Falling over...
Trying again...
Blinding sun...
Giving up...
Blacking out...
How many tries,
does it take to succeed?
How many tries,
do you plan to exceed?
How do you let go,
memories that cling on?
How do you let go,
thoughts that had already gone?
How many times,
does it take to be free?
How many times,
have I been week?
How many thoughts,
have I pursued?
How many thoughts,
have I made about you?
How much courage,
can a person attain?
How much courage,
to let off the pain?
The worst pain,
throbbing in my head,
that clutched on,
to things I have never said.
I want to scream,
I want to shout,
this inner rage,
I want to let out!
I want this to stop.
I want this to disappear.
I want this to go away.
I want to run away without fear.
It's pissing me off,
I hate this emotion.
I don't understand why people love this,
I hate their comotion!