![]() MollyA Screenplay by Marty Herrick![]() An RP I did today. With a new friend.![]() You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! Question to discuss: i hate you, kill yourself! You: NO Stranger: Done. -SH You: NO! You: Wait how are you doing this Sherlock? You: SHERLOCK! Stranger: It's a bit of a long story. -SH You: I have time. You: Tell me Stranger: I knew I was going to my death, so I had to make a plan to survive. If I didn't kill myself, Moriarty was going to have you, Mrs. Hudson, and Lestrade killed. That was...unexpected. -SH You: Not me, You: I don't count Stranger: The important part is that I didn't die and I'm here now. -SH You: That's good. Everyone will be glad to see you! Stranger: You're wrong. Of course you count. I told you that. -SH You: You should tell everyone that. You: They need to see you Sherlock. Stranger: Sorry, just to clarify, who is it that I'm texting? My address book is a little...muddled. -SH You: Just Molly. I didn't want to confuse you with an MH, So I leave mine blank. Where have you been? Stranger: Ah, of course. I thought it was you, but I needed to be sure. -SH Stranger: I've been running. Hiding. Trying to bring down Moriarty's network so that it would be safe for me to come back without hurting the people I'd left behind. -SH You: John's been worried. Lestrade too, if you can believe it. Everyone, really. You: But especially John. You: Did you miss us? Stranger: I didn't realize how hard it would be on people. -SH Stranger: Of coursed I missed you all. I missed you, Molly. -SH You: John moved out of 221B. But Mrs. Hudson keeps it empty. You: He stays with me now. Guilt, I suppoese You: You, Missed me? Stranger: Oh...are the two of you a...thing? -SH You: Ha. You: That's funny. You: No, You: He's been around, but not really, here You: It was, complicated, for a bit. But never real. What about you? 3 Years is a long time. Stranger: Thank you, Molly, for looking after him. I watched him briefly before I left the country; I've been worried about how he was coping. -SH Stranger: I've been busy, as ever. For the first time in three years, I don't have a lead to chase or someone to run from. It's an odd feeling. -SH Stranger: How have you been? -SH You: John keeps me busy, keeping tack of him. And work's been all the more boring with you gone. People seem to die a lot more when you're not around. You: What country did you go to? Or is that 'classified'? Stranger: I've been all over. Lying low in countries where Moriarty didn't have a hold and traveling to ones where he did when necessary. I spent a lot of time in Argentina. A stint in the US, but not long. Complicated. -SH You: There was a lot of complicated after you left. Stranger: I do hope you'll have a good body for me to look at when I get back to Bart's. -SH Stranger: I know. I'm sorry for that, but I I couldn't allow Moriarty to hurt my friends. -SH You: The first few moths were the hardest, honestly. You: Die hard fans dressed up as you, and John was tortured endlessly. You: Mrs. Hudson was worried. Asked me to look after him. Stranger: Fans...I never really got my head around that part.-SH You: Look in the mirror sometime. It's not that hard to see. Brains, looks, and unattainable. Girls go wild. Stranger: People. It's so strange. You deserve fans, Molly. -SH You: No, I'm just a tech. Tech's don't need fans. Stranger: Neither do consulting detectives. You have at least one, be assured. -SH You: oh. That's so,s sweet. Thank you. You: Was it hard? To stay away for so long? Stranger: Yes, it was. It's strange- I'd gotten used to being alone. It was never a problem for me, and then John moved in and messed it all up. Suddenly, I was someone who didn't mind companionship. I missed you all so much. -SH Stranger: At the same time, though, I knew you were all safe, so it was a sacrifice I was willing to make. -SH You: I was so worried about you. If you were alright. I knew you had figured something out but, You: And I couldn't tell. It was so difficult. To keep it quiet. You: I can't let him in the Kitchen, you know. Stranger: Why is that? -SH You: He cuts or burns himself, "accidently" You: He's quick to patch himself up. You: but, i could tell. You: can't drink tea either You: or coffe Stranger: Damn. I was worried about that. When he first moved in, I could tell that he'd been doing that, but things changed and it seemed like he'd stopped. I never brought it up because it never became an issue. I'm glad you noticed too and were able to keep an eye on him. Stranger: He's...he takes things hard. You: He's never deliberate about it. I know that too, and he's never tried to hurt himself. But he's careless. You: He's a lot like you. Sad, when no one is looking Stranger: I never thought that all of this would affect him so much. I knew we were close and that he'd grieve, but I thought he'd move on.-SH Stranger: You were the only one who saw that about me, Molly. You are so much more perceptive that I gave you credit for. -SH You: Emotions were always John's strong suit Sherlock. You: He's much better about it now, but I still think of how he used to be. And that scared me. Still scares me. You: There are a lot of advantages to being invisible Sherlock. Especially to you. Stranger: He's a soldier and a doctor. He needs to be able to save people. Not being able to protect me must have hit him hard. (I'm going to forgo the -SH business) Stranger: I owe you an apology, Molly. Even after the hurtful things I said to you, you were still more than willing to help me when I needed it. I don't know if that's true friendship or masochism, but it means a lot, either way. You: It's a bit of both on my part I suppose. But I am always, always, glad to help you. You: Just, so I know, are you coming back? Ever? Stranger: Yes, you'll be seeing me very soon, I expect. I'd like to stop by your flat and see you, if you don't mind. Stranger: If you're not ready, I'll understand. You: That would be, perfect. Do you want John there? Stranger: Yes. Or maybe not. I'm not sure I'm ready to see him yet. What do you think? You: Well, to be honest I'm not entirely sure either. You: I know he would love to see you, You: but I don't want him to think it's a trick or cruel joke or, or, something. You: I never told him about your plans. You: He's been surviving on hope and memories mostly Stranger: I want to see him. I think I can make him understand. (How do you want to play this? Would you rather Sherlock just come to meet Molly, or should we play a three-person reunion?) You: (It's easier for me if we do two at a time. I can never keep track of more than four people in my head at a time, and John is at least three) You: We can arrange it. Are you sure? Stranger: Yes. I'm in the city now. I can come over at your earliest convenience. You: As soon as you can. He's out at the moment, and seeing you come in might be a bit much. Stranger: I'm outside.-SH You: *runs to the door* You: So you are. Stranger: ::knocks at Molly's door, overcome with apprehension at seeing a familiar face for the first time in three years.:: Stranger: Molly. You: Sherlock! You: ::She throws her arms arround him. You: God I've missed you Stranger: ::Sherlock tenses at the sudden contact, even though he expected it from her. He awkwardly wraps his arms around her too.:: Stranger: I've missed you too. It's...it's good to see you. You can't imagine. You: ::Molly doesn't want to stop, she forgot how real he is. But she tears herself away and grabs his hand. You: Come one, we're on the top floor. You: ::She nearly drags him up the stairs. Stranger: ::Sherlock follows her up to her flat, a little overwhelmed:: I like your flat. It's nice. Very...feminine. You: :: Molly shrugs, spinning in the small, cozy room. You: Ha. You don't have to lie. Stranger: Well, it's not my tastes, but I couldn't imagine you living anywhere else. I see that John's had some late nights. You: ::Molly drops her head and chuckles softly. You: You could say that. OH! You: ::She runs into the kitchen You: I should give you something! What would you like? Stranger: ::Sherlock follows her to the kitchen, looking around at the tidy, yet lived- in state of the room.:: Tea, if you don't mind. You: Just what I was thinking. You: ::Molly pulls down a dusty tea set. One she brought from Baker street. You: I was hopeing I'd get to use this. Stranger: Now there's a sight I wasn't sure I'd be seeing again. © 2012 Marty Herrick |
Added on February 20, 2012 Last Updated on February 20, 2012 Author![]() Marty HerrickAboutI read. Then I write. Then I read some more. I play Music and sing, and then read some more. Mostly I read, and I think it's good practice for writting. more..Writing