We're Incognizant of Each Other's Love

We're Incognizant of Each Other's Love

A Poem by Poet Pittinix

It's a love poem.


At first, I felt a spark of love for Aisha.

Now it feels like a burning flame.

I’m becoming more and more attached to her.

We talked about this and that,

But she hasn’t told me the most important thing.

I haven’t said the chief thing I want say.

She’s unaware of my feelings for her.

And I don’t know whether or not she loves me.

I’ll wait because it pays to be patient.

Time will reveal the way I feel about her.


Aisha is such a vivacious young lady.

The night she shared her songbook with me,

Something made me love her.

I honestly don’t know what it was,

But I wonder if it made her love me too.

I’d be so delighted to marry her.

And I’d certainly make her a happy wife.

She’s a polite and amusing person.

Every time I talk to her, I lose control of myself.

Is there something the matter with me?


She entertains me with singing and drama.

And I concentrate on her performances.

Perhaps if I try to kiss her, I’ll spoil our fun.

So I guess I shouldn’t rush things.

She’ll find out that I love her sooner or later.

I’ve never met someone so exhilarating.

Her style and etiquette are admirable.

We’re incognizant of each other’s love,

Yet we hug each other with fondness.

Does she think I love her as I think she loves me?

© 2024 Poet Pittinix

Author's Note

Poet Pittinix
From Poet Pittinix with love.

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Added on July 2, 2024
Last Updated on July 2, 2024
Tags: fondness, performance, love, drama, flame


Poet Pittinix
Poet Pittinix

Kingston, West Indies, Jamaica

Hi everyone, I'm an author from Jamaica. I write poems, songs, and short stories. Do not send me any private messages. I came here to read and to publish my compositions, not to engage in controver.. more..

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A Poem by Poet Pittinix

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