My Final Appeal for Your Love

My Final Appeal for Your Love

A Poem by Poet Pittinix

Let's have the blues one more time, please.


Darling, this is my final appeal for your love.

If you’re not the one for me, who else can I turn to?

My youthful days are swiftly passing

And love won’t wait for me.

Happiness may come to me by the end of the term,

But I’m afraid time might not permit it.

I’m advancing in age and my health is fading,

And so I’m making my final appeal for your love.

I’ve been around for a few decades

And I’ve seen good times come and go.

To my recollection, I had a brief love affair once.

A pretty but naive woman loved me.

It was a thrilling experience

And I enjoyed every moment of it,

But for one reason or another,

I let her slip out of my grasp.

Now I stand face to face with the harsh reality,

Those golden days will never come back.

In this crowded world, I’m dying of loneliness.

There are so many people around me,

Yet I’m alone as a deserted island.

I was badly bitten by love once,

Now I’m twice shy of love.

What more could anyone expect of me?

If I could only put myself inside your thoughts,

Then perhaps I could win your moody heart.

Put your arms around me and receive me warmly, baby,

While there is still time for romance

And console the most lovesick man in the universe.


Why should I go solo all the years of my life?

Am I the only lonely person alive?

Besides, why should any man or woman be alone?

Has the world run out of caring people?

These unanswered questions exacerbate the pain in my heart.

Come to my aid, you fantastic dame,

Lest apathy and seclusion should overwhelm me.

I’ve spent countless hours writing romantic poems.

Pen and notepad are still in my hands,

But what more is there to write about?

My mood has grown black.

I’m so weak and depressed,

Sometimes suicidal thoughts cross my mind.

Darling, I’m waiting on you.

And as I wait, to you I’m appealing,

I’m appealing desperately for your love.

© 2024 Poet Pittinix

Author's Note

Poet Pittinix
This is an old piece from my elite collection of love poems.

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Added on June 10, 2024
Last Updated on June 10, 2024
Tags: depression, loneliness, love, health, thoughts


Poet Pittinix
Poet Pittinix

Kingston, West Indies, Jamaica

Hi everyone, I'm an author from Jamaica. I write poems, songs, and short stories. Do not send me any private messages. I came here to read and to publish my compositions, not to engage in controver.. more..
