lip and wincing in pain as her broken leg dragged behind her (she didn’t get far before deciding to stop) and Amy was shaking slightly short on breath and tears were slowly welling. I looked over at Ryan who was rubbing his neck but breathing normally our eyes met and I gestured toward the two girls with a tilt of my head, he nodded and as he carefully and gently help Amelia over to the wall and got her into a sitting position I went over to Amy And swept her into my arms As tears slid slowly down her face.


© 2013 Matthew Ian Herrawood W

Author's Note

Matthew Ian Herrawood W
This is just a rough Draft but the chapter is finished

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Added on January 23, 2013
Last Updated on April 24, 2013
Previous Versions

Realm 3


Matthew Ian Herrawood W
Matthew Ian Herrawood W

A Town, South Australia, Australia

A Introduction to my Realm Trilogy About the Author Matthew W is 24 years old (November 1 2016) and lives in South Australia. He has been writing and reading for a long time. Because he was su.. more..
