A Story by Mary Mac





People of the world lend me your ears, because this is an issue that you need to hear, and a decision that we need to make, in the world today! And it really can’t wait.

Child Abuse, is a serious thing, and people like ourselves, needs to hear their screams. Listen-up! People, I’ll like to ask you a question, Why do you think! Kids, feel depressions? (Hun?) What? Well, it’s because that they feel like they’re really not loved, not even from the ALMIGHTY! Up above.

Well let me tell you something, and listen well, because I am a person with a story to tell, from day one, I never had no fun, my mom gave me up! And left on the run, she left me wondering, for years and years, and my eyes were always filled with tears. I use to ask myself, “How could this be, she left me in this world, with no family,” and the family I had, I guess was the best! And their initials are, D.C.F.S.

They found me a family, and I hoped they cared, but when I got there, they just whipped me bare, I slept on the floor; I never asked for more, THEY BEAT ME, STUMPED ME, BURNED ME, EVERYTHING!

I asked myself, over and over again, “How could this be, a family?’

Until the age of six, I felt like a (BRICK!) NO-LOVE, NO-HUGS, JUST A SWIFT-KICK!

And/after, all of that, I moved on again, to a better family, whom became my friends. I stayed there a while, I even tried to smile, but all in all, I never had a ball, because I wasn’t blood, and I was bound to fall.

But listen up! Kids, take it from me, don’t dwell on the past, ‘cause it’s history, stay in school, don’t be no fool! Running around with your friends, trying to act real Kool, and eventually, you too will see, everything coming to you, will just be sweet.

And/kids, one more thing before I go, say no to DRUGS, GANGS, and the rest of the bad stuff, and that’s for sure.

And/then, remember this: (Moma-Mary,) loves you, so stay strong & stay tuff, Hugs & Kisses, I LOVE YOU! KIDS.











1.   Bed-wetting after normal ages, I myself, wet the bed up until my Mid-Twenties.

2.   If a child’s, grades goes from good to bad or from bad to worst.

3.   If a child’s, behavior starts to change unexpectedly from, quiet to withdrawn or from upset to throwing tantrums.

4.   When a child, doesn’t want to visit a certain family member, or friend of the family, NEVER.

5.    When the family pet (Ends Up) missing, DEAD, or BOTH.

6.   When the child starts to show too much, signs of affection, (Girls) sitting on, or between all men’s lap, and between the Legs, or on the lap, of unfamiliar men.

7.   (Boys) not wanting to date girls their own ages, having more than one girlfriend, constantly, and constantly acting out in a mannish way with themselves, others, or with lots of dirty magazines.

8.   When the child, has very few friends, or no-association.

9.   If the child suffers from attention disorders.

10.   Constant fighting with kids, of any age group.

11.   If A Child Has Suicidal Tendencies.

12.   Sudden, And Drastic Alterations, In the Way they Look, Dress and Act.



Pay close attention to your children, and you’ll see the signs…but hopefully there will be no signs of abuse to see, but if you do recognize any signs, my advice for you is to ask the child subtle questions, like is there something you’ll like to tell me, and if not! Remind the child that he or she can talk to you about anything, and then if and/when, they do come to tell you the unbelievable truth! Just be ready to accept the truth, and especially, if you don’t want to, because parents, it’s not about you, it’s about your children.

 And/once, you have found the truth to be true, this is when you     (PARENT) or (GARDIAN) reassure the child that it was not! Their fault, and it will never happen again, because by that time, the (POLICE,) would have-been called, RIGHT, Mom and Dad?

And/now that the perpetrator, is behind bars, your child can now begin to heal, and of course with the family support as a whole, but most of all…from a professional.

Now for the facts, most Gays and Lesbians, I know…

Has-Been, Sexually…Abused As A Child.




















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































 And/once, you have found the truth to be true, this is when you     (PARENT) or (GARDIAN) reassure the child that it was not! Their fault, and it will never happen again, because by that time, the (POLICE,) would have-been called, RIGHT, Mom and Dad?

And/now that the perpetrator, is behind bars, your child can now begin to heal, and of course with the family support as a whole, but most of all…from a professional.

Now for the facts, most Gays and Lesbians, I know…

Has-Been, Sexually…Abused As A Child.


© 2008 Mary Mac

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This is good, and helpful, but you shouldn't put that bit on the end. Because not most gays and lesbians have been sexually abused as children and it gives the air of being a curable thing. Enough therapy to get over the sexual abuse and more problems with being gay/lesbian. And that's not a good thing to perpetuate.

Posted 16 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on February 7, 2008
Last Updated on February 7, 2008


Mary Mac
Mary Mac

The Windy City, IL

I am a person who is very serious about my writings, but not only that...i feel that my writings are a gift from the Lord, and that was given to me, so that i could share my writing-gifts...with the w.. more..
