After Dark

After Dark

A Poem by Marina Hartner

What happens under the cloak of midnight?


Door slams shut,
Eyes spring wide,
Welcome to my world of lies.

Windows up,
Curtains drawn,
Watching for the light of dawn.

Moon above,
Glances down,
Throws shadows all over town.

Silence speaks,
Takes its place,
In every room on every face.

Alone at last,
Pretence stops,
Mask of smiles finally drops.

Eyes like rivers,
Wetted cheeks,
Pools of cold upon the sheets.

Screen awakes,
Fingers tap,
Up and down amongst the black.

Laughing now,
Who knows why,
All logic does this time defy.

Secrets sing, 
Taking form,
As words within a churning storm.

No one knows, 
No one will,
The mysteries of my night-time thrill. 

© 2015 Marina Hartner

Author's Note

Marina Hartner
Any comments welcome!

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Added on November 2, 2015
Last Updated on November 2, 2015
Tags: Night, dark, midnight, secrets, silence


Marina Hartner
Marina Hartner

United Kingdom

Sometimes I use big words that I don't fully understand because they're just so formidable. Sometimes I use big words because they're so intrinsically pertinent to my life. To be honest, I just real.. more..
