Protective, powerful, insightful and beautiful. The perfect yin yang...a prayer, a blessing, and a warning and curse at the same time. Motherhood brings about a beautiful, striking, and poignant balance.
yeah! when I lived in South Florida...there was this statue garden where I loved to sit and think. There was an African statue called 'Motherhood' was this big African lady hunched over her baby in a protective stance. Her face is fierce. This poem reminded me of that. Just beautifully done.
There is definitely some savageness to a mother when it comes to her young. This is a very cool write about a little slice of reality. Don't make me come over there! Nice job.
"the savage part of motherhood you never understand til you hold your own"
we do now... :)
Yeah you could say, savage part, but I think its a beautiful part of all people, and animals, how the female/mother of the species will take on the big males, without even blinking, to the death if need be, to protect their young.
My mom who raised six boys becoming a widow only nine years into her marriage, is one tough lady. Ever since we were young, she told us, if someone ever hits you, the only thing I ask, is that you hit them back harder.
Stay strong and teach your kids how to defend themselves mommy, its a tough world out there.
My name is Mary Hoyle and hopefully one day I will have written a great novel. I'm happily married and have a beautiful five year old little girl. Outside of my family books are my true love. more..