Public Speaking

Public Speaking

A Poem by Poet Pittinix

This is a poem about the author.


Listen, I'm not a performer or an orator

I've explained this to you many times,

But you behave as if you lack understanding


Everybody has different ways and abilities

It's unreasonable to expect everybody to be the same

Some people are speakers, others aren't


I'm an author, not a conversationalist

I honestly don't want to be in the spotlight

And I don't like many eyes staring at me at once


You make me feel guilty and uncomfortable

Don't give me any assignments or responsibilities,

For I'm not a dependable person as I once was


Unfortunately, I can't read or recite dramatically

I'm always tense when I stand before an audience

Even if I'm addressing people whom I know well


The performers alone can’t make the show a success,

But you only praise the ones you see performing

You don't appreciate the work I do behind the scenes


I can't speak fluently due to a speech impediment,

So I have to avoid ridicule and embarrassment

Public speaking is for people who can speak well


I don’t like to engage in oral discussions

When I have an opinion of someone or something,

My writing figuratively does the talking for me

© 2024 Poet Pittinix

Author's Note

Poet Pittinix
This one is personal.

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Added on April 30, 2024
Last Updated on April 30, 2024
Tags: abilities, performer, discussions, reading, assignments


Poet Pittinix
Poet Pittinix

Kingston, West Indies, Jamaica

Hi everyone, I'm an author from Jamaica. I write poems, songs, and short stories. Do not send me any private messages. I came here to read and to publish my compositions, not to engage in controver.. more..
