Trapping Island

Trapping Island

A Story by Matilda and Kris

The water is dangerous and if it touches you you'll burn, or so everyone though. Sevarian is the prince of an island where everyone is afraid of the water and he is also the only one immune.


Trapped Island

Chapter 1~ Sevarian


I stared closely at the water in front of me, it looked so beautiful with the sunrise glazing it’s surface. I wanted so badly to reach out and touch it but the water was evil, every story of my village described water as poison.

‘Touch it and you’ll burn’ they’d say ‘Death beseech thee who gives in and follows the call of terror.’ My mother used to yell at me when I was a child because I would always walk on the sand, no one in the village ever left the safety of the forest trees, ‘get too close and the water might pull you in.’

I sighed and stared at the waves as they crashed against the rocks where I sat. Far enough away to not be touched by the misty water it released but close enough to enjoy it’s beauty.

“Sevarian! SEVARIAN FOREST MARROW, WHERE ARE YOU!?” I stood up and sighed as my ‘guardian’ walked onto the rock and flinched. “There you are! You’re Way too close to the water Sevarian, come on we need to get back to the inner village” I rolled my eyes and took one last glance at the water before walking to his side.

“What is it this time?” I looked at him a bit annoyed and he crossed his arms

“Master Sevarian, this island is going to be under your command soon, your mother needs you to be ready for your crowning day” he shook his head and I walked with him silently back to the innermost part of the island where my parents were.

“Severian! Where have you been? You were gone for three days!” my father ran up to me and embraced my body into a giant, suffocating hug.

“He was sitting by the water again sir” I grumbled at the ‘guardian’ behind me and hugged my father back.

“Sevarian! You know how dangerous that is! We forbade you from going back there ages ago” my mother shook her head at me with a disappointed scowl smeared across her face.

“Yes mother I understand that, but I wasn’t even within reach of the waves this time”  my father let go of me and I heard the ‘guard’ sigh.

“Your crowning is in three weeks Sevarian” my mother walked in front of me and sighed in disappointment, “you will not leave my side or your room until then”

“What!” I stepped back “you can’t…” she put her finger in the air and grabbed my wrist.

“I’m not giving you the option this time, the water is too dangerous and I will not let you get hurt” she pulled me into the main building and I looked back at my father, letting my face shout out a plea for help, but he did not move.


“You look amazing Master Sevarian” my clothes designer held a measuring line to my leg and I sighed

“Thank you, but I honestly would prefer my normal clothes” she looked up at me and her face went a bit red

“I wouldn’t say that in front of your mother your majesty, she’d be quite annoyed” she smiled and I returned it

“I would never” I joked, “her majesty would indeed have my head in a glass jar as a prize to show that those who defy her are to be punished” I mocked and the girl laughed. It took her a few more minutes to finish the outfit and I changed back into my normal clothes as soon as it was done. I walked out of my room holding the new outfit, just to be greeted by my mother leaning against the wall on the other side of the hallway.

“I figured you’d change” she shook her head, “let me see” I handed her the new green, brown, and black outfit that Lilian had made for me. “It’s a very nice button up with the style of pants that  you normally wear. Why won’t you wear this? I had the maiden make this specifically with your interests in mind. She’d be very upset to see that you barely wore it for five minutes” she crossed her arms after draping the outfit over her forearm.

“I just… I prefer blue.. And red with black…” I shrugged a little nervously and she shook her head.

“Of course, the main colors of water right?” she looked at me, disappointed.

“Well… that’s not why… but yes” I looked down and she sighed

“Sevarian. In only three months you will be in charge of this kingdom, of this entire island, you need to start acting and dressing like a leader.” she handed me the outfit and I sighed.

“I know”



 Green and brown really didn’t look very nice on me, or around me for that matter. I sighed.

“I like blue and red better” I held the end of the sleeve of the black and green button up top that I’d put back on and sighed again. All I want is to sit by the water and stare at the sun as it sets over the far seas line, I don’t want to sit inside and look over building plans and outfit designs and wife suggestions with my mother.

“Sev!” I jumped as my friend Collan crashed through the door, he was holding a black, feather, ink pen in his hand and he looked mildly panicked.

“Are you ok?” I tilted my head as he ran through the door.

“Nope! I need you to come with me right now!” he grabbed my wrist with his empty hand and pulled me out the door, almost tearing the green sleeve on the crooked handle as I shut it.

“Dude what’s going on?” I ran behind him as he took a left turn through the corridor towards the throne room.

“Master Sevarian, her majesty has been looking for you. She’s waiting in the throne…” one of my mothers servants had started to talk to me but Collan had ran right past her without even caring, and ended up pulling me with him.

“C-O-L-L-A-N!” he pulled me into a room down the hall and closest to the balcony which was diagonal to the throne room on the opposite side.

“We need to get you to the water. Now!” he opened the window and let go of my arm so that he could huddle me out and onto a tall oak tree that had grown around the side of my parents castle.

“What!? Why? Not that I’m not happy… but why?” I started climbing down and he followed

“Something happened. I was looking for you along the tree line out toward the rocks on the water’s edge when suddenly I heard a voice” we continued to climb down, we were only on the second story at that point so it would be fine for me to jump, which I did.

“What?” my voice echoed up as my feet hit the ground and I rolled away from the tree to balance out the landing, Collan jumped down after me, from a little higher up than when I’d jumped, but still landed perfectly.

“It sounded like a girl… but it was coming from a cave on the side of the water, I couldn’t get to it without getting splashed.” We continued running toward the tree line so that we could get away from the castle and towards the water. The closer I got, the better I felt and the happier I became.

“So you want me to climb down from the rocks instead of going around?” I smiled and he nodded. There wasn’t much further left to the rock ledge around the side of the island.

“Exactly, you can get down and around the rocks without getting touched by the water, because you’re you.” he laughed and I nodded with a smile, it really wasn’t often that I was needed for something important like this, like saving someone.

Chapter 2- Sing


    I stood with my eyes closed at the edge of the cliff and smiled.

“Isn’t it amazing?” I looked back at Collan, who was standing steadily on the grass, away from the ledge that was purely stone.

“If you say so” he shrugged, “I don’t know how you get that close honestly, especially with what happened to your cousin” he shook his head and I scowled a bit.

“Right. Whatever… so it’s the cave at the very bottom right?” I shrugged as he nodded and stepped closer to the edge, my smile continued to grow.

“Be careful Sev” Collin gave me a worried look and I shrugged

“Me? Careful? Never!” I jumped backwards off the side of the cliff and listened to the wind pull me down until I pulled a small, sharp,arrow out of my pocket that had a rope attached and chucked it around the tree that laid bent across the top of the cliff. I used the rope to swing myself toward the cliff and grabbed onto the rocks that stuck out.

“Well that went horribly” I laughed and looked at the cut on my hand, “it’s usually on my shin” I smiled and held tighter to the wall.

“Everything ok down there dumbass!?” Collan was on his hands and knees, holding tightly to the ledge, which I only knew because he was extremely afraid of both heights and the sight of the ocean. I laughed,

“Yeah! I’m fine!!” I called back. I started climbing further down toward the cave,

“All who find, all who are lost

All who need and all who must be stopped  

Those who are dangerous

Those who are kind

And those who make it hard for sailors to find”

A voice came from the cave as I got closer, I could hear footsteps and something clanging.

“What the hell is a sailor?” I grabbed onto the side and hung upside down so that I could look into the cave but there was a bend in it and all I could see was a torch light that came from inside.

“I… I can’t keep singing… I can’t stay here any longer… I..I’m having withdrawals… I need the water...I can’t breathe” there was a huffing voice coming from inside and she sounded hurt.

“Shut up! You’re in the water b***h, now sing before I cut your tail off!” I flinched as another voice echoed into my head. I flipped back and grabbed the ledge so that I could swing into the cave. I landed a lot louder than I’d expected and flinched as the whole cave went silent.

“Come on” I heard someone whisper and the torch light started getting closer with two shadows following it. I looked above me and jumped, grabbing onto the hook in the stone and lifting my feet, it was hard to hold my entire body up with just one hand but I couldn’t find anywhere else to hold onto so I’d have to manage.

“I swear I heard something” a tall man in a white shirt and blue pants walked around the corner and gave the opening a confused look. Another person with blonde hair and green eyes stood next to him, he was wearing brown pants and a white shirt but a lot smaller, and this one looked about my age.

“Um… maybe it was just nothing” the boy smiled but the older and clearly bigger in build man only glared at the kid before grabbing his throat and throwing him to the grown

“Or maybe you’re just deaf! I heard something Derek!” the boy, who I guess was called Derek cupped his hand around his throat and winced

“Yes sir” I tried my best to stop my urge to swing down and kick the guy in the face, since he was clearly bigger and probably stronger than me.

“Let’s go brat. It was probably just a rock” he walked by me and looked out of the cave, towards the water. Derek looked like he wanted so say something but in the end, didn’t. The man walked back around the corner and the boy looked up toward me, his eyes widened for a second before he stopped and then walked away.

“Now i’m pissed! Sing!!” I climbed down the side of the cave so that I wouldn’t make any noise in my landing this time. What’s he yelling at? I looked around the corner and my eyes widened.

“Oh my gods” the seven people in the room looked toward me and I stared at the mermaid hanging by chains from the ceiling, who wasn’t included in that count. The man from before growled at me and Derek flinched

“Who the hell are you?”




All of the bigger people which basically consisted of four full grown adults came running at me, one with a blade in his hand.

“Hey hey. That’s really not necessary!” I turned around and headed back toward the outside of the cave. There was no way I’d be able to both outrun them and get a head start on climbing without them catching up to me. So basically I had two choices here, death by huge sword guys or death by burning in dangerous forbidden water… not really good options, I sighed.

“Get back here! There’s nowhere for you to run kid!!” I stopped at the edge of the cave and glanced back, they were just turning the edge, now or never.

“So um… are you planning on killing me because….?” I looked back at the water and they stopped

“Are you actually thinking about jumping?” the one with the sword tilted his head and I shrugged,

“I mean, if I’m going to die either way then what’s the harm right” I shrugged and two of them gave me this really weird look.

“We aren’t going to kill you, we just want to know a few things” the man put his sword back into its sheath and crossed his arms

“Oh sure. Ask away then” I smiled, maybe if I can distract them long enough then I can climb back up. One of them walked behind me and I smiled at him.

“You’re stupid for a teenager” he laughed and I frowned, jumping at two of the other guys came at me. I put my hands on their shoulders and flipped over them. On my way to the ground I grabbed the guy’s sword and pulled it from the holster, standing

“I know” I smiled and pointed the sword toward the guy who’d insulted me.

“How the hell!?” he growled and I smirked

“What are you people doing on my island and how did you get here?” I shifted so that I could keep track of all of them. They laughed.

You, a cute little thing, is threatening us?” the biggest one laughed, “I admit that you’re good but you’re threatening four fully armed and trained battleists. I bet you don’t even know how to use a sword” he smirked and I smiled as sweetly as I could.

“You want to find out?” I slid my foot behind the other one in my battle stance that I’d trained myself to use. Luckily for me, being the prince made it easy for me to get access to weapons and trainers. Even still though, in the end, I’d trained myself, and there was a very slim chance that I could take on all four of them at the same time.

“You cocky little s**t!” the one closest to my left hand charged forward and pulled out a sword, swinging it toward my head. I ducked and flipped over his second swing,

“Cocky? Oh absolutely not” I smirked and the one in the middle came at me, s**t! If they start coming at me together then I’m screwed! They both swung at the same time and I blocked the first one, trying to dodge the second one but getting cut in the leg. “Tch” I flinched and jumped back so that the first one’s sword hit the other guy’s arm. He growled at me and I winced.

“Enough of this” the biggest one walked forward and I took my stance again

“Morgan!” a girl walked out of the opening behind me and crossed her arms, “knock him out and tie him up!” I scowled and put my back to the cave wall so that I could see them all.

“Yes sir” the girl glared at me and I flinched, something wasn’t right about her. She walked toward me and I suddenly felt numb, her eyes were grey, like the sky after a storm. She lifted her hand and put it on my face, I can’t move! I glared at her

“What the hell did you do to me!?” she smiled and her head came closer to mine, my eyes widened as she kissed me, I tried to push away but I couldn’t move. I felt my eyes slowly closing, what...what is she doing to me?

Chapter 3- Chained and Trapped


    I woke up with an intense headache and blood, there was a faint smell of blood.

“Where the hell am I!?” my eyes shot open and I looked down, my feet weren’t touching the ground and my hands were chained above my head. I looked up and my headache grew as my sight focussed on my wrists which were bleeding from the chains that tied them together.

“Welcome to the den” Derek sat in front of me in a chair, I glared at him but he honestly didn’t look any more comfortable with the situation then I was, “you’re safe for about an hour before the boss gets back” I rolled my head back and sighed, my chest hurt like hell and it felt like someone had just used me as a punching bag.  

“Great” I sighed and shifted to look at him again.

“Look… um..”

“Ashton” I lied

“Um.. Ashton… I’m really sorry about all this, they just get angry really easily and any chance they get they’ll hurt people” he shook his head and my eyes fell to his neck which was partially showing several bruises and cuts.

“If not me then you right?” I smiled lightly trying to stop him from feeling bad which he clearly did, and I guess was kind of a reasonable feeling to have in this situation.

“Yeah” he looked behind me and crossed his arms, “but mostly it’s her” I tried to turn my head but got another shocking headache and just decided to assume that it was either Morgan or the mermaid from before. Or I guess it could’ve been the shadowy big build chick that I’d seen when I first walked in the cave but she didn’t really look like the type who’d take someone torturing them.

“Well I guess it’s better me than anyone else” I tried to shrug but it hurt too much so I just stayed still, which was really bad because all the blood was going to my feet and leaving my head, I felt very light headed and it was starting to sting, a lot.

“I… I just wish that they wouldn’t do this” Derek looked up at me

“Why do you stay with them then?” I tilted my head a little

“I have no choice, Morgan is my best friend and they did something to her, she was a siren and she can entrance people. I… I can’t leave her alone with them”

“DEREK!!!” we both flinched

“I thought you said we had an hour?” I whispered

“I...I thought...I thought we did” he stood up and ran toward the cave entrance as the biggest of the four walked in and pushed him down.

“Damn it you idiot. I told you to come and get me when he woke up!” I flinched as the man grabbed Derek’s collar and punched him in the gut. He fell to the ground and coughed. “Whatever” the other three came in close behind him as he walked in front of me. I felt a sudden sickness wash over me, I’m completely helpless and in a position that makes me an easy target.

“Goodmorning” I smiled at him, ignoring the dreaded pain in my chest, “or is it the afternoon? I really can’t tell. Might have something to do with the fact that I’m in a cave. Tied up.” I continued to smile but it only seemed to piss him off.

“Alright merprincess! You’ll sing for me now right?” he grabbed the chains that tied my hands together and turned me around so that I was facing the mermaid, her tal was half way in the water and she looked pale. He pulled out a knife and put it against my throat.

“I….I...please… my voice...I can’t...breathe...let alone...sing” she managed to barely cough out.

“Bullshit! If you don’t want him to die then you’ll sing!!!” I growled at him and winced as the blade cut across my arm. I did my best to hold in my scream, which for this moment was extremely hard. “Hugh! You want him dead!? Or tortured!?” he pulled a key off off his pants and unlocked my chains. I fell to the ground and cradled my wrist in my hand.

“p...please...I’ll...I can… try” she started coughing again and he grabbed the bottom of my shirt, I flinched and looked back at him

“What are you doing?” I tried to stand but my legs were completely numb. He pulled my shirt over my head.

“Gered! Grab the whip” he looked back at one of the guys and the smallest one walked outside. I glared up at the guy as he threw my shirt to the ground and grabbed my wrist. “Sing!” the girl looked like she wanted to either die or kill him which were both pretty reasonable for her situation.

“O...over.. The sea.. Is a barren blue

Orchard it’s filled with grey…

Flowers.. And purple grass”

She started coughing again and blood drooled down the side of her mouth,

“Damn” he growled and started walking toward her, still holding onto my wrist and dragging me across the stone. At this point every part of me just hurt so much that they didn’t really hurt at all, which is weird…

“Boss” the same guy from before had come back in and was holding a whip in his hand, along with some kind of case…

“Good, bring it here” ‘boss’ hadn’t even turned around when saying this so I honestly just didn’t bother thinking through all the things that were about to happen.

“Yes sir” Gered walked over and placed the case, and whip, next to ‘boss.’

“Unfortunately for you princess, I now have the upper hand. I could never kill Derek or Morgan because I need them for my hunt, but this kid! I can do whatever the hell I want to him and it won’t penalize me a bit!!!” I flinched and he started laughing as he lifted me off the ground by my arm. “So you’re going to do what I want, and sing!” I winced and fell to the ground as he punched me.

“She’s clearly sick a*****e. If you really want her to sing then make sure she’s at least healthy and safe first” I grabbed my chest in pain and the whole cave fell into silence like I’d just threatened hades.

“Excuse me?” he looked down at me and I suddenly realized just how small I really was, but even still, for some reason. I wasn’t scared.

“Alright fine, since you’re really that deaf then I guess I’ll repeat myself. She is sick. S-I-C-K, like I don’t know, coughing up blood and suffocating for your pleasure” I stood up and glared at him, my legs felt like a thousand needles were being stabbed into me all at once and my head ached. Everything hurt and of course it wasn’t going to help that I just insulted the man who literally has a way bigger advantage.

“You should learn to keep your mouth shut” he grabbed my throat and I smirked

“But you know I’m right…” I took in a deep breath as he clenched tighter.

“Stop it!!” he let go as the mermaid spoke, “I’ll do my best… to sing.. But please.. Stop hurting him” she still looked pale and sick but at this point I probably did too.

“All I’m saying is that you should help her before she dies” I put my hand on my throat and he glared down at me.

“I’m starting to think that you have a death wish” I shrugged and smiled slightly

“I might” he growled and looked back toward the mermaid

“Alright. Sing” I rolled my eyes and looked up at her, I have to admit though her voice really was amazing.

“Angels and demons

Heroes and coward

Life of disabled

And reckless cold powers

Cowards are… lost

And heroes… they’re reckless


She started coughing again and I felt a shock in my back as one of the bigger guys picked up the whip and swung it at me.

“You can’t be that sick” the man put his hand up, telling the guy behind me to stop. He put his hand on the mermaid's cheek and whipped off the blood.

“But she is” I growled and he nodded at the guy behind me who continued to whip me. “It’s not her fault!” I grabbed the whip as I came toward me for the third time and pulled it so that the guy lost his balance and fell forward, “actually it’s yours for making her do this” I stood up and for a moment he almost looked afraid.

“Why do you keep getting up? Do you honestly want to die?” he growled and walked toward me

“No actually. I just want her to live, and if I have to get tortured for your dumb a*s to help her instead of kill her then so be it” I crossed my arms over my chest just in case he decided that I would make a good punching bag again.

“He’s right” I flinched and looked at the opening of the cave, there was a girl in a black button up with ripped blue jeans leaning against the wall, her hair was a pinkish blonde that I’d never seen before and fell a little past her shoulders.

“Mi...miss Miranda… you’re back” there was a sudden fear in his eyes that worried me, this guy wasn’t even afraid of the chick that could place with your mind, so what was so different about this girl, who was about my size actually?

“I leave for a week with you in charge and you abuse your power.” she shook her head and he took a step back, “this kid is correct, she needs to be fully in the water to heal” she crossed her arms and stood up straight.

“Wel… ye..yeah but.. I just... I was..” he was stuttering more than I ever did, and I was the one who could barely breath.

“Don’t try to explain your intentions to me” she glared at him and walked forward, “Put her whole body in the water.” she stopped in front of me and glanced to her side. The supposed ‘boss’ did as he was told and lowered the chain so that the mermaid was fully underwater, but still tied up.

“I’m glad you’re back Mira” Derek smiled at her and she smiled back. Her smile fell to a shocked glare as her gaze fell to his neck.

“Who the hell did this!?” she walked up to him and I slowly started to shift toward the exit, maybe if I left while they were distracted by this Miranda chick then I’d get out before getting killed. I’d still end up coming back though to help the girl and maybe the other kids too since they didn’t seem like they liked the situation.

“Um…” Derek looked toward the ‘boss’ and Miranda growled.

“First things first. You!” I stopped moving as she pointed at me.

“Yeah?” I looked from her to Derek a bit nervous.

“Don’t move or I’ll cut your legs off!” I flinched, suddenly she didn’t seem so nice anymore but I did as I was told. “Nineto!” she walked up to the ‘boss’ guys whose name was apparently Ninito, weird name, but not as weird as the situation.
    “Y...yes?” he gave her a scared but ‘I’m innocent don’t kill me’ look.

“Don’t even make me ask. I will cut your tongue out of your mouth and then I’ll make you eat it! After that I’m going to throw you in the water and watch you burn!” she grabbed his wrist and a blue line started popping out of his arm. He fell to his knees and looked at the water.

“I...I.. he was going to let her go miss! I had to stop him… from… letting her go!” Derek flinched and the girl let go.

“Next time. Don’t touch him or I’ll have your eyes in my room as trophies” she walked back toward me and I stood completely still, “I said don’t move not don’t breath” she grabbed my wrist and pulled me toward her a bit, “I’m guessing he did this?” she pointed to Ninito.

“I um...I don’t know...I was knocked out” It probably was him but I wasn’t about to lie to her just to get him in trouble, and I got the feeling that her threats were not just lies of intimidation.

“Right. It doesn’t matter anyway” she started pulling me toward the exit of the cave

“what..Um.. where are we going?” I swallowed and took in a deep breath, was she planning on pushing me in the water?

“I’m taking you to my ship so that I can talk to you in private” she continued pulling me and turned the corner.

“What the hell is a ship!?” I actually didn’t mean to blurt that out loud but whatever it was it sounded bad. She looked back at me with a weird look that basically said ‘seriously!?’

“You’re kidding me right? Do you live under a rock?” I tilted my head and she rolled her eyes, turning back around. We continued to walk until she stopped at the edge of the cave and looked out. “That’s a ship” she pointed out a little bit toward a brown, wooden thing that sat a float on the water.

“Why isn’t it burning?” I tilted my head and stepped toward the edge, she laughed.

“You really do live under a rock” she shook her head and put her hand over her mouth as she continued to laugh. “Only flesh will burn from water, specifically human flesh” she shrugged and I looked down, the water was as beautiful as it had ever been and now that I was so close it became even more beautiful.

“Right…” I looked at her again, “but how do we get from here to there?” she smirked and pointed toward the wall of the cave.

“Babe, you have much to learn” she put her hand on the wall and the piece she touched started to move inward. I smiled and followed her as she stepped into the open doorway it had created and then slid down the weird pole thing that she had gone down. “Wow. I didn’t actually expect you to follow. Most people just wuss out the first time” she smiled and I smirked.

“What's there to be afraid of?” I laughed and she led me to the water. In the mist, floating on the water was a miniature ship.

“Don’t let the water touch you. Watch me first” I nodded as she spoke and then stepped onto a wooden bridge over part of the water that led to her mini ship. She grabbed onto the pole that stuck up from the front of the ship and jumped lightly to the boat, not touching the bottom at first. She hovered over it for a moment before gently sliding down and landing lightly onto the ship. “Your turn” she smirked and sat down, away from the pole to give me room, I nodded.

“Just like this he falls to the water

where we take him and drown him under the waves

stalling and floating

he drifts off, away.”

I flinched and stared at the water,

“Did you hear that?” I looked at Miranda and she gave me an awkward look of disapproval.

“Look, if you’re that scared then I’ll just knock you out first” she shrugged

“No. no, it’s not that… I just… I thought I heard a voice.” I gabbed onto the pole and held myself up like she had, then slid down carefully. The ship was a bit shaky as I stepped down onto it but it slowly balanced out on the water.

“Wow.” she smiled “and you continue to surprise me” she pointed next to her for me to sit and I did.

“So...Um… what is it that you’re going to talk to me about?” for some reason I was really comfortable around her, she didn’t scare me at all, in any way. Which is honestly weird because I know that she is extremely dangerous and taking me somewhere that I won’t be able to get away from, but, I want to trust her.

“You’ll see” she smirked and pushed the ship away from the wooden bridge. Trapped, over the water, with nowhere safe but with Miranda, a girl that I didn’t even know, a girl that leads a bunch of six foot heavy build b******s using fear and protection. I don’t know anything about this chick and yet for the weirdest reason I wanted to keep going with her, I want to trust her.

“So who else is on the ship?” I crossed my arms and looked down at the water, half expecting something to jump up and grab my arm to pull me in and drown me.

“Just some other crew mates of mine. They’re better than the bully in the cave and they won’t touch you unless I want them to” she smirked and I flinched a bit, unwillingly.

“R..right” I smiled and looked back at the water nervously, whoever this chick is, she’s smart and she’s dangerous, I need to stay on her ‘don’t murder me’ side.

“We’re almost there” she pointed to the ship, that looked about twenty times bigger than it had from my island, and smiled. I looked at the water again, still nervous but more excited because I’d finally gotten my feet off the island and I was finally on the water, which I guess is more than I could’ve asked for. The only bad part was that I was about to climb onto a ship of maniacs, pirates and murderers… probably.

“Newcomer boys!!!” a girl in black and green leaned on the side of the ship when our mini ship hit the side of the bigger one.

“Pull us up Phoebe” Miranda stood and the mini-ship rocked a bit, splashing water onto the side of the ship.

“Yes ma’am” a crowd of about ten people all huddled to the side of the ship at the same time and stared at me, my stomach hurt and for a moment I suddenly had anxiety wash over my entire body. A chain dropped from their ship onto ours and Miranda locked the end of the chain to a weird piece of our ship that ovaled out openly.

“Toss the next one” she yelled to the girl from before who grabbed the second chain and tossed it down to Miranda who moved to my side. “Sorry buttercup, I might have to move you” she smirked and stepped in front of me, there really wasn’t a lot of places that I could move to. “Or, I’ll just lea over you” her head and arms moved over my body and my face ended up directly below her chest. She stayed there for a moment before stepping back and looking up again to the ship.

“Ready?” the girl looked down and Miranda nodded, “start pulling Jered!” she turned her head to face someone else on the ship and ours started to move, I felt my entire body shaking as the ship lifted out of the water. It went all the way up to the side of the other ship and I clutched tightly to the sides of our little ship.

“Welcome aboard the sea demon new comer” a guy with green hair smirked at me as I wobbled uncertainly off of the small ship and onto the bigger one.

“We’ll be in my corridor if something bad happens, come and get me immediately” Miranda grabbed my arm and I flinched as she pulled me towards that back end of the ship, further away from my island.   

“So um… am I going to be able to leave here alive?” I flinched as she pushed me into a large room off the ship’s main deck. It was right under the wheel that I assumed was for steering.

“Depends on your answer” she laughed and I took in a deep breath as she shut the door, light poured in from the small glass window on the side of the room and I backed up a bit, trying to keep myself in a position of movement incase she suddenly turned against me.

“What’s your question? I’m completely open, ask away” I shrugged, first thing, keep yourself composed with pirates, don’t let them see you’re afraid.

“Well first, Why were you in our hideout sneaking around?” she crossed her arms and I smiled lightly.

“I heard a scream, I figured I would check it out and see if I could help. That and an adventure is always on my to do list” I smirked.

“Mhm. Right, second thing, you look familiar, what’s your name” I flinched as she spoke.

“Kadan” I shrugged again.

“Is it now?” she put her arms at her sides and took a step forward, “are you sure it’s not Sevarian?” she smirked in questioning and I flinched, how the hell does she know my name!? “I’ll say I’m right, considering your reaction” she stood up straight again and smirked, pulling her pink and blonde hair back into a ponytail, leaving the strands by her ears out.

“How… how do you know my name?” I shook my head and regained my composure.

“Turn around” she pointed to the wall behind me and I turned around, there was a greyish white poster hanging on the wall,


Dead or Alive


Sevarian stormskill

“What?” I stared at it for a moment before turning back toward her.

“Soon to be crowned King of this island.” She crossed her arms again

“Unfortunately” I looked down and she flinched a bit

“What do you mean unfortunately?” She glared at me and I flinched again.

“I… I don’t really want to rule over the island” I shrugged nervously and her look softened a bit, but not too much.

“Then the rumors aren’t true” she turned toward a closet and opened it, pulling something out. I couldn’t see the object past the closet door that she hand walked behind.

“What rumors?” I turned around again towards the poster and stared at it, why were people after me? It obviously has to do with the fact that I’m going to rule over Kyuden but what kind of things did they thing I was saying? What kind of ruler do they all think I’m going to become?

© 2017 Matilda and Kris

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Well, if there is something I learned about writing, its that you should never give up on a story, even if in the end you find it to be a bad or not capable story, it teaches you a lot about your writing and you can even branch other stories out of it. I have written a lot of short stories, more than half were divided and broken into other short stories, so keep at it. I love the water feature. I think its a potential write, dont give up!

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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Well, if there is something I learned about writing, its that you should never give up on a story, even if in the end you find it to be a bad or not capable story, it teaches you a lot about your writing and you can even branch other stories out of it. I have written a lot of short stories, more than half were divided and broken into other short stories, so keep at it. I love the water feature. I think its a potential write, dont give up!

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I think I'm going to discontinue this, if you think I shouldn't then please let me know

Posted 7 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on June 8, 2017
Last Updated on July 10, 2017
Tags: #trapped #lost #royalty #pirates