ManA Poem by Anthony Guest
“It is said that a man should never cry,That the pain he carries in his soul should never run like a river from his eyes,But only contained within them,Forever Filled with a cold pain that can never be shared, For if he we’re to shed tears he is not a man ,For he should be labeled weak,Unable to escape this mantle placed upon him from Birth he walks in this world fearful of the rain within him,Condemning himself to a cold loneliness that can neverBe expressed with words or the touch of his hands,A storm of pain brews within him,Drowning out the compassion and love of others,Only to know solace in the center of his loneliness ,Why must a man not cry if the tears he shed grant’s him peace,Allowing the warmth of others to drive away the coldness,Guiding him o' the self-destructive path of loneliness, A man must cry to be free of himself. “
© 2020 Anthony Guest |
Added on November 15, 2020 Last Updated on November 15, 2020 Author