![]() Chapter 2, ComplicationsA Chapter by MellyBURSTOFbayum![]() .. Wonderful.![]()
Chapter 2
I stared at him in shock. I felt dizzy because his sapphire eyes were melting into mine…
“Um. H-hi” I stuttered, almost forgetting how to speak.
“You’re Jade, right?” he asked, softly.
I stared at him for a long time. For a second, I forgot how to speak.
“Yes. Why?” Well that was stupid. Why did I need to ask that?
“I was wond-”
Alexandra grabbed him by the arm and towed him away. I was surprised how sneaky she was. I didn’t think she was there... well, actually, I wasn’t even paying attention.
Seth was looking back at me with hard eyes. Well that was… entertaining. I didn’t really think it was this surprising, but it was entertaining.
I forgot it was lunch, so I ran up to the cafeteria and bought a drink.
I walked up to my lunch table, and sat down next to Dawn. There were some people that were new to me. One was Robert and the other was Daniel.
“Where have you been?” Lila demanded.
I hesistated.
“Um. I was at my locker,” I explained. “And I was talking to someone.”
Lila stared at me as if I spoke giberish.
“Who exactly were you talking to?” she asked slowley. I could see excitement brewing behind her eyes.
“Why do you need to know? Anyways, it’s not important. He just needed help with Geography” I faded once I said “He”. I knew I wouldn’t get away with that.
“Who’s ‘he’?”
If I told her, she’ll squeel. If I lie, she’ll keep asking me about Seth. I’ll go with the lie.
“I had to help Matt,” I said. “Nothing big,”
“Oh,” she turned away, puckering her lips, disappointed. “So, are you still mad at me?”
I thought about it for a moment, while unscrewing the bottle cap.
“Hell yes. You know that I have a family to take care of, if I can’t get that boy out of my head, my family would be in big trouble, and I mean big,” I said while giving her another dark look. She didn’t notice.
“Hm. Well sorry. I just wanted to help you, so you could go to the dance I mean,”
“I forgive you Lila, but I’m not going to the damn dance. I’ve got a lot to do next weekend,”
“Like what?”
I knew she would ask that.
“Um, like taking care of the dog,”
“Get you r brother to do that,”
“Taking care of my brother,”
“He’s in grade 8, please Jade”
“Helping my brother out with a girl problem,”
“Help him early,”
“I just don’t want to go,”
“Why Jade? It’ll be fun. Dawn and I will try to dance with you once our dates go hang out with Seth. Oh, also, what do you think about Seth?”
“First of all, You don’t need to do that for me. You guys go have fun with your dates. Secondly, would you stop asking me that question. You already know the answer. Now if you’ll excuse me, I still need to drink my bevrage before I start class,” I took a sip of my drink, and realised that it was already finished. “On second thought I’ll just go to my locker, and stay there until class starts.”
“You do know that Seth is going to follow you right?” she said, staring behind me.
“Why are you telling me this?”
“Because he’s standing up, staring at you.”
“Then go distract him. I need to go and relax without anybody interfering.”
“I don-”
“Then do it for me, you know what I went through. You know if I loved anybody, It would turn out really badly for them. Please, just do this for his sake.” I begged, with a hint of sorrow in my eyes. I didn’t want him to get hurt because of this.
She thought about it for a second, then she sighed.
“I guess so, I’ll just go and distract him,” She got up and walked up to him.
Whatever she was doing, made Daniel jealous and mad. I just stared at him, and he immidiatly knew what she was doing, so he turned back to his lunch.
Lila started coughing, and switched positions with Seth so his back was facing me. That was my queue. I ran out the cafeteria doors in a flash. I felt some people watching me run out. I was always good with running, and walked down to my locker, sinking down until my bottom touched the floor.
I brought my knees up and rested my forehead against them.
What was she thinking? Why does she want me and Seth together? She knows it isn’t possible. Not just because I have to take care of my family, I had a seventy-two percent of getting my mom’s stomache cancer. If I get that seventy-two percent, I want to try to avoid hurting as much people as possible. If me loving Seth is going to hurt him, I’m going to have to hurt myself by avoiding him, just so then he won’t be hurt in the future.
If I am the lucky twenty-eight percent, I still won’t love him because sooner or later, I’ll be the unfortunate seventy-two percent sooner or later. As much as I want Seth, I can’t. My cancer issure was one reason why I can’t be with him, and secondly, Alexandra is probably going to get him. I always thought that rude people would get what they deserved, but not in a good way. She always gets karma in a good way, while I get karma in a somewhat bad way.
The bell rang, signaling that lunch was over and you’ve got fifteen minutes before class starts.
I got up, dusted my pants, and opened my locker. I got the stuff I needed for the afternoon which was History, Music and Geography. The only class I had with Seth. Not only do I have the same class as him, I have to sit next to him.
I walked to History, leaving the simple concept out of my head, that Alexandra sits next to me. I really do hate her. She’s probably going to say “Haha, I won the man. You got nothing” and rub it in my face.
I personally don’t care if she got Seth to herself. As I said before. I didn’t want Seth to get hurt because of what I have.
I sat at my usual seat, and Alexandra was already in her seat. When I took my seat, she gave me a dirty look, and looked away. Did I do something? Whatever. She’s probably giving additude to everyone today.
When class started, Alexandra got up, and walked behind me. Then when she came back, she hit the back of my head by “accident”. Robyn started to snicker, who sat at the other side of me, then I took a peek at Alexandra who was holding in her laughter. I didn’t get it. I couldn’t get it, so I ignored her and did my work.
Class dragged. I had Music next. On the way to Music, people started to stare at me, and snicker at me as I passed. I reached to the back of my hair, and I felt something sticky stuck to my hair. It was cold. I took a piece out and it was gum. I screamed for a short period of time. What the hell! I was furious.
Tears started to well up in my eyes, blood started to rush to my cheeks, my hand started to shake, and I couldn’t stop. I felt clausterphobic. Cold sweat started to spread across my forehead. I suddenly ran towards the office. The tears started to blind me, so did the lights of the school. Alexandra was there, and pushed me which made me smack my head against the wall.
I fell over, dizzy. Some red liquid started to slide down my cheek. The last thing I saw was Alexandra snickering at me, then everything turned black.
* * *
The first thing I heard was a voice screaming at Alexandra. It started out all mushy, then it got louder, as if someone was turning up the radio.
“Alexandra, why would you do that!?” A seductive, yet malignant voice yelled.
I heard no reply. I didn’t want to wake up. One, was because I didn’t have the strength to move, and secondly, I didn’t want the lights to blind me.
I couldn’t make out the voice, since my head was messed up. Was I having a concussion?
I felt my finger nudge abit. Then someone screamed that I was finally moving.
“Hey, I think she’s awake!” someone shouted.
The talking stopped.
“Jade? It’s me, Michael” Michael softly said. I could hear the panic in his voice.
My eyes fluttered, then squinted because of the light.
“Where am I?” I asked, confused.
“You’re in the hospital, hun,” a friendly female voice replied. “Your head was bleeding, so we took an X-ray. Appearently, you’ve cracked your skull a bit. But don’t worry, it isn’t anything major” she promised
I looked at the end of my bed. My friends were there, staring with worried eyes. My dad was there, worried if I had amnesia. Michael was right beside me, with frantic eyes.
I saw something from the corner of my eye, someone leaving grabbing someone else’s arm, out the door.
I turned to look, but they’ve already left.
“Who just left?” I asked, still confused
Everybody stared at each other.
“Um,” Michael hesitated. I stared back at Lila. Lila shrugged.
“Oh, that was just Robert and Daniel, they needed to go somewhere.” Dawn answered cooly.
“Oh, where did they have to go, because I heard one of them scream Alexandra’s name… I think,”
“You didn’t hear “Alexandra” you actually heard “Alex and the drug”. Their friend Alex is going suicidal now,” Dawn explained. Everybody turned to her, relieved. “Why are you guys looking at her like that?” I asked
“Like what?” My dad asked. “Like you guys got something to hide from me, It just makes me feel untrusted.” I observed. They all looked at each other now. I turned to Michael to ask him, but he looked at me. I knew that look. He was going to tell me later, when everybody has left.
“Oh crap,” I croaked. “What day is it today?”
“It’s Wednesday, why?” Mike asked I turned to the nurse, who was writing something on her clipboard. “Am I going to be out of the hospital by Saturday?” I paniced. The nurse thought about it, while looking at her clipboard. “Yes hun, I think you’ll be out by... Thursday night. It isn’t a big fracture, but you need to be careful for at least a week. Say, what are you doing on Saturday that’s so important? It better not be something extreme, you’re still healing,” “Nothing big, I just have to do a piano recital. My friends are driving me there,” I pointed Lila and Dawn out.
The nurse looked at me, still doubtful. “Okay hun, just be careful, or you’ll be staying in the hospital” she warned. “I will” “Okay, now everybody leave. If Jade would like to go to her piano recital, let her rest,” the nurse ordered.
“Can my brother stay?” I asked, almost begging.
“Sure hun,”She said. “Just don’t stay here too long Mr.” she informed. “Thank you,” Mike and I said at the same time.
Everybody left except for Mike, and the nurse closed the door quietly.
“Okay Michael. Spill. Who was in here,”
“Alexandra was here…” he said slowly.
I could tell that someone else was here too.
“Robert and Daneil were screaming at her…” he said again. Slowly “I’m pretty sure that voice screaming at Alexandra was Robert or Daneil’s,”
“Oh. Okay, do you promise not to tell him that I told you? He’ll kill me if I did,” he begged
“I won’t I promise,” I assured him.
“It was…” He paused.
“It was…”
“It was Seth” he whispered.
I stared at him with disbelief. Why would Seth cared if I died or not?
“Why was he here?” I whispered.
“He was the first one who saw your run into the wall,” Mike explained
I winced at the memory.
“Oh, well thank him for me,” I whispered.
Then Mike left the room silently when I closed my eyes.
* * *
I woke up to another sunny morning. I slowly got dressed, careful not to have contact with my head, which wasn’t easy to do.
I went to the washroom to brush my hair slowly, wash my face lighlty. I didn’t bother tying my hair up. The gum was out. That was a good thing.
I drove to school in my dad’s car, still dazed what had happened on Wednesday.
I didn’t bother checking the time, I just got out of the car straight to my locker. I needed to organize my homework, my work…
I kept thinking about this until I got to my locker, and opened it. I took out my Science folder first, knowing that I will have a great deal of trouble if I didn’t start my homework now.
I felt a light tap on my shoulder, which made me jump a little.
“Hold on,” I said, still keeping my eyes in my Science folder.
I slowly turned around, still keeping my eyes in my folder. I looked up, then jumped back, hitting my head lightly against my locker.
I winced at the pain, rubbing the back of my head with my hand. I looked up again.
“Sorry.” He murmured.
“It’s okay, what are you doing in here anyways?” I asked, still in a little pain. I actually wasn’t aware that I wasn’t hesitating. I just talked to him like a normal person.
“I was coming here to tell you something,” He said in his seductive voice.
“Good time to tell me now, before I get back to Science mode,” I warned him.
His warm chuckle made me smile a bit.
“Yea, I was going to tell you that I’m going to the music festival tomorrow,” he said, still smiling I paniced a bit. He shouldn’t even watch me play, I wasn’t that great. But what makes me think that he’s going because I’m peforming?
“Oh, well, have fun listening to music,” I said. “I will,” he assured me. His smile was breathtaking. “And I am sorry about your head. I didn’t know Alexandra would be that mean,”
“It’s okay, to me, some things from the past that means nothing to me I forget,” I explained.
“That’s good. Oh, by the way, I’m Seth,” he introduced himself
“I know you. You’re the one who I nearly crashed into in Geography on Monday, The one who wanted to talk to me on Tuesday, and the one who saw me unconcious on the floor on Wednesday,” My voice faded away once I got to “Who saw me unconcious”. Why did I just say those things? I’m such a chatterbox now. I never was. Weird.
His face was hard, then relaxed with a small smile after.
“For someone who crashed into a concrete wall, you have a good memory,” He complimented. I winced in pain once he reminded me about my crash. I smiled.
“I’m Jade. You should know me by now after my long list of things that I reminded you about,” I said.
He laughed again.
“Yes, I remember you.”
The bell rang after.
“I’ll see you around,” he said, winking at me while he was turning around.
I blushed to the brightest pink when he left, which made my head spin.
“Jade, you’re blushing,” Lila giggled. “What happened?”
I turned to my locker and got my stuff for the morning, ignoring her completely.
“Jade what happened,” Lila asked sternly
“Nothing,” I said while closing my locker, and walking towards the Science room. Damnit. Lila was in my Science class, surely she’ll ask until I finally tell her.
Science class started, but Lila didn’t pumble me with questions. I knew she had many questions to ask, but she didn’t ask. She had a lot of opportunities to ask me, but she didn’t ask me. I think I really ticked her off now.
When the lunch bell rang, I walked to the cafeteria, thinking about buying a salad and a bottle of lemonade, which I did buy once I’ve gotten to the long line up.
I walked to my table, and greeted everyone. They all said “Hey” or “Hi” but Lila was the only one who didn’t say a word.
I sighed.
“Fine, fine. I’ll tell you, just talk to me again. Please,” I surrendered.
She smiled.
I leaned closer to her, so she was the only one who could hear my news.
“Seth talked to me. He said he was going to the music festival, winked at me, then left,” I whispered.
Lila squeeled so loudly, everyone in the cafeteria started to look at us, including Seth. The first pair of eyes I saw, were a brilliant sapphire colour, and at that moment, I knew they belonged to Seth.
He smiled at me, and I nodded, while smiling back, so only he could see.
I turned back to Lila.
“Shut up!” I nearly yelled.
She curled her lips to the back of her teeth. I knew the questions would be over… for now. She’ll surely call me right after she gets back home.
I went to my locker after lunch, and went to my fourth period time.
That’s when everything was chaos.
I entered my Geography class, the only class I had with Seth, knowing that I’ll be seeing a large crowd beside my class.
But something was wrong with that crowd. It wasn’t the happy go-lucky crowed. It was an anxious, worried, frightened crowd.
I walked slowley and pushed through the crowed, but not harshley.
Once I got through the crowed, I saw Seth unconcious on his desk.
I walked up to him and started to shake him. No answer. I slapped him lightly. No answer. I slapped his shoulder harshley. No answer.
My eyes started to grow paniced.
“Someone call the ambulance!” I demanded. “And someone help me get him on the ground so I can see what’s wrong, like NOW!”
“I’ll go get the ambulance,” Matt said while he ran out the door.
Chris and Jake got Seth on the ground gentely, and I looked at him once he got the ground.
I put my ear on his chest, where his heart was located. No answer.
“He isn’t breathing!” I screamed.
Everybody started to grow paniced.
I put pressure on his chest where his lungs would be, and checked his heartrate again. No answer.
“Still not breathing!” I screamed through my tears.
Now everybody started to scream.
“Damnit Seth please wake up! Or atleast breath!” I begged, knowing that nothing would do, unless…
I tilted his head slightly back gently, plugged his nose, and inched closer until our mouths touched. I gave him three breaths, pressured his lungs, and checked his heartrate. Still nothing. I tried that again, but this time, when I pushed his lungs, we all heard a loud ‘whoosh’ coming out. I checked his heartbeat. One,two,three. I smiled in relief.
“He’s breathing,” I said proudly.
Just then, the princaple, the paramedics, and Matt were pushing through the crowed. They put Seth on the strecher, leaving the scene.
I sighed, and went to my desk. The princaple came up to me.
“You should go with them too, Jade. I think Seth would love to know who saved his life,” he gestured towards the door.
“Okay,” I said, knowing that once the princaple was gesturing something, I had no choice.
I got into the car, and sat beside Seth.
“How did you do that?” one of the paramedics asked.
“I learned that in this babysitting course,” I said.
“What’s your name?” He asked
“Jade. Jade Hsia,” I said.
“Oh, your daughter’s of Me -”
“Yes, yes I am. Can you please not remind me?” I begged.
“Oh. Sorry.”
We got the hospital, and Seth went in for examining. I sat quietly outside.
Someone bursted through the doors. It was a young lady, probably in he late twenties, and ran up to me.
“Is Seth okay?” She panted anxiously.
“He’s fine. He’s just being examined,” I said, in a calmn voice.
She sighed in relief.
“I’m Seth’s mom. You can just call me Emma,” Emma introduced herself.
“Nice to meet you, Emma. I’m Jade. His Geography classmate,” I introduced back.
“Thank you so much for saving him! I never knew he had lung problems until now,” she thanked.
“It’s alright. I don’t think he had lung problems. He does most sports, it’s probably once,” I soothed her.
“Hope so”
Just then, the doctor came out, and Emma ran up to him.
“Is he okay?”
“Yes, It’ll probably happen once. Very common,” he assured
She sighed in relief.
“He had it bad though. Luckly this young girl –he gestured to me- saved him before it got serious,”
All of a sudden, Emma came running to me again, hugging me feriously.
“Thank you, thank you , thank you!” she chanted.
“You can go see Seth now, but please, he’s still resting,” he said.
I was about to leave, but Emma dragged me along with her, no escape now.
I stood at the end of the bed where Seth was lying. Emma sat beside him, and took his hand.
“I have a question,” Emma started.
“Are you and Seth…?”
“No, we’re just friends,” I said, while blushing alittle.
“Oh, well he must have really good friends. I’m glad you saved him,” she said.
“I’m glad too,” I whispered.
“Would you mined staying here until Seth wakes up or something? I have to go to work now,” she asked.
“Sure, just let me call my brother,” I said
She handed me her cellphone, and I dialed Michael’s school. I told them to tell him that I won’t be home anytime this evening. Someone got hurt and I needed to stay with them in the hospital. He can call me at the hospital. Then I hung up. I handed back Emma her phone, and she left.
I sat where Emma was, staring at his calmn face, for two hours, then decided to get up and move around.
I decided to get water, food and get a face cloth.
I close the door silently, and went to the mini store they had in the hospital. Weird I know.
I bought a face cloth, two bottles of water, and went to the hospital cafeteria to purchase some noodles. If I was going to stay there all night, I might aswell get things to eat.
I went to the girls washroom to dampen the cloth in the sink.
I went back to his room, and lightly placed the damp cloth on his forhead, and went to get my food out of the bag. I took out the shanghai noodles, the bottle of water, and silently ate.
I took a sip out of my bottle when I was done, and waited, until I fell asleep.
* * *
Something touched the back of my head lightly. Glad to know my head was better.
I slowly turned up and saw Seth looking down at me, smiling. I automaticly got up, realizing that I was sleeping on his chest. I blushed a deep red.
“Good morning sleepy head,” he whispered.
“Morning concious boy,” I said smiling.
He laughed his warm laugh and sighed.
“What time is it?” I asked, still half asleep.
“Just after three AM” he said.
“Oh! What time did you wake up?” I asked, shocked
“I woke up right after you fell asleep,” he said
“Why didn’t you wake me up then?” I asked, still blushing.
“You we’re really tired, I didn’t want to wake you up,” he said.
“Oh. Then you should be hungry by know,” I said while got the noodles out of the bag.
“Hell yes, thank you!” he said
“Would you like cold noodles?” I teased.
“Better then nothing,” he said while I handed him his cold noodles. “Um, I was wondering if you would feed me, I’m kind of tyed up,” he gestured towards the wires connected to him.
“Um, sure, I guess. Open up wide,” I teased again
He opened his mouth wide. I giggled then popped the noodles in his mouth with the chopsticks provided.
Once the noodles were finished, I slowly poured the water into his mouth, and stopped so he could swollow.
“Thank you,” he said. “Thank you for saving me and taking care of me,”
“It’s what I do,” I said proudly.
We were silent after that, so I took my homework out and started to work on it. I skipped a couple of lessons this week, and I was falling behind.
“I guess I don’t owe you anymore,” I said while doing my Science homework.
“You saved me from my accident, and I saved you from your near-to-death experience,” I explained.
“Oh. I guess one one then,” he agreed
I checked the clock. It was seven A.M.
“Oh shoot. I have to go to the music festival. Do you want me to check if you’re able to leave now?” I offered.
“Yes please. I don’t think I can stand another day in the hospital,”
I got up and stretched. I didn’t want to get up, but still.
I went to the doctor and asked him if Seth could leave now.
He said yes, then went towards Seth to de-wire him.
I slowly helped Seth up. His skin was a nice exotic scent, probably something I would never be able to smell in the exotic forests.
He got up slowly, and I offered to give him a bus ticket, he gladly accepted.
We got the the bus stop and waited for the bus to come. We got on and I got off before him
“Where were you?” Mike asked when I came through the door.
“My friend was in the hospital. She fainted during class, nothing big.” I said
“Really? Tell me the truth, Jade.” Mike said sternly.
“I’ll tell you upstairs,” I was aware that my dad was walking into the room.
“Hey Jade. Where were you last night?” My dad asked
“I was at the hospital. My friend fainted during class,”
“Oh, I hope she feels better,”
“She is,”
I ran upstairs after, waiting for Mike to get into his room so I could tell him.
“Okay, what happened.” He asked when he got into his room.
“Seth wasn’t breathing, so I took him to the hospital. His mom told me to stay with him until he woke up. But he didn’t so I got some food and water, then he woke up. I was about to leave, but he couldn’t feed himself, because all the wires and such,” I explained.
“Oh. I guess that’s okay,” he mumured to himself.
I laughed lightly.
“I have to change and get to the Music festival to do a sound check. Want to come?” I offered.
We got to the Music festival, and I figured out what time I was preforming. I was preforming at five-thirty.
It was nearly my turn when it was time to perform.
It was my turn and I got up on stage. The first pair of eyes I saw were Seth’s. Damnit. I thought he was joking.
I preformed this piano piece called “Study in A flat Major”, I almost messed up. I could feel cold sweat rolling down my face, but I pulled it together, and finally finished.
When that was over with, our school won. I took a couple of pictures, and left. I wanted to go to the lake, mostly because I was sweating like hell.
I drove to the lake after I dropped Mike off back home.
I got out of the car, and sat on the bench, staring at the lake with the sunsetting over the horizon. I climbed a tree, and stayed up there, veiwing the lake.
“Great job,” a voice said.
I looked down. It was Seth, smiling at me. I smiled back, not even hesitating.
“How did you find me?” I asked. “Oh, That’s for me to know, and you to figure out,” I stared at his playful mood. “Stalker. Don’t stalk me, then scare me to death,” “I scared you?” He asked. He was obviously enjoying this. “Sorry, I didn’t mean it.” I scowled. “I’m sure you are.” We were silent for a brief moment. “Come down, I want to give you something for doing a great job in the festival,” he offered. “It better not be an italian sports car,” I teased. I climbed down the tree We both walked together to a snack shop, and he ordered two cones of ice cream. I was still oblivious until he handed me an ice cream cone. I stared at it for a long time.
“You okay, Jade?” Seth asked. I opened my mouth, but no sound came out. I felt tears streaming down my face. I tried to keep myself together, but I couldn’t. I instantly turned around, and walked away to my car. When I was half way there, someone grabbed my shoulder, but I couldn’t tell who it was, so I used my self defense. I rolled my arm back, and twisted my body, until the arms were locked. I didn’t look up to see the face, I just took a step towards them, bending down, and pull their arm, while their body was sliding off my back. They landed on their back with a loud “Whoosh”. I closed my eyes, panting, while running to my car, hoping they won’t come after me. I went into my car. Tears started to drop from my face. I sat there for five minutes alone, until I saw Seth running towards my car. I automatically started the car and drove away, pretending to ignore him, and drove home.
* * *
I woke up to another Monday morning. School again. I groaned. That means I have to stand up to Seth now.
I unwillingly got out of my car when I arrived to school. I walked to my locker, and opened it. I saw a note fall out of my locker.
I curiously opened it.
It said with neat writing:
Meet me at the Lake after school.
© 2008 MellyBURSTOFbayumAuthor's Note
Added on September 12, 2008 AuthorMellyBURSTOFbayumToronto, ON., Shh, it's a secret :), CanadaAboutI am Melissa. Yes, I am superior, and I'm lovable >;). I'm kind of disappointed in myself.. Can you believe? Likin someone for five years... and you were only thirteen! It's sort of pathetic of .. more..Writing