Fighting For Our Lives

Fighting For Our Lives

A Story by Kyle

My personal favorite

Death is natural, but when should it be considered unnatural? My answer would be when I knowingly put myself in a situation that could take something from me. See death to me doesn't always have to be the end of the world, sometimes our freedom can die, or our emotional capabilities to handle situations with a mature manner can suffer death. Having to be numb is a form of death, for when is it beneficial to have to drown my obligations and responsibilities, my emotions and feelings and walk away from them without feeling a thing? It's painful to live through these fatalities, sometimes we never recover and we suffer the ultimate price. Some have the tools readily available to jump start them back into the right way of thinking and doing. Some suffer a flesh wound and walk away to fight another day.

The important thing isn't that you suffer, that's natural and promised. The important thing is you pick up your weapon and come at the enemy twice as hard. You pick up your fallen comrades in the process, in this case your feelings, your emotions, and your responsibilities, and you press on into the smoke. You never know what waits for you on the other side of the billowing wall, but you can always be ready to take your objective and raise your flag on that battle. This is your first checkpoint, you now have a location to settle in. A crucial part of any war is to take a desirable piece of land. Something with an advantage. Heavy fortified walls, height, or a dense forest. The next step is making sure your soldiers truly believe in your cause. You feed them with information and bathe them in truth. You give them fresh bullets, not ones picked up off the ground from the fallen enemy that have set in the muck and mire. You give them shelter in the rain. You give them boots in the bitter cold snow, the situations you don't think you can make it through, for example the loss of a loved one. You press on into the blinding night and stand ready against the enemy that you can't see. You hit the ground and find cover when a sniper makes his presence known, and if he doesn't knock you off your feet you get up and make your shot. This is why you need practice, because if you miss your shot the sniper won't miss twice. You send your tools against the buzzing of the machine guns. You let responsibility and emotion cover you while you toss your grenades of honesty and commitment into the hornet's nest.

You simply don't give up, the war machine never stops and never will. There will always be a battle, this is why men build armies. This is why there are good people in this world. We build armies against corruption and lies. We never let up until the deafening noise of the explosions and gunfire stops, and when it does stop we take time to survey our surroundings and make sure our comrades made it through. We check our bodies over to make sure we are in one piece, then we march on until we have to defend our beliefs once again.

© 2016 Kyle

Author's Note

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Featured Review

Such power in words! I can't really tell in a cursory reading how much effort you put into this writing, but I can tell that you put something in there that you truly believe in. I love your comparisons between conflicts, though to be honest, it was almost comical when you mentioned "grenades of honesty". what is more honest than a grenade?

I find your definitions and perspectives in death and destruction intriguing; death has always been a fuzzy concept to me, because I don't Believe there's much of a distinction between death and life. Perhaps in future writing and musings, you could explore the true meaning behind death? I would certainly check it out.

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Years Ago

Thanks for the suggestion, I will defiantly try to expand on it.
Thanks for the review!


Such power in words! I can't really tell in a cursory reading how much effort you put into this writing, but I can tell that you put something in there that you truly believe in. I love your comparisons between conflicts, though to be honest, it was almost comical when you mentioned "grenades of honesty". what is more honest than a grenade?

I find your definitions and perspectives in death and destruction intriguing; death has always been a fuzzy concept to me, because I don't Believe there's much of a distinction between death and life. Perhaps in future writing and musings, you could explore the true meaning behind death? I would certainly check it out.

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Years Ago

Thanks for the suggestion, I will defiantly try to expand on it.
Thanks for the review!

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1 Review
Added on January 11, 2016
Last Updated on January 11, 2016
Tags: War, Emotion, Sobriety



Kansas City, MO

I am a 27 year old male from the Midwestern United States. My writings often reflect my love for nature. I use this love to refer to emotions such as grief, mourning, and first and foremost Love. I re.. more..

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