![]() The Shrinking Potion (Chapter 3)A Chapter by NigellaStory1 (Chapter 3)
Testing The Potion Just as Katherine finished making the potion, Maeve returned. "Good timing Maeve!. I'm just finished!" she said. "Well I was so excited that I just couldn't wait to get back!" Maeve exclaimed. "Is that it? My! It looks really good!" "That's what I could come up with in the time allowed." Katherine told her. "Excellent. Now we can see what this does!" Maeve remarked as she picked up the bottle. "You know Maeve." Katherine said quietly and thoughtfully. "This particular potion is only going to work one or two possible ways." "Which are?" "Well if it works....at best....we'll grow bigger and stronger, both mentally and also physically so I really hope that's not a new skirt you're wearing! You don't want to burst it now do you?" "Wait a second Kathy. Are you saying that we both could potentially burst out of our clothes because of this formula?!" Katherine nodded. "Yes we could Maeve." Katherine replied solemnly, "We would hate to start growing bigger and bigger until all other clothes burst open!" "That's one thing. What's the other thing that could happen?" "Well...it IS a shrinking formula if you remember so, you don't really need me to tell you what could potentially happen there!" Maeve nodded slowly as she took in every single word that Katherine had said. "Well....there's only one way to find out now isn't there?" Maeve exclaimed as she opened the bottle. She took a swig of the formula. She frowned a little. "Tastes very bitter!" she remarked. "It's bound to!" replied Katherine. "Remember, it's been in there for an extremely long time up to this point!" she said as she also took a sip of the formula. "Well.....nothing's happening!" Maeve remarked after about five minutes. "I guess that old potion must have lost its effect a long time ago!" Katherine nodded sadly. "Well....I did my best!" But Maeve had spoken too soon. A few seconds later, both women started to experience a severe pain in their stomachs. They both winced and grimaced at this. Maeve suddenly let out an extremely loud belch; dark-blue smoke absolutely billowing from her mouth. A few seconds later, Katherine did the exact same thing. Both women jiggled, wriggled and writhed about rather violently; almost as if pins had suddenly been driven into both of them. And then....the dizzing spells began. It took Katherine a few seconds before she gradually realised that it wasn't her head that was spinning; it was herself! She managed to look over at Maeve. "Well now......I think we've gotten our answer!" she remarked. "Is it my imagination or is this kitchen getting bigger?!" Maeve cried out. "It's not the kitchen that's getting bigger Maeve!" Katherine called back. "It US two that are getting smaller! We're shrinking!" "Looks like you were right Kathy!" Maeve shouted back as they both continued spinning around quite rapidly. Katherine nodded quickly. "I told you that this could happen Maeve, didn't it?!" Maeve smiled sadly. "Ohhh! This is just GREAT, Maeve!" Katherine managed to exclaim as she twirled about. "Well! Don't try and blame me for this mess!" Maeve countered. "You were the one who mixed the wrong liquids together!" "Because you TOLD me too!" Katherine shot back. "I didn't tell you to mix the shrinking formula with the strength formula!"Maeve said in a panic-filled voice. "It's just a really good thing that we live out here in the country far away from everyone else!" "You're not joking! If this was the city, that'd be pretty bloody awkward to say the least." replied Katherine. "Ohh great! My bra's beginning to fall off!!" Maeve belched and retched rather violently as she manged to stumble her way to the kitchen door in between twirls. "I'm getting out of here before who knows what will happen next?!!" she exclaimed. Katherine, still spinning around, managed to turn her head enough to ask, "Where are you going now?!!" "To the garden!!!" Maeve yelled in pain as she slammed the door behind her. Katherine also belched and retched quite violently. (I've got to sit down! At least then, I can transform into whatever I become a little bit easier. Maeve's going to have the worst of this! When she transforms in the garden, she'll have a much harder job trying to get back into the house than I will!) She plopped down somewhat heavily and abruptly on a chair. Luckily enough, it just about managed to hold her weight. She grasped and grimaced at her stomach, billows of dark-blue smoke absolutely billowing out from every part of her clothes. Then, she felt herself experiencing a falling sensation. As she did, she looked down and saw the floor gradually coming up closer and closer to her face. Then, somewhat abruptly, everything suddenly went dark. She found herself entrapped in what looked like sheets and blankets which, by chance, just appeared to be the exact same colours as the clothes that she had been wearing only a few moments before. ************* In the garden, Maeve stumbled and twirled in amongst the extremely thickly-covered rose bushes. Dark-blue also billowed from every part of her. And then, just like Katherine, she found herself falling endlessly through the depths of space and time. "Neeeaaarrrrgggghhh....Oooohhhh!!!....Bellllcccchhhh!!" she exclaimed in pain. Then: "Whoooosssssshhhhhh!!"; everything suddenly went dark and quiet. A great and ominous silence arose amongst the stillness of the countryside. ************* © 2016 NigellaStory1 |
Added on April 9, 2016 Last Updated on April 9, 2016 Author